Cell Structures and Processes Notes 8

Cell Structures and Processes Notes 8.L.5 (Molecular Biology)


o _____________________________

o Living things

o Everything is made up of ______________

o Some have just one cell

o Others are made up of trillions

▪ Like __________________

o Cells

o Basic unit of structure and ________________________ in all organisms.

o Smallest structure that can carry out the functions of life

▪ Growing

▪ Taking in and using ___________________

▪ Responding to the environment

▪ ____________________________________

o Also regulate the amount of water they contain and release ____________

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

o Two basic types

o _________________

o Eukaryote

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

o Prokaryote

o Organisms whose cell lack a nucleus and membrane bound ______________________

o Simpler than the Eukaryote

o Has ______________________, but no membranes surrounding them.

o Most life processes happen in the _________________________

▪ Fluid that fills most of the space in the cell

o Most are single cells

▪ Includes: _________________________

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

o Eukaryote

o Organism whose cells have a _______________________ and Organelles

▪ Structure that carries out a certain function

o Larger than _________________________

o Has a nucleus

o Includes:

o Plants, animals, ______________________, and fungi

o Usually a large number of cells working together

o Has ribosomes with _______________________________ surrounding them

Structures of Eukaryotic Cells

o Structures are located inside the ____________________________

o Nucleus

o Large structure inside the cell that controls many functions in the cell

o Contains the cells genetic material

▪ __________________________________

• Genetic material organized into structures

o Cell membrane

o Thin, flexible ____________________________ that holds the cell together and controls what enters and leaves

o Ribosomes

o Cell structures that make ______________________________

o All cells need energy

o ___________________________ (Mitochondrion -singular)

o Release the energy stored in ___________________________

o They take in fuel and change it to energy

o ___________________________

o Store materials inside the cell

▪ Water, salts, proteins, & ________________________________

o Animal cells have small vacuoles

o Plant cells have large vacuoles

▪ Help support structure of the cell

o _________________ cells have two things animal cells do not:

o ___________________________

▪ Organelles that make food for cells

▪ Contain _______________________ which makes the plants green

▪ Converts CO2 and H2O into Glucose and O2

o Cell Walls

▪ Protective layer that surrounds the _________________________

▪ Made of ______________________

▪ Rigid to support plant cells

▪ Allows plants to stand upright and support flowers and _________

Energy and Matter for Cells

o All living things need ___________________

o Provides organisms with what is needed to grow and repair

o Some organisms _______________________________________________ food


o Photosynthesis

o Process in which the cells of plants and other organisms use the energy of _____________ to make food.

o Used to make ____________

Cellular Respiration

o Cellular Respiration

o The process by which cells break down sugar to _____________________.

o It is the ______________________ of photosynthesis

o Oxygen taken in by air we breathe

o Some energy turned into _____________________________ to keep body warm


Building Cells

o _______________________

o The compounds that provide energy and building materials for living things

o Carbohydrates

o Hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon

o Includes ______________________ made during photosynthesis

o Plants use and store glucose

o Molecules link together to form cellulose

o _____________________________ used for plant structure and is what gives vegetables their crunch.

o Lipids

o _______________

▪ Solid at room temperature

o _______________

▪ Liquid at room temperature

o Second choice for ___________________

o Produce oils that keep hair, _____________, and feathers smooth and waterproof

o Animals store energy as ______________

o Found under layers of skin to keep animals warm

Cell Structures and Processes Notes 8.L.5 (Molecular Biology)

Cell Division and Reproduction

o Reproduce

o Make more cells like __________________________

o They do this by ___________________

o There are two types

o Asexual

▪ Mitosis

o Sexual

▪ Meiosis

Chromosomes and Cell Division

o Chromosomes

o Structures in a cell’s nucleus that contain ___________________

o Gene

o Tiny part of a chromosome that gives a living thing a certain __________

o Tells a cell how to grow and ____________________


o Large _____________________ that make up genes

o Deoxyribonucleic acid

o Mitosis

o Parent cell divides to form two new cells called _________________ cells

o Each is an ____________________________ of the parent

o Before dividing the cell makes exact copies of the ___________________

o Each daughter has the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent

o This occurs in 4 stages

o Four stages of mitosis

▪ _____________________

o Chromosomes cannot be seen

▪ _____________________

o Chromosomes are lined up in the center

▪ _____________________

o Chromatids are pulled apart

▪ _____________________

o Chromosomes separate and a nucleus is formed

o This is process by which living things grow

▪ Muscles

▪ _____________________________

▪ Flowers

o Process by which bodies repair themselves

▪ ______________________ in your skin

▪ Limb regeneration in some animals

Asexual Reproduction

o Also occurs in some plants

o __________________________

o Potatoes

o Kalanchoes

Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis

o Sexual reproduction

o Production of new ________________ from two parents, male and female

o Organisms use gametes for this process

o Only have half the number of chromosomes found in the other body cells

o Two types

▪ Sperm

▪ _______________

o Fertilization

o Male and female __________________________ combine

o ___________________

o The resulting cell from fertilization

o It is important that each cell only have half the chromosomes to make up the fertilized cell

o Meiosis

o The process that produces ____________________

o Involves two sets of divisions

▪ First division

• Pairs _________________

▪ Second division

• Copies separate

o One cell produces four gametes

▪ Each has ____________________ the chromosomes of the parent

o In a male it produces sperm cells

o In a __________________ it produces egg cells

o A single sperm joins with a single egg to produce a fertilized egg (zygote)

▪ Zygote has a ______________________ set of chromosomes

o ________________________ is then used to grow and develop into a complete organism.


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