NTeQ Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: All About Animals

Subject Area(s): Language Arts Grade Level: 2nd grade

Lesson Summary

Briefly describe the purpose of the lesson and the student activities.

This lesson will be focused on the students creating a PowerPoint Presentation. Using this program, students will demonstrate their knowledge of animals and their characteristics. The purpose of this activity will be to strengthen the children’s knowledge of the internet and their language skills as well. The students will refer to certain webpage’s to complete this assignment. Handouts will be passed out to the students to be used as an aid.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

1. Identify the placement of the keys and usage of them. (Knowledge).

2. Learn basic operations such as open, save, and exit. (Knowledge)

3. Learn simple tools such as spell check and grammar check. (Literacy)

4. Learn to be creative by using different templates and pictures. (Literacy)

5. Learn the format of a Presentation. (Application)

6. Learn to use the printer. (Knowledge)




1. Basic Operations and Concepts (1)

2. Technology Productivity Tools (3)

3. Technology Communication Tools (4)


C/T K-2.1

C/T K-2.2


Students will need a chair, desk, computer, and handout.

It is helpful to include a “Think Sheet” of questions that require students to use critical thinking skills.

|What is my favorite animal? | |

|What do I know about this animal? | |

|What other things can a PowerPoint be used for? | |

|Why are headings useful? | |

Computer Functions and Data Manipulation

|Computer Function |Computer Application |Data Manipulation |

|Turning on | | |

|Open Program |PowerPoint | |

|Look at WebPages |Internet Explorer |Copy pictures and sounds |

|Type presentation |PowerPoint | |

|Print project |Printer | |

Specify Problem

Write in language you will use with students. For example, Today, we are going to investigate…… What would you do if …..

Today we are going to make a slideshow on the computer. Do you know what a slideshow is? A slideshow is a series of screens that contain information, pictures, sounds, and even movies. Today we are going to make a slideshow about some of our favorite animals. We are going to write a description of them, include a picture, as well as an example of what sounds they make. We will use certain websites to find this information and to complete the assignment.

Results Presentation

For Results, please see attached file.


1. Select Start from the bottom of your screen, Select Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft PowerPoint.

2. On the RIGHTHAND side panel, Select > Create New Presentation.

3. Under New, Select > From Design Template .

4. Select a design that will be easy to read from far away. Double click on it.

5. On this slide, where it says “Click to Add Title”, click and type “My Favorite Animal”.

6. Click on “Click to add subtitle” and type your name here.

7. Go to the toolbar at the top of your screen, Select Insert > New Slide.

8. On the RIGHTHAND side panel, Find “Other Layouts”, and Select the FIRST layout template by clicking once and selecting > Apply to Selected Slides.

9. We will continue our PowerPoint presentation soon, but right now we have to go collect information from the INTERNET!

10. Bring your cursor to the bottom of the screen, the Start Button should reappear. Click on this, Select Programs > Internet Explorer.

11. Type in this URL: and press enter

12. [pic]

13. You should see this:


14. You will come to a webpage that talks about the animal you have selected. Pick three things you read about. You will not go back to your PowerPoint – do NOT close out of the webpage.

15. On the second slide, I want you to make a heading that says “Facts”

16. In the text box below (the rectangle on the LEFT), I want you to write three sentences (in bullet form) about what you read. After each sentence, press ENTER and another bullet should appear.

17. Go back to the webpage and “right click” on the picture of your animal on the page. Select “Save picture as” and type yourname_name of animal (ex: MissParker_Cat). Return to 2nd slide and on the right rectangular box, Select Insert > Picture > From File. Select the picture you just saved and click Ok. Does your picture come up? If not, raise your hand and I will come help you.

18. Insert a third slide. This template will be the 2nd template listed under “Other Layouts”.

19. Make the heading of this one “Things I like about _____ (your animal).

20. This time, the text box is on the right hand side. Again, click here and write three bullets about the things you like best about your favorite animal.

21. Now go back to the webpage and change the URL to: . This website is a search engine. A search engine allows users to type in a keyword and then searches the web for information pertaining to the word(s).

22. Right now the “Web” Tab is active, please click on “Images”. Instead of searching for text, the engine will search for pictures on the word you enter.

23. Next, type in the name of your animals and search.

24. Repeat the steps above to save and insert the picture into your third slide.

25. Save the PPT under your name )Ex” Miss Parker_PPT).

26. Print your presentation.

27. Turn on your computer.

Lesson Introduction – Briefly describe how you will introduce the problem and how you will address any prerequisite skills, share learning objectives, and provide needed information.

Before doing this project, we will have a discussion about animals concerning colors, actions, and where they live. Then, I will let them know we are going to present out favorite animals to the class. We will also talk about giving presentations using lecture and visual aides. This will be an introduction to PowerPoint as a visual and lecture aid. Prior to this activity, students will have used computers, typed, and learned the basic operations of a computer. I will encourage them to use correct spelling and grammar. I will also provide a handout that will give them the steps to complete the project.

Computer Activities

|Activity 1 |

|Activities to be completed: |

|Prior to going to computer |

|Discussion about animals and presentations |

| |

| |

|At the computer |

|Wait to turn it on. |

|Wait for instructions and the handout. |

|Follow the steps on the handout with the class. |

|Save this document. |

|Print the document. |

| |

|After going to computer |

|Hand in the project. |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Culminating Activity – Briefly describe how main ideas will be reviewed and/or final presentations given.

I will facilitate a group discussion about the format of a PowerPoint. We will discuss templates, headings, pictures, etc and the function and importance of each. We will hypothesize what other material we might use in a presentation and other things we might have included in this one. I will also put together a binder full of the class’ favorite animals for display.

Assessment Use a template similar to the one below to develop your rubric(s). A sample is provided to guide your writing.

Rubric Template. Place performance objectives in the first column, then create descriptions of each level of performance.

|Objective or Performance |Beginning |Developing |Accomplished |Exemplary |Score |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 | |

|Learn the format of a |The format of the powerpoint |The format resembles the |The format is nearly correct |The format has very little | |

|basic powerpoint |has very little similarity to |example. Spelling, |and the spelling, grammar, |mistakes, it is creative, and| |

| |the example given. The |Punctuation, and Grammar needs|and punctuation is decent, |the spelling, grammar, and | |

| |Spelling, Grammar, and |improving, Only 1 or 2 slides |All slides are completed |punctuation are also with few| |

| |Punctuation is poor. Not all |are not complete | |mistakes. All slides are | |

| |slides are Completed | | |complete with all | |

| | | | |information. | |


Click on Animal Information to find your favorite animal

If you see an animal you like listed here, click on it!

You may select this if you do not see your favorite animal listed. Use this to search for animals by letter.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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