Historical Figure Biography PROJECT

In this unit you will choose an important historical figure to research.

We will use the computers and go to the library where you will be taught to use the resources and to find information about your person. Once you have the data, you will present the information using two different genres. You will create a timeline and a diary entry focusing on your person. You will do all rough work and revision and editing in class. You must use the information you gathered in your research in your writing.

You are expected to date and keep all your work towards this project as all will be collected and evaluated. To stay organized clear a section in your binder for just this project or use a duotang to keep your work together.

Outline of expectations


• List 20 questions you need to find the answers to about your person (these are a guideline for your research and you are not required to find answers to all your questions – though you probably will).

• Research your person using at least three different sources. Example: internet, book, and encyclopedia.

• Record information about your sources on the data file sheet given to you.

• Find 75-100 facts about your person (these will only be accepted in point form to avoid the possibility of copying). Please number your facts.

• Organize these facts into 4 or more categories (this will be the “good copy” of your research). Please number your facts.


Timeline rough draft and good copy

Diary Entry

• Prewrite for the diary. Including graphic organizer, story outline, outline of how you will use your facts.

• Write rough draft of the diary.

• Revise, Edit (both peer and individual) your rough draft.

• Good Copy


Refer to the rubric for requirements for each piece.

Know that presentation matters.

Know that you will be asked to hand in everything you do (every scrap of paper you are given or work on) and that everything counts.

Be creative.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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