4th Grade Animal Research Project

4th Grade Animal Research ProjectDue by: Wednesday October 10Step 1: ANIMALChoose any specific animal. For example, if you want to choose a fox, tell me which fox: Arctic, Fennec, or Red Fox. You will need to choose an animal from one of the vertebrate or invertebrate groups we have studied. (Reptiles, Mammals, Fish, Birds, Amphibians, and many invertebrates!) Your choice will need to be approved by Mrs. Dawes, on the attached slip.Step 2: RESEARCHBegin researching your animal. We will have time to do this at school, but students may also wish to do additional research at home. You must have a minimum of four resources and they must be sited in APA formatting; you’ll need to do this during the Science Fair Project so this is great practice!You will have some time during class to do research, but some will need to be done at home. Please DO NOT use sites where anyone can submit information, like Wiki Answers. Suggested sites include: *DON’T FORGET TO WRITE DOWN THE NAMES OF EACH RESOURCE! Site them in APA formatting style. For websites, this means you need to make a list of websites you used in this format: Author (date of publication). Title of article. Title of Website. Retrieved from website urlStep 3: REPORTOnce you have gathered your information, you must begin writing your report. Your report should be organized as follows: (Please double check to be sure that all of the information is included!) Your report should be either typed in an essay in Microsoft Word or a Google Doc, or it can be neatly handwritten. Typed reports should be in the following format: Times New Roman, 12 pt. black font, double spaced, 1” margins. Each paragraph should be between 5 and 7 sentences long. Paragraphs 1 and 5 can be slightly shorter. Title Page: Include a title, your name, and a picture or drawing of your animalParagraph 1: Characteristics/Introduction? Write about the distinguishing features or interesting facts about your animal. Here you should give information regarding whether the animal is a vertebrate or invertebrate, and if it is a mammal, reptile, etc. What are the characteristics of that group of animals?Paragraph 2: Habitat? Describe the habitat and ecosystem your animal lives in (tundra, taiga, grasslands, mild forest lands, desert, tropical rain forest, saltwater shores, freshwater rivers, freshwater lakes and ponds, open sea-surface, deep sea, etc.)Paragraph 3: Food? Describe what food is available to your animal in its habitat and how it gets and eats its food. What other animals are its predators and prey? What is your animal classified as, based on what it eats?Paragraph 4: AdaptationsDescribe different ways your animal has adapted its body or lifestyle to survive in its habitat (camouflage, mimicry, is it a learned behavior or an inherited behavior, is it a body adaptation or a behavioral adaptation, etc.). Paragraph 5: Conclusion and ConservationSummarize your paper and why it is important to protect your animal. How can humans help conserve the species and environment your animal lives in? Is your species endangered, and if so, how severely? Bibliography: List your resources (on a separate page, titled bibliography) in APA format (See attached page for more details). Step 4: VISUAL AIDChoose one of the following visual aids to accompany your report. If you have another idea of what you’d like to make, please let Mrs. Dawes know:3-D Diorama? Construct a diorama, a three-dimensional scene which includes models of your animal in its habitat.Cool Collage/Poster? Create a collage showing pictures or 3-D items that relate to your animal and the research you found.Picture Book? Create a short picture book, including illustrations, about your animal. The purpose of your book is to encourage younger students to learn about your animal. Remember to include an eye-catching cover.Animal Planet Reporter? Pretend you are a reporter from Animal Planet presenting a segment on your animal. Write a short script to help you decide what you will report on. Then, video tape your newscast. Remember to share the most interesting facts about your animal. PowerPoint? Create a PowerPoint presentation to outline the information in your report. Make your presentation exciting by adding pictures, animation, and a cool background. Step 5: Turn it in! Your 5 paragraph report, bibliography, and visual aid are all due to Mrs. Dawes by Wednesday October 10. You will have an option to present your visual aid to the class, on either Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday October 10-12. All parts of your project must be turned in on time if you want to receive full credit. 10 points will be deducted per day that your project is due. Grading Rubric:Title Page _______/3 PointsIntroduction/Characteristics: Paragraph 1_______/5 PointsHabitat: Paragraph 2_______/15 PointsFood: Paragraph 3_______/15 PointsAdaptations: Paragraph 4_______/15 PointsConservation/Conclusion: Paragraph 5________/10 PointsBibliography________/10 PointsVisual Aid________/22 pointsTotal Score_________/100 POINTSImportant Dates:Wed. Sept. 19: Projects given to students and discussed in class. Fri. Sept. 21: Project Permission Slip signed by student and parent, turned in to Mrs. Dawes for a 10 point homework gradeMon. Sept. 24: Work on projects during class time- Focus on researching facts about your animal. Wed. Sept. 26: Work on projects during class time- Focus on research and/or writing report. Thurs. Oct. 4: Work on projects during class time during both periods- Focus on writing report/ making visual Wed. Oct. 10: Animal Project Due (Report, Bibliography, and Visual Aid)Permission Slip: Student Name: __________________________________ Animal Species: ___________________________Visual Aid Type and Description: _____________________________________________________________Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________Parent Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________Teacher Signature: __________________________Date Turned In: _____________________ ................

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