Argumentative Paper Requirements

Alas Babylon Argument Essay

Think: The original intention for nuclear power was to benefit humankind. However, as seen in Alas Babylon, this technology was manipulated to cause destruction. “There Will Come Soft Rains” also examines how technology can sometimes become oppressive and domineering in our lives, instead of helpful. Technology today is, for the most part, viewed in a positive light but sometimes it can be used harmfully and it can actually hurt humanity.

Write: Is it possible for technology to go too far? Construct a well researched argument essay on one of the following topics. Are these advancements helping or hurting humanity? Make sure you are picking a side, and not just writing an informational essay.

Essay Topic Ideas:

1. Stem Cell Research

2. Cloning

3. In Vitro Fertilization

4. Nuclear weapons

5. Immunizations

6. Plastic surgery

7. Outsourcing

8. Restrictions on technology in the classroom

9. Animal testing for medical and cosmetic research

10. Using technology to identify and track terrorism

11. Internet piracy laws

12. Freedom of speech on the web

13. Extremely realistic violence in video games

14. Genetic Engineering

15. Artificial intelligence

16. The requirement of any arrested suspect to submit DNA samples

17. Technology’s correlation to happiness

18. Employees being fired over comments on a social networking site (is this okay?)

19. Technology in the food industry (organic craze, genetically altered plants/animals)

20. Science versus religion in schools

If you have an additional idea related to technology that is not on this list, feel free to ask. If it’s approved, go for it! (It has to be arguable, though.)

This essay is due on March 23rd to at 7:25 am. A Printed copy is required in class, along with your rough draft and your outline.

Essay Components / “Extras” to Note:

✓ You need at least four academic sources for this essay with a minimum of 600 words. That is equivalent to about three pages, double spaced.

✓ All MLA guidelines are expected for this paper (heading, page numbers, work cited page, in text citations, font size, etc.) In addition to your research and the construction of your argument, grammar conventions and MLA format will be assessed.

✓ Some time will be allowed in class to research your topic. However, you are expected to write this essay at home. If you don’t have computer / internet access, you are expected to use the school library. Tutoring will also be available, as needed.

✓ You are expected to follow the pattern on the back of this paper pretty closely; this is the basis for what you will be graded on.

✓ The Bible can be used as an appropriate source for some of these topics. However, it will not count as one of your four required academic sources.

Essay Format for Argument:

I. Paragraph One - Introduction

a. Background information on your topic—include any technical information for your reader

b. Thesis statement—a strongly worded statement of your stance on the topic that includes a recognition of the opposing view

i. Ex: Although many activists argue that it’s inhumane, animal testing is necessary in the medical field because it saves human lives, identifies possible side affects of drugs, and actually saves animals that otherwise would be euthanized.

II. Paragraph Two – Recognizing the Opposing View

a. Topic Sentence – a one-sentence summary of a common argument the opposing side of the argument would argue, and your short response to it.

b. The rest of the paragraph will be spent fleshing out the details of the other side and your response to it (i.e., “responding to the other side”; even though your opponent is not there face-to-face, you are anticipating his responses)

III. Paragraph Three – Supporting Example #1

a. Topic Sentence – a one-sentence summary of the specific example this paragraph uses to strengthen your position

b. Continue with details about the example/your position, drawing in research (don’t forget MLA citation!)

IV. Paragraph Four – Supporting Example #2

a. Topic Sentence – a one-sentence summary of the specific example this paragraph uses to strengthen your position

b. Continue with details about the example/your position, drawing in research (don’t forget MLA citation!)

V. Paragraph Five – Supporting Example #3

a. Topic Sentence – a one sentence summary of the specific example this paragraph uses to strengthen your position

b. Continue with details about the example/your position, drawing in research (don’t forget MLA citation!)

VI. Paragraph Six – Conclusion

a. Write a strong conclusion that answers the question, “So what?” This can potentially be a “call to action” for your readers.


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