Cornell Notes Template

Essential Question #2 Lecture Notes

|Topic/Objective: |Essential Question: |

|Independence |Why did the colonists want independence? |

|(Text p. 43-73) | |

|Reduce & then Recite |Record for Review |

|(Create questions which elicit |Write headings, key words, and vocabulary in colored pencil (or highlight!) |

|critical thinking/Write questions |Take sufficient notes with selective (not too much verbiage) & accurate paraphrasing |

|directly across from the answers in |Use bulleted lists and abbreviations |

|your notes) |Correctly sequence information |

| |Vocabulary: |

| |ally: a person, group, or nation that is associated with another or others for some common cause or purpose |

| |petition: a request to do something, commonly addressed to a government official or public entity |

| |boycott: Withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest |

| |militia- A military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency |

| |Patriot/Loyalist- A supporter of American independence (P)/A supporter of the British crown (L) |

| |French and Indian War |

| |The French and Indian War was the North American part of the ‘7 Years War’- a global war being fought between England and France |

| |The English colonists and their Native American allies fought against the French and their Native American allies (Hence ‘French and |

| |Indian’) |

| |The center of the conflict was the ‘Ohio River Valley’- a region east of the colonies with rich farmland and animals for trappers (p. |

| |43) |

|Q) What was the ‘French and Indian |War featured the first appearance of George Washington, serving as a commander of colonial forces |

|War’ fought over? |Also saw the first attempt at an organized colonial government, when Ben Franklin proposed the ‘Albany Plan of Union’ to unite the |

| |colonies in defense (p. 46) |

| |The war ended with the Treaty of Paris (1763), and gave Britain huge land gains in Canada, as well as the Ohio River Valley and other |

| |land east of the Mississippi (p. 49) |

| |Rising Tensions P.1 |

| |Following the war, American colonists who moved into the Ohio River Valley faced violent resistance from natives in the region (p. 52)|

| |King issued the ‘Proclamation of 1763’- meant to keep settlers from moving east of the Appalachian Mountains into the ‘Ohio River |

| |Valley’- this angered colonists (p. 53) |

|Q) What resulted from the ‘French and |Rising cost of colonial defense led to a series of tax increases on the colonists |

|Indian War’? |Colonists felt the taxes were unfair, and not legal under the English Constitution (p. 54) |

| |The Stamp Act- a tax on official legal documents- led to violent protests on attacks on tax collectors in the colonies that shocked |

| |Great Britain and its leadership |

| |“No taxation without representation!”- colonists believed they needed a voice in the English government to agree to taxes |

| |After a petitioning the government and a colonial boycott, the Stamp Act is repealed in 1766 (p. 57) |

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|Q) How was the ‘Proclamation of 1763’ | |

|related to the ‘French and Indian | |

|War’? | |

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|Q) What angered colonists about the | |

|‘Stamp Act’ and how did they respond? | |

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|Reduce & Recite |Record for Review |

| |Rising Tensions P.2 |

| |The Townshend Acts were a series of duties (small taxes) on imported goods (p. 57) |

| |Britain began searching and confiscating property illegally in the eyes of the colonists |

| |Colonists responded by boycotting the taxed goods |

|Q) What events escalated the anger |In March 1770, British soldiers fire on an unarmed crowd of protesters- The Boston Massacre (p. 60) |

|between the colonies and the crown? |Sparks outrage across colonies, used by colonial leaders to rally support for independence |

| |In 1773, The Tea Act, a new tax, led to the ‘Boston Tea Party’ |

| |A group called the ‘Sons of Liberty’ boarded a ship and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor in protest (p. 64) |

| |King George III responds to growing unrest in colonies with ‘The Intolerable Acts’ (p. 67) |

| |Shut down Boston Harbor |

| |Forbid the holding of town meetings |

| |Trials for officials to be held in England (Instead of MA) |

| |Quartering Act- stationing of British troops in colonists homes |

|Q) What were the different parts of | |

|the ‘Intolerable Acts’? |Revolutionary Beliefs |

| |Both the Enlightenment in Europe and the Great Awakening in the colonies gave the colonists new beliefs |

| |Enlightenment led to belief in ‘natural rights’ |

| |Great Awakening created a sense of questioning authority by encouraging new forms of religious worship |

| |Magna Carta (1214) had created the ‘rule of law’ in England, and many colonists thought they should have the same rights as those in |

| |the mother country |

|Q) What beliefs had colonists |The ‘English Bill of Rights’ gave citizens certain protections like we have today, such as representatives in government, which the |

|developed to encourage independence? |colonists were denied |

| |Specifically the phrase ‘No taxation without representation’ can be traced to this |

| |Colonies had functioned independently for years- the crown’s efforts to retake control offended colonists and their preference for |

| |self-government |

| |England believed the colonies should serve the crown (mercantilism)- colonists believed they deserved their rights |

|Q) What legal rights did colonists | |

|believe they should have? | |

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|Reflect & Summarize |

|In your own words and in complete sentences, write a 5-6 sentence summary paragraph. Your summary should cover the main concepts of the notes, be accurate, and have |

|adequate details. The goal of the summary is to answer the essential question from the reading assignment. |

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