ROAR Society - Home

4520 43rd Street Rocky Mountain House, AlbertaP.O. Box 2098 Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1B5 Phone: 403-844-6024 E-Mail: Website: Volunteer Application FormThis form allows us an insight to what your skill sets are and what areas you’re interested in being involved with when volunteering with R.O.A.R. All information is for the groups personal use and is not shared with outside parties.Thank you sincerely for volunteering with R.O.A.R. Society!Date ______________________________Name__________________________________________________________________________Address_________________________________________________________________________Phone #______________________________ Cell #_____________________________________Work #_______________________________ E-Mail _____________________________________May we contact you at work? Y N What do you do for a living? _____________________________________________________________Age Group: < 18______ 18-25______ 26-35______36-45 ______46-55______56+______Emergency Contact _________________________Phone # __________________________________Relationship to you __________________________________________________________________Do you have access to a vehicle? Y NWhy would you like to volunteer for an animal rescue? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are you looking to get out of volunteering for R.O.A.R. Society? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________How did you hear about us? ___________________________________________________________Do you have pets of your own? Please tell us about them! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you have previous animal rescue volunteer experience? If so please describe it.____________________________________________________________________________________________________What days and times are you available for? Please check all that apply.Mornings______ Afternoons______ Evenings______ Weekdays______ Weekends______ Both_____What type of volunteer work are you interested and/or able to help with? Please check all that apply.FOSTER HOME______ *Foster Home Application form is required to be filled out for thisPlease specify for DOGS______CATS______OTHER______LONG TERM_________SHORT TERM___________EMERGENCY______________ QUARANTINE________FUNDRAISING/EVENTS HELP______This could include helping sell raffle tickets, calendars and other fundraising materials, helping at Fundraisers and Events. These generate income for the group and could also include; hot dog sales at schools, poker rallies, garage sales, pet photo sessions, and any other opportunities that we have to receive funding from the community.GENERAL VOLUNTEER HELP______ (Ex:Shelter Attendant/Dog Walking/Transport/Cat Cuddler)See additional sheet(s) for description of Tasks; Shelter Attendant/Dog Walker/Transport/Cat Cuddler)This could also include help with general tasks such as setting up activities, being involved with community projects, and any other miscellaneous tasks that arise for the group that we need extra hands for. ________ADMINISTRATIVE and/or EXECUTIVE VOLUNTEER WORK______ROAR is in need of volunteer Shelter Office staff. This includes greeting the community at the front door, answering phones and at times completing various Administration tasks. EXECUTIVE; (President,VIce President,Secretary,Treasurer,Board of Directors) would involve attending regular meetings, possibly sitting on the executive and/or working closely with executive members to help with tasks that keep the group running smoothly. This may include computer work, website maintenance, applications for grants, etc…TRANSPORT (Animals/Donations/Supplies) ______Occasionally we need volunteers with valid drivers’ licenses and access to a vehicle to transport animals to and from appointments(vet), Fundraisers/Events or foster homes. Picking up of shelter supplies and Donations.OTHER HELP/SKILLS YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN PROVIDING;____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please check: (if you are interested in any of the following)ANIMAL TRAINING ______ (Providing assistance with animals needing extra training and socialization. Consulting and helping foster families when issues arise).SPECIAL NEEDS ANIMAL CARE______ (This would include senior animals, long term illnesses/injuries and short term illnesses and injuries. Possibly helping foster families learn how to dispense medications to their foster animal, or show how to provide the extra care their animal may need). TEMPORARY PET SITTING ______ (This is occasionally needed when a regular foster family has a family vacation planned or needs to have someone watch the animal for a day or two for other reasons. Length of a sit can vary from two weeks to just an afternoon).Use the area below to tell us about any other special skills you may be able to offer to our group OR any information you may feel ROAR should know about any physical/health/medical restrictions we should be aware of for your safety: 4520 43rd Street Rocky Mountain House, AlbertaP.O. Box 2098 Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1B5 Phone: 403-844-6024 E-Mail: Website: FREQUENTLY ASKED VOLUNTEER QUESTIONS1. What do I have to do to volunteer with R.O.A.R. Society?All interested volunteers are first required to fill out a basic Volunteer Application, Volunteer Release Form & Photo Release Form. You will also receive and be asked to read the basic volunteer information. 