Chinese Influences On Us Today

Chinese Influences On Us Today

Week One

Intro to China-reading comprehension sheet – have students present paragraphs by groups (5). Play comprehension game with white boards. One against 100.

Map Skills – label major rivers, Great Wall, Capital

Draw Flag

Introduce the ABC’s of China

Chinese words

Fish sign of prosperity – read books The Golden Fish and Fishing with Birds

Make a fish – using rubbings from inside or outside of the room

Create/share fish tales

Introduce currency – Yuan

Give fortune cookies to students and have them share their fortunes with each other.

Have chopstick race – see who can pick up items the best with chopsticks.(rice, beans, raisins etc…)

Week Two

Chinese New Year – have a class discussion of what the new year consist of in China.

It’s everyone’s birthday. Look at charts and discuss the animals and which one each student falls under.

Talk about traditions – what do you like and not like about the Chinese New Year. What traditions do you think should be added? What traditions does your family have?

Art – make Chinese Lanterns

Make Red Envelopes - give coins

Do Chinese New Year Acrostic poem

Present fan and ribbon dance (probably girls) – have students create their own.

Present ping pong and sumo wrestling (probably boys) have students participate.

Week Three

Dragon/Lion Dance – getting ready for the Chinese New Year. Show dragon powerpoint on tv computer.

Read book – Lion Dancer

Art project – using chart, describe what the dragon should look like. Have students draw their own dragons and color.

Drama – The Golden Reed Pipe have students read and perform.

Have students perform their own dragon dance (outside if room needed).

Writing – Using the dragon drawings earlier, have students create stories of their own species.

Week Four

The Great Wall of China – Show powerpoints of the pictures

Have student read/discuss the discover kids – The Great Wall

Read to students the book – The Greatest Wall of All

Using productive thinking, have students list all the many, varied and unusual walls

Class Debate Topics

Class discussion of Chinese topic of Foot binding

Discuss recent push for cosmetic surgery in China (cost of surgery in US vs China) Why Chinese women want to look more American especially in their eyes.

Why Chinese are going through the awful pain of leg lengthening.

Week Five

Animals of China – have each student select a Chinese animal to research from the panda, stork, sun bear, snow leopard, tiger, golden monkey, elephants, reindeer, moose, yak. Have students present information.

Animal activity ideas: 1. If you were a Chinese animal which would you be and why? 2. Design clothing for Chinese animals 3. Combine 2 animals to make a new Chinese animal 3. Describe/design the perfect Chinese Zoo.

Read book – Grandfather Tang have students create animals in the book using tangrams. Afterwards, let students create animals/things of their own using tangrams. Have students join with others to write their own tangram story and illustrate with the figures.

Week Six

What have you not had time to finish ? Use this as an overflow day if necessary.

Have students work on Chinese tic-tac-toe if necessary.

If finished do the Chinese Mystery – “Who Did It?” as center time.

Using buzzer system/eggspert play Chinese trivia game.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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