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Medium Term Plan – Y2/Y3 Spring YEAR B

Hamilton are providing a two year rolling programme. This means that the Y2/3 teachers will not be in any danger of using the same plans from for two years running. This means that the Y2/3 teacher can use the Set A plans one year and the Set B plans the next year so that no child in Y2/3 should ever repeat a plan!

|Term |Fiction |Non-fiction |Poetry |

|Spring |Plan 1B: Stories about getting angry |Plan 1B: Newspaper reports |Plan 1B: Poems on a theme: fur and feathers |

| |Required texts: |Recommended texts: |Required texts: |

| |The Day No one was Angry by T Tellegen and M Boutavant |Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks by N Loewen |Required poems with plan |

| |Description: |The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by J Scieszka |Description: |

| |Read and enjoy animal stories from the book The Day No one was Angry |Trust Me: Jack’s Beanstalk Stinks by E Braun |In this Fur and Feather poetry unit, children will have the opportunity|

| |which explores issues around anger in a humorous way. Learn about verbs |News Story… Police Error Hamilton Group Readers |to explore many poems all about pets and birds and even dragons! With |

| |and the different ways they are used. Write a story with a message about |Description: |the emphasis on direct speech and powerful imagery, they will |

| |anger and how we can deal with it. |Learn how to be journalists and write a report for The Traditional Tale|collaborate to learn, perform and write their own versions of the poems|

| |Grammar focus: |Times newspaper. Using Goldilocks Rocks, The True Story of The Three |they have enjoyed. |

| |Year 2 |Little Pigs and Jack’s Beanstalk Stinks, explore familiar stories with |Grammar focus: |

| |Use the present and past tenses correctly, including the progressive form|new twists. Write a report for a class newspaper. Become confident |Year 2 |

| |Year 3 |writing in the past and present tense and use speech punctuation |Use sentences with different forms |

| |Learn the grammar for y3 in Eng Appendix 2 |accurately. Know the difference between direct and indirect speech. |Learn to use new punctuation correctly |

| |Use the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense |Grammar focus: |Year 3 |

| | |Year 2 |Explore a range of sentences |

| | |Use the present and past tenses correctly |Use and punctuate direct speech |

| | |Use and understand the grammatical terminology in Eng Appendix 2 |Use commas… |

| | |Write statements | |

| | |Use familiar punctuation correctly | |

| | |Year 3 | |

| | |Extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a | |

| | |wider range of conjunctions | |

| | |Use and punctuate direct speech | |

| | |Use present perfect form rather than simple past | |

| |Plan 2B: Fantasy fiction |Plan 2B: Recounts |Plan 2B: Poetry about space |

| |Required texts: |Required texts: |Required texts: |

| |The Wonder by F Hanson |Just a Dream by C Van Allsburg |Space Poems by G Morgan |

| |The Flower by J Light |Quest (Journey Trilogy 2) by A Becker |Description: |

| |Imagine that! Hamilton Group Readers |Dream On Hamilton Group Readers |Read some awesome poems about our solar system in Space Poems chosen by|

| |Description: |Description: |Gaby Morgan. Find out about the planets and compose riddle poems. Write|

| |It’s time to let loose wild and whacky imaginations as children read The |Recounts retell something that has already happened! In this unit |a celebratory list poem about the earth using noun phrases. Make a |

| |Wonder, The Flower and Imagine that! They work on clauses, conjunctions |children will use Just a Dream by Chris Van Allsburg and Quest by Aaron|shape poem about the sun. |

| |and phrases as they unleash their creative powers in new versions of the |Becker to learn the features of a recount. Children practise sequencing|Grammar focus: |

| |stories they have read in class. |events from familiar stories and use time adverbials to indicate the |Year 2 |

| |Grammar focus: |sequence to readers. They will understand how to add detail and |Use expanded noun phrases to describe and specify |

| |Year 2 |description to their writing using prepositions and prepositional |Learn the grammar from Appendix 2 |

| |Learn how to use the present and past tense of verbs correctly |phrases. They learn how to extend sentences using conjunctions and also|Year 3 |

| |Use and understand the grammatical terminology in Eng Appendix 2 |know how to ensure their writing makes sense by consistently using the |Choose nouns or pronouns appropriately for clarity and cohesion and to |

| |Learn how to use subordination and coordination |same verb tense. Finally children write their own recount of a dream |avoid repetition |

| |Year 3 |and learn how to edit and improve their writing before publishing it. |Learn the grammar from Appendix 2 |

| |Use and understand the grammatical terminology in Eng Appendix 2 |Grammar focus: | |

| |Extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider |Year 2 | |

| |range of conjunctions |Use adverbs when writing statements | |

| |Use conjunctions to express time and cause |Write sentences correctly, including full stops and capital letters | |

| | |Use some features of written standard English | |

| | |Year 3 | |

| | |Use prepositions to express time and cause | |

| | |Express time using adverbs | |

| | |Use subordination and coordination | |

| | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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