2. Can I take a break from volunteering or choose not to volunteer anymore?Absolutely! Just let us know and your name will either be removed from the volunteer list or will be noted to be temporarily unavailable until further notice from you. 3. Do I have to be involved with everything?No, you can fill out our Volunteer Application form indicating what areas you would like to volunteer in and then communicate any stipulations you have for volunteering on the form. 4. How much time can be involved with volunteering with R.O.A.R.? The amount of time involved varies depending on what area(s) & activities you volunteer to participate in. Some Fundraisers/Events only involve a few hours of help and some of our bigger, planned events will require much more time. (planning,set up,take down,volunteer time at event)5. Can I be involved with animals without fostering?Yes, you can volunteer & train as a Shelter Attendant, Dog Walker or Cat Cuddler, then you may have the opportunity to interact with some of our animals. We do occasionally need temporary pet sitters and often needing the transport of animals to appointments, Fundraisers/Events. There may also be an opportunity to “buddy” up with a foster home near you so that you can help them out with their particular animal (they may have a day they need to be away))6. Do I have to be a member to volunteer with R.O.A.R.?No, membership is not required to volunteer with R.O.A.R. but if you are not a member you will not have any voting power in certain decisions the group may make.7. Do I have to attend meetings if I am a volunteer?No, it’s not mandatory to attend meetings for volunteers or members unless you want to. We do encourage volunteers to attend our monthly meetings for any updates and to be a part of discussions and decisions. Depending on the area you are volunteering in, we may have the odd Training session that the volunteers are asked to participate in for their area. 8. Is there a lot of driving involved to be a volunteer?That depends on what area(s) you want to volunteer in. For instance we will have Fundraisers/Events that require volunteers to travel short distances to. Many of our Fundraisers/Events will involve some driving but if you are unable to drive and still would like to volunteer for things let a R.O.A.R. representative know and we will do our best to connect you with someone in your area that you could share a ride with.9. Can my whole family get involved?YES! Volunteering as a family is a great way to stay connected and teach the importance of helping others. However the R.O.A.R. Society does have Youth Volunteer requirements. Youth volunteer between the ages of 10-15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian AT ALL TIMES while volunteering. Both youth and Parent/guardian will be required to attend the training sessions. Youth Volunteer 16 & 17 are permitted to volunteer without a parent or guardian, but must have a parent or guardian sign their release form. Ages 18 and over may volunteer without consent of parent/guardian. 10. What can I expect to get out of volunteering with R.O.A.R.?Becoming a volunteer with any organization is a rewarding activity. It gives you a sense of purpose, belonging and connects you with others who share similar interests to yours. Volunteering with R.O.A.R. allows you to give back to your community, connect with others who feel that protecting animals is an important and valuable task, connect with the animals themselves and give a voice and an opportunity for a new life to animals in need!11. How do I stay informed of what’s going on with R.O.A.R.?One of the easiest ways to keep updated is to join our Facebook group and/or like our Facebook page! You can also check our website and/or attend monthly meetings. We have a monthly Newsletter that goes out to each volunteer via email (after each monthly meeting). There will also be a copy of each new letter available for you at the shelter if you do not have email or facebook. If you have any other questions that have not been answered here please contact R.O.A.R. and one of our representatives will be happy to answer your questions! Volunteer Rights and ResponsibilitiesAs a volunteer of the R.O.A.R. Society, you are entitled to certain rights and are expected to fulfill certain obligations. You have the right to;- Work in a safe environment- Be treated with respect- Receive proper training and orientation - Receive feedback and evaluation- Request additional training or information- Know your responsibilities- Receive written copy of volunteer policies and procedures-Receive supplies and equipment (if applicable) to do your job to the best of your ability- Be appreciated- ResignYour responsibilities include; - Upholding the mission of the R.O.A.R. Society on and off the job- Acting professionally and courteously with the public, staff and other volunteers- Respectfully accepting supervision and direction from Executives and other members- To read and adhere to all written instruction-Being responsible for yourself and your performance- Dressing appropriately. - Notifying the appropriate personnel of an unsafe environment- Immediately report to Shelter Manager or an Executive any bite, scratch or accident while volunteering for ROAR- Fulfilling your commitments, R.O.A.R. Society takes your time here seriously and ask that if you commit to do a task for the Society, that you fulfill your commitment and the number of hours you volunteer for. -Maintaining a level of confidentiality as required by your assignment. Initial: ______________________ 4520 43rd Street Rocky Mountain House, AlbertaP.O. Box 2098 Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1B5 Phone: 403-844-6024 E-Mail: Website: VOLUNTEER RELEASE FORMPLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING SECTION CAREFULLY AND, IF YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE TERMS, PLEASE SIGN AND DATE BELOW. As a Volunteer/foster home for the R.O.A.R. Society, I hereby knowingly, freely, and voluntarily waive my right or cause of action of any kind whatsoever against the R.O.A.R. Society, its Executive, employee/staff and its members for any injury, illness, or disease I might contract or sustain while I am on ROAR property and in contact with ROAR Society rescue/foster animals. I also understand that I am not covered by workman’s compensation. I fully recognize and assume the possible dangers associated with the work of an animal volunteer/foster parent for the R.O.A.R. Society. As a volunteer/foster home for the R.O.A.R. Society, I hereby knowingly, freely, and voluntarily waive my right or cause of action of any kind whatsoever against the R.O.A.R. Society, its Executive, employees/staff and its members for any injury, illness, or disease my own personal animals might contract or sustain if they come in contact while I am working with rescue animals for the Society.I agree to notify R.O.A.R. Shetler Manager immediately if I myself, someone