Animal Farm Questions

9th grade Lit & CompName:____________________Animal Farm QuestionsPreface Questions What was Orwell’s original name for Animal Farm?What is George Orwell’s real name, and what political/social belief system did he belong to?In 1943, how did America and Britain feel about Stalin’s Soviet Union? How do most Americans feel about Stalin’s Soviet Union now? (Hint: If you’re not sure, ask your parents or grandparents)What effect did technology have on the Soviet Union?Chapter One QuestionsWho is the owner of Manor Farm? Describe him.Inference—How does Orwell’s portrayal of Mr. Jones imply how he feels about the Czar Nicolas II?What animals are we introduced to in the first chapter?Opinion—Which of the animals do you most identify with so far in the novel, and why?According to Major, what is the cause of the problems for all the animals?Opinion—What do you find interesting about Old Major (Besides “he is a talking pig”)? What does Major suggest that the animals do?What is Major’s motto?What song does Major teach the animals? What is the message in the song? Inference - Why do the animals like it so much?Conflict- According to Major, why is “Man” the enemy?Opinion—What is your favorite quote from Chapter 1? Why? Chapter Two Questions Name: Why are Snowball and Napoleon important to the animals’ rebellion?What name do the animals give to Major’s philosophy?Cause and Effect- What events trigger the Rebellion?What do the animals toss into the fire?What name do the animals give the farm after the rebellion?What is written on the side of the barn?Napoleon partakes in some activities that show he may not be the most honorable animal on the farm. Describe one of his actions that may be considered less than honorable.Inference- Why are the pigs more interested in the Rebellion than other animals?Foreshadowing—How does the behavior of the pigs foreshadow their eventual leadership positions?Chapter Three QuestionsWhich animals seem to be the “leaders” thus far?“The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others.” How does this quote make you feel? What does this quote remind you of? (Could be any connection.) What rule(s) of animalism are broken in chapter three?What do you think the phrase “with the worthless parasitical human beings gone” means?What does Boxer adopt as his personal motto? Why?The animals begin some Sunday traditions. What are they?What committees does Snowball try to create? Are they successful?What is the 7th commandment?Describe the characteristics of the following animals: Snowball, Napoleon, Boxer, Mollie, and Benjamin. How do we see Squealer really act as a metaphor for propaganda at the end of Chapter III? Is he convincing? Chapter Four QuestionsWhat do Snowball and Napoleon want to accomplish by sending pigeons to neighboring farms to tell other animals about Animal Farm?Why are the neighboring farmers afraid of Animal Farm?What is the Battle of Cowshed? What was Snowball’s part in the battle? Where was Napoleon?Opinion—Did you expect Mr. Jones to reclaim Animal Farm easily? Why or why not?What is a tragic outcome of the Battle of Cowshed?Plot- Why do the animals accept the pigs getting all the milk (Chapter 3)?Inference - Why do you think other farmers help Mr. Jones when he tried to reclaim his farm? Chapter Five QuestionsMotive- What motivates Mollie to go back to working for man?Characterization - Discuss the differences in Snowball and Napoleon.How does Napoleon feel about Snowball’s idea to build a windmill?What changes does Napoleon make after his dogs chase Snowball off the farm?Why don’t the other animals protest Napoleon’s decision?Who takes credit for Snowball’s windmill idea?Chapter Six QuestionsWhat does Napoleon threaten to do if the animals do not volunteer?Who is the main source of power on the farm and the director of the construction of the windmill?Do you think Boxer knows what he is saying when he recites the commandments and slogans? Explain.What does Napoleon do to completely contradict animalism in chapter six?What commandment do the pigs violate? How does Squealer try to manipulate the commandment?On whom does Napoleon blame the destruction of the windmill? Inference – Why?Comparison-Contrast- Napoleon begins to break some commandments. How does Animal Farm begin to resemble Manor Farm again?Motive- Why do you think Boxer works so hard and continually repeats his slogans?Chapter Seven QuestionsWhat do the hens do in protest to Napoleon? What is the result?Empathy: Would you protest if you were the hens? In what ways is Napoleon becoming a dictator? Are the animals encouraged to read anymore? Why or why not?What does Napoleon outlaw? What does he put in its place?Motive- What does Napoleon gain by turning Snowball into the enemy?Mood- How does the mood of the story change after the executions?Chapter Eight QuestionsHas the food supply increased or decreased? What does Squealer say about the food supply?Who is Napoleon going to sell timber to? Why would the animals find fault in this?What does Napoleon change the 6th amendment to?What happens when Napoleon sells the lumber?Characterization: Give examples of how Napoleon’s power is going to his head.Who writes a poem about Napoleon?What happens when the humans raid Animal Farm? What do the animals name the battle? Who do you think was the real winner of the battle and why?Motive- Why do you think Napoleon rarely appears in public?Inference- Why do the animals barely remember their old life?Chapter Nine QuestionsHow many piglets does Napoleon have? What does he build for them?Who is elected President after the farm is proclaimed a republic?What are the living conditions like for all the animals (except the pigs and dogs, of course)?What happens to Boxer? What excuse does Squealer give? Is Boxer ever seen again?Inference- Why do the pigs insist on more ceremonies and songs in their daily routines?Chapter Ten QuestionsDescribe the pigs and their actions at this point in the novel.How does Orwell make fun of bureaucracy?What do the sheep say about two legs and four legs?What do the commandments now say about the animals being equal?What are the final changes that Napoleon makes that make him seem even more like a dictator?Irony- What is ironic about the final outcome of Animal Farm?Themes to think about (explain in detail):Tendency towards class stratificationDangers of a na?ve working classLanguage and rhetoricAbuse of power ................

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