Alaskan Animal Research Project - 2018 Iditarod Teacher on ...

Alaskan Animal Research Project

Developed by: Jeff Peterson ?2004 Iditarod Teacher on the TrailTM

Discipline / Subject: Science/Writing

Topic: Alaskan Animals

Grade Level: 3-8

Resources / References / Materials Teacher Needs:

Work cited page


Grading Form

Animal questions form

Note taking sheet (facts)

Alaskan animals project outline form

Riddle letter

Lesson Summary:

This lesson involves a research project on an Alaskan animal. The project serves as an introduction to a research

PROCESS that is started from the very beginning. You can modify from the forms that are give to easily meet the

needs of your students. The skills that I am most concerned with are research and organizing information. I try to

collaborate with our school librarian to have him/her help with the works cited form and basic research. It just

works well to integrate the Alaska and the Iditarod.

Standard's Addressed: (Local, State, or National)

1. Media and Observation (MN Graduation Standard)

Learning objectives:


1. Students will understand how to begin, research,

Method of assessment for learning.

organize and write on a given topic

- Notes, Sentences, Cover, Written Report, map, works cited,

2. Students will apply their knowledge of the research

illustration and riddle.

process to an Alaskan animal.

Procedural Activities

1. Teacher will give introduction to the project on Alaskan animals 2. Students, in groups of 2-4, will brainstorm and write a list of the animals they think live in Alaska. 3. Students will go into the library to check resources to see if the animals on their lists do in fact live in Alaska. 4. Students will select one animal individually, and on Alaskan Animal Report will list questions they want to find out

about their animal. 5. Students will group questions into "research categories" (see facts research form). Students will need to find

between 3-5 facts from each category. 6. Students will write facts into complete sentences to form paragraphs. 7. Students will complete coverage page for their report. 8. Students will complete "Works Cited" with teacher or librarian. 9. Students will do an illustration of their animal 10. Students complete Alaskan map with:

- 5 largest cities - Surrounding bodies of water.

11. Students will complete 5 clues for a riddle on their animal.

Materials Students Need: 1. Patience 2. Color crayons, pencils or markers

Technology Utilized to Enhance Learning:

Students will use the Internet to research and can create a power point presentation upon completion of the written project.

Other Information This is a very time consuming project, but one that is really beneficial in terms of learning and fun.

Modifications for special learners/ Enrichment Opportunities I really try to have all students complete this project regardless of his/her ability level. It takes a lot of effort to collaborate with Special Ed., Gifted/Talented, etc. but the research process is a very important skill.

Iditarod Activities for the Classroom ? Book II Page 58





Water Mammals

Arctic Fox Bison (Buffalo) Black Bear Brown Bear (Grizzly) Caribou Dall Sheep Lemming Lynx Moose Mountain Goat Muskox Polar Bear Porcupine Red Fox River Otter Sitka Black-tailed Deer Snow Hare Wolf Wolverine


Alaska Blackfish

American Dipper

Arctic Char

Arctic Tern

Arctic Grayling

Bald Eagle

Brook Trout

Boreal Owl


Canada Goose

Chinook Salmon


Chum Salmon

Common Raven

Coho Salmon


Cutthroat Trout


Dolly Varden

Great Gray Owl

Lake Trout



Pacific Loon

Peregrine Falcon

Ptarmigan (state



Red-faced Cormorant

Snowy Owl

White Wagtail

Beluga Whale Blue Whales Giant Pacific Octopus Humpback Whale Killer Whale (Orca) Seal Sea Otter Steller Sea Lion Walrus

How many more can you find?

Iditarod Activities for the Classroom ? Book II Page 59

Alaskan Animal Report

Name___________________________ Choice of Animal _____________________ Information I would like to know about my animal: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Iditarod Activities for the Classroom ? Book II Page 60

Fact Sheet Name___________________________ Facts about the _________________________________

Source: ______________________________________________


F = Food RY = Raising their young

CH = Characteristics

HL = Habitat/Location IF = Interesting Fact

Iditarod Activities for the Classroom ? Book II Page 61




City of Publication __________________________________________________________

Publishers _____________________________ Copyright Date ______________ (Example: Smith, Alex. Tigers, New York: Scholastic, 1999)


Title of Article___________________________________________________

Title of Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________

Copyright Date _________________________________ (Example: "Whale." World Book Encyclopedia. 1991)


Title of Article __________________________________________________

Title of CD-ROM __________________________________________________

Edition or Version__________________________________________________

(Example: "Iowa" World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1999)

World Wide Web (Internet)

Title of Article __________________________________________________

Date of your Visit_________________________________________________

Full Web Address__________________________________________________

(Example: "Seals" 10 September 2004 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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