else or another animal is bitten, scratched, otherwise injured, or becomes ill from contact with ROAR’s rescue animal(s) during my volunteer/foster home service. I will treat ALL ANIMALS with RESPECT and CARE and will follow all rules and instructions of the R.O.A.R. Society for volunteer/foster care of said animal(s). I will give appropriate and timely updates about the health, behaviour and wellbeing of any animal(s) I have contact with while volunteering. I will notify R.O.A.R. Shelter Manager or staff immediately if there are any type of concerns regarding any animal(s) I have contact with while volunteering.I understand it is my responsibility to be forthcoming with any health issues I have that may be affected by any volunteer opportunities/jobs and/or animal care that I may be asked to participate in. I also understand it is my responsibility to not take any jobs/activities that may worsen any existing health concerns I have.THE R.O.A.R. SOCIETY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS CONCERNING ANY ANIMAL’S EXPOSURE TO RABIES OR OTHER COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. As a volunteer/foster home for the R.O.A.R. Society, I understand that ownership of any and all rescue/foster animals belongs to the ROAR Society and that I have no ownership rights to any of the rescue/foster animal(s) until I make the decision to adopt said animal(s), (signing the adoption contract and paying the adoption fee).I understand that any time I am working in a volunteer/foster home capacity with the R.O.A.R. Society; I am acting as representative of the Rescue and will present myself and behave in an acceptable manner. R.O.A.R. SOCIETY WILL NOT TOLERATE THE USE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL BY ANY MEMBERS OR VOLUNTEERS WHILE VOLUNTEERING OR REPRESENTING R.O.A.R. I understand I may not initiate or engage in any media/public events or voice opinions on the group’s behalf pertaining to the organization without the approval of the R.O.A.R. Society.As a volunteer for the R.O.A.R. Society, I understand that any kind of slander of the Organization, it’s members,volunteers/foster homes,clients,adopters,partners and others they serve will NOT be tolerated. Youth Volunteer between the ages of 10 & 15 years MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN AT ALL TIMES while volunteering. Both youth and parent or legal guardian will be required to attend the training sessions. Youth Volunteer ages 16 & 17 are permitted to volunteer without a parent or legal guardian present. All youth volunteers under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign an Assumption of Risk & Waiver of Liability Indemnity Agreement form. Volunteers 18 and over are permitted to volunteer without consent of parent or legal guardian. The R.O.A.R Society requires that strict confidentiality be maintained with respect to information obtained by volunteers/foster homes concerning the R.O.A.R. Society as well as their clients, adopters, partners, volunteers and others they serve. The volunteer/foster home SHALL NOT disclose any information obtained during the course of his/her foster home/volunteer placement to any third parties, (including Social Media) regarding the R.O.A.R. Society, their clients, adopters, partners, volunteers and others they serve. This includes but is not limited to information pertaining to financial status and operations such as budget information, donations of money or gifts in kind, salary information, information pertaining to client’s, adopters, partners, staff or other volunteers. Violation and/or failure to comply with R.O.A.R. Society confidentiality policies, rules, requirements and/or instructions from the Organization may result in disciplinary actions, including the immediate dismissal. I understand all of the above and agree to uphold these requirements and the confidentiality of these matters both during and following my volunteer service with the R.O.A.R. Society. Initial_________The ROAR Society will not divulge and/or use any information concerning any foster home/volunteer without prior written consent of the foster home/volunteer. This includes addresses, telephone numbers etc. Therefore, I give the R.O.A.R. Society permission to use my personal information (addresses, telephone numbers etc)for business purposes and/or in relation to setting up adoption appointments. Initial ______ I hereby give consent to the R.O.A.R. Society to use my name and/or photographs of me to promote the Organization. (See Photo Release form)I ______________________________________ (print name) Hereby Agree To Above Stated Terms. Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Address: _________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________Any youth volunteer between the ages of 10 & 15 years MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT AT ALL TIMES. ALL volunteers under the age of 18 years MUST have an Assumption of Risk & Waiver of Liability Indemnity Agreement signed by a parent or legal guardianParent/Legal Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___________________Print Name:_________________________________ 4520 43rd Street Rocky Mountain House, Alberta P.O. Box 2098 Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1B5 Phone: 403-844-6024 E-Mail: Website: PHOTO RELEASE FORMI hereby give permission for my photograph to be taken and used by ROAR Society for the publication of the photograph on ROAR social media, ROAR web site, in the Shelter and other promotional area. The purpose of using photo materials is to thank publicly and/or encourage people to participate in the activities such as donating, volunteering and participating in supporting our Society. I hereby release ROAR Society from all claims arising out of its use of the photograph, including all claims for libel or invasion of privacy. I confirm that I have read this form and understand its contents. NAME: ________________________________SIGNED: ________________________________ DATE: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________Parent or Guardian Signature; Parent or Guardian Name (Print)(If under the age of 18 years old) ................

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