Perth Amboy Public Schools

Monthly Book Report

Title___Fantastic Mr. Fox

Author____Roald Dahl__


Mr. Fox is the protagonist in the story. He is a very cocky character because he thinks he will never be caught by Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. Mr. Fox uses his sense of smell to outsmart the three antagonists. Even though stealing is morally wrong, Mr. Fox is providing for his family and has committed to helping them survive.


Boggis is one of the antagonists in the story. He is a chicken farmer and he is very plump. Boggis eats his own chickens that are smothered in dumplings every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He is a disgusting slob who has a servant bring food to him. Boggis along with his two brothers detests Mr. Fox.

Bunce is another antagonist. He is a duck and goose farmer with thousands of them at his disposal. Bunce looks like a pot-bellied dwarf, because he is extremely short. He eats doughnuts and goose livers and has a very bad temper. Bunce just like Boggis, wants to catch Mr. Fox.

Bean is the final antagonist in the story. He is an apple and turkey farmer. Unlike his two brothers, Bean does not eat food; he always drinks gallons of strong cider which he makes from the apples in his orchard. Bean is as thin as a bean pole and is the smartest out of all the farmers. Bean, along with Boggis and Bunce are obsessed with catching Mr. Fox and making him pay for his theft.


Fantastic Mr. Fox takes place in a couple of different locations. We are first introduced to all three farmers’ farms, a chicken farm for Boggis, a goose farm for Bunce, and an apple and turkey farm for Bean. As the story progresses we find the setting changes. After the three farmers shoot Mr. Fox’s tail off, Mr. Fox is forced to leave him home and dig an underground tunnel. Most of the story takes place underground with Mr. Fox trying to escape the vile farmers. Mr. Fox ends up revisiting each farm later on in the story.


In the fantasy Fantastic Mr. Fox, there is a person vs. person conflict. The three farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean chase the foxes through an underground tunnel in mechanical shovels all because Mr. Fox repeatedly stole food from the three nasty farmers. Mr. Fox and his family of foxes are trapped underground with no way out and are forced to come up with a plan.


The climax happens when M. Fox is in Bean’s cider cellar. He is in the cellar with the small foxes and the small fox gets drunk off of the cider. Rat tries to get rid of them but he is unsuccessful and pretty soon Mabel (Beans maid), comes downstairs. The highest point of suspense comes when Mabel is moving the jugs of cider and Mr. Fox is almost discovered but slips away through the hole undetected with some cider for the feast.


The resolution of the novel is Mr. Fox plans a feast by stealing food and drinks from the three farmers. Mr. Fox and his companions plan on staying underground forever. They now have tunnels leading to all of the houses so that leaves them with an unlimited amount of food. The farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean remain around the hole waiting for Mr. Fox to show himself. They plan on staying there as long as it takes. Mr. Fox changed at the end of the novel, and the farmers stayed the same.


There are a couple themes to this story. The first theme is that when you do bad things, bad things end up happening to you. Mr. Fox continued to steal from the farmers and he got his tail shot off and was hunted throughout the book. The second theme is that when you work together you can accomplish many things. When Mr. Fox teamed up with Badger and the other animals he was able to plan a feast and save his friends.

Plot summary

Mr. Fox was a clever animal who would go into Boggis, Bunce, and Bean’s farms and steal food to feed his family on a daily basis. He took it home to feed his wife and three small foxes. But soon, problems arose. The food was starting to run short every day and his family was getting hungry. The three farmers were growing more and more determined to get rid of Mr. Fox because they knew he was a thief.

Soon Boggis, Bunce, and Bean decided they would take action. They planned a number of things to trap and kill Mr. Fox. The farmers tried day and night to trap Mr. Fox but he was always one step ahead of them, outsmarting them at every turn. After the farmers nearly caught him by shooting off his tail, they came up with their best plan yet, they would start digging into his home. They used mechanical shovels to start digging through the ground and right through Mr. Fox’s house. Mr. Fox and his family had no way out and now they were trapped underground.

It took a while but soon Mr. Fox thought of a brilliant plan. He realized that they could dig faster than the farmers can dig so with his family, they started digging for their lives. They soon faced more problems like hunger because they were trapped, they had no way of getting food and now all of the other animals were in similar situations because their homes were lost as well with nothing to eat. Pretty soon after digging and digging Mr. Fox and his friends came across their paradise. They had stumbled across where Boggis, Bunce, and Bean keep all of their stash of delicious food. They had found the key to survival and now vowed to stay underground forever because they had all they needed, good food and good friends and family. The three farmers were still undeterred and would not leave their spot surrounding the hole.


Name: Mr. Carrano Date: 10/29/13


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