Youth In Action

Wacky Weekdays

Animal Week-Farm Animals

Overview: Farming and agriculture are commonly found in this area. A lot of different variations of animals can be found on a farm and a lot of different food products are produced from farm animals.

Activity: Showing farm animals (Ashley’s Dad & helpers)

Time: 30 minutes

Objective: Allow the youth to be in contact with some commonly found farm animals.

Skills: Learning to Learn


1. Have some basic farm animals brought in

2. The kids can pet and touch the animals and ask any questions about them


1. What kind of animals do you see at farms around you?

2. What kind of foods come from these farm animals?

Activity: Cow Paper Plates

Time: 15 minutes

Objective: To see if youth can copy what is shown to them

Skills: Problem Solving, Planning and Organizing, Decision Making


Hand out supplies to each table

Show the youth what the finished product looks like

Tell them that they are in a race to see who can complete their cow first and also whose looks the most like the original (the colors can be different)

Have an adult go around and punch a hole on the top of the plate for the cow’s tale to go

Let the youth make the cow paper plate and when finished have them line up in the order that they finished

Pick out the top 3 plates and give a prize to them

Enhance: There was not enough glue for everyone so the youth had to decide what order to do their plate in. Only a few sheets of each color were put on the table also

Activity: Healthy Food Choices

Time: 25 minutes

Objective: We will inform the youth of some healthy products and foods that come from farm animals and agriculture. We will then provide them with an example of a healthy dairy product to eat.

Skills: Healthy life choices, leading self & others, Decision making


1. Give a presentation about various foods that are produced from farm animals and agricultural processes

2. Allow the youth to eat an example of a dairy-produced food


1. What are some other foods that you can use milk to make?

2. What other kind of dairy products have you eaten before?



We will allow the youth to be in contact with various kinds of farm animals. They will also be informed about healthy choices when it comes to dairy products and agriculturally processed foods.

Grade Level: 2nd – 5th grades

Academic Standard: Agricultural Education D.4.3 Demonstrate safe practices around plants and animals


• Farm animals

• Cheese

• Large and small paper plates

• Construction paper

• Glue

• Markers

• Pipe cleaners

Authors: Ashley Pomplun, Kim Westover, Megan Wecker; CYFAR Project, Waushara County Extension, 2010


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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