Issue Analysis Project - Houston ISD






What is it? Make an in-depth examination of a science-related issue that affects us here in Houston. The topics should be controversial and directly related to science. By examining these issues, we will not only gain a better understanding of each topic, but also discover how complex these issues can be.

What to do? Form groups of 2 or 3 people and select a topic.

Research this topic by using reference materials and Internet resources.

Interview an expert in your field, to find first hand knowledge about your issue.

Survey at least 50 people, to determine the public opinion concerning your topic.

Give a 10-15 minute presentation in class, using some sort of visual aids. The type of presentation you choose to give is up to you but it must cover all the required components. In the past we have had videos, songs, debates, web pages, slide shows, as well as skits to demonstrate the issues involved. A three-fold brochure will be created and given to the class during your presentation.

Create an Action Plan- Decide how you can make a difference on this issue and present your plan with your presentation. More points will be given for following through with your plan and community service hours will apply.

Here are some topics that have been done in classes before but you may choose anything that meets our criteria: Air Pollution and Emissions Testing Animal testing Alligators in the Bayou Tire Recycling Antibiotic Resistance HPV

Subsidence Rodeo Abuse Over-Shrimping /Fishing Euthanasia Urban Deforestation Genetic Engineering Fluoride in Water

Fetal Tissue Transplants Seaworld / Animal Captivity Space Exploration

Lead Poisoning Organic Foods H1N1 Vaccination Disappearing Bees

Steroid Abuse Flood Control Overpopulation Non-native Species

Wetlands Mad Cow Disease Cloning Fertility Drugs Erosion Nuclear Power Alternative Fuels and Hybrid Cars MTBE Water Shortage

Asbestos Food Quality Pesticides Toxic Mold Cap and Trade

Water Quality School Lunches Diabetes and Teen Obesity Sea Turtles

Here are some helpful things to consider

1. This is a major grade so choose your topic and partners well

2. This is not a science fair project, pick something that will easily fit our criteria

3. Don’t pick topics like Drugs or Cancer, which aren’t controversial issues in science

4. Pick something that really interests you, we’ll spend a lot of time working on these projects.

5. Don’t wait until the last minute to work on this or you’ll have a very hard time completing it.

Due Dates : Team and topic selected by Jan. 14th and 15th

Projects will be presented on April 19th


Project introduced Feb. 6 & 7 Huffman

First, students must do some preliminary topic exploration. Selecting a “good” topic is paramount to a successful project. Your topic should:

Be something you are interested in

Have a local connection

Be controversial ~ an issues with many sides

Be specific & manageable in scope

Topic Slip signed by parent Feb. 14 & 15 Huffman

Research Plan Feb 26 & 27 Briones

Clarify & narrow your topic & develop research strategy. Keep a working annotated bibliography during the research process.

Prepare Survey Questions Feb 31 & Mar 1 Wisniewski

What information lends itself to the use of graphs and statistics to help explore and understand the issue? Each student must get surveys from at least 50 people.

Brochure How-To Week of Mar. 4 Magee

Suggestions on how to go from a lot of information to concise facts and appropriate visual representations to succinctly represent your controversial issue.

Prepare Interview Questions March 4 & 5 Wood

Don’t wait until the last minute to schedule interviews & have a back up plan. Use Wednesdays, Spring Break. Prepare & record your face-to-face interview(s); demonstrate appropriate manners.

Survey Graphs & Stats March 25 & 26 Wisniewski

Bibliography annotated due April 9, 10 Briones

Research, organization and group annotated bibliography due.

Any additional research/interview info will be added to final


Brochures Due April 11, 12 Magee

Road Test April 17 Study Labs

Make sure technology works & review how to do a fabulous presentation (PRACTICE)


* No “late” presentations


Each student will participate in an issues analysis project this semester. We will focus on controversial issues in science with a local emphasis. Some portions of the project will be completed by each individual student and other portions will be completed in collaboration with partners.

The project has a number of discreet elements and culminates in a presentation. A list of each element, its due date and which teacher is working with that aspect is included in this overview sheet.


1. Each group will be assigned a MENTOR TEACHER to help you stay on track and move through all parts of the project successfully.

2. Topics may be chosen when ALL members of the group have their parent sign off slips stapled together and submitted to Mr. Huffman (only 4 groups are allowed for any topic).


Do your own research plan and research

Prepare interview questions

Plan a brochure

Prepare survey questions & complete graphs and statistical analyses

Prepare an annotated bibliography based on YOUR OWN research (the team’s bibliography will be combined and turned in on the day of the symposium)

4. Each GROUP:

Work together to plan and execute (carry out) the expert interview(s)

Work together to develop the content, layout and design of the final brochure (you will need 6 copies for the symposium)

Work together to design & create visual aids

Work together to plan and PRACTICE presentations

Work together to create an action plan and do community service related to your issue



STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________


(1st choice) _________________________________________



(2nd choice) _________________________________________

Sources_______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


PARTNERS: 1. ______________________________ 2. ___________________________

I have read over the project information

I approve of TOPIC & PARTNERS ______________________________________________

parent signature


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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