IFLA DII meeting 1-21-2019

IFLA Division II Meeting MinutesDate: January 21st, 2019. 9:30 AM (U. S. Eastern Standard Time)Attendees: Ann Okerson (D II Chair), Peter Bae (D II Secretary), Diane Beattie, Gaelle Bequet, Alenka Kav?i? ?oli?, Peter Collins, Danielle Culpepper, Jér?me Fronty, Chihfeng P. Lin, Margret Plank, Cecilia Salvatore, Helen Vincent.Meeting Venue: Zoom Online Meeting PlatformAnn started the meeting by welcoming and thanking the participants. The meeting began with reports from each section.1.Section Reports (Reports are listed below in alphabetical order of the Section) Acquisition and Collection Development Section Jér?me Fronty reported as below: The theme of the Open Programme at the 2019 WLIC will be the relationship between the Collection Development and Digital Humanities. The session will be co-sponsored with Digital Humanities – Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group. The session has been approved.The Section is planning a Satellite meeting in Cairo, with American University of Cairo as the local partner. Some questions regarding security were raised by IFLA, and the Section is working with IFLA HQ on this matter.The Section has completed the Guideline for the Gifts to the Library and it has been submitted to the Standard Committee for review and comments.The Section is redefining the scope of the section and working with other sections to avoid any overlap.The Section is sponsoring the LGBTQ Users Special Interest Group; it was agreed that the section is a good fit to the SIG and will remain there until further notice.The Section has a new Information Coordinator after the retirement of previous IC and expects that the new IC will further energize the section.Jér?me will step down in August, as his committee term has ended, and he has applied to join the Academic and Research Library Section. Ann commented that the satellite meeting was not an issue during the Professional Committee meeting and she would follow up on this. Also, she added that IFLA HQ is understaffed on the professional side, due to the vacancies caused by Josche’s and Joanne’s departure, which also causes a slow response from the Standard Committee. But HQ staff is working hard to meet our many needs.Audiovisual and Multimedia Section Margret Plank reported as below:The Section received confirmation on their joint program with the Preservation Section and it will also co-sponsor a session with Science and Technology Libraries section entitled “New Services for Scientists.”Margaret will leave the Section in August and has applied to move to the Science and Technology Libraries Section.The Section is recruiting new members.The Section is planning a workshop in Athens regarding the preservation of Audio/Video materials.Members of the Committee created a video clip to describe their work to the general public, and the clips are available through the YouTube channel [IFLA section - Audiovisual and Multimedia - YouTube]Document Delivery and Resource SharingPeter Collins reported as below;The Section organizes a monthly Zoom meeting of officers, but it is also open to other committee members who can attend.Currently the Section is focusing on the Interlending and Document Supply conference which will be held in October at the National Technology Library in Prague, Czech Republic.During the WLIC in Athens, the Section will offer an Open Programme called “Tips and Tricks of International Resource Sharing,” It has been approved by IFLA.A proposal for a joint session with the Library Technology Group was submitted but is still awaiting confirmation. If approved, Peter Collins and other members of the committee will present a pilot project of using Blockchain technology for the Interlibrary loan fee payment scheme. Local History and GenealogyChihfeng P. Lin has reported as below; (the text is based on a written report Chihfeng submitted via email before the meeting) The Section is changing its name into Local History and Genealogy, to balance profession needs, articulated by colleagues in Penang and KL. They are awaiting a decision from HQ.Bozena is organizing the Satellite conference in Belgrade, and Chifeng is organizing the WLIC Open Programme. However, both are still awaiting final approvals from HQ.Colleagues in China (Office of Chinese Local Chronicles Guidance Group) are organizing the “2019 International Conference on Local Chronicles (ICLC) –Beijing, China” in July. Venue and date are to be finalized soon.Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, the IFLA President was in town (Taiwan) last week. In addition to her informative lectures, there were good.Colleagues in Taiwan are encouraged to participate in IFLA membership and WLIC activities.The Section submitted two program proposals but still is awaiting confirmation from HQ.Preservation and Conservation SectionAlenka Kav?i?-?oli? reported as below;The Section has submitted three program proposals in conjunction with other sections and still waiting for the answers to certain program proposals from IFLA HQ.The Section will edit a thematic issue of the IFLA Journal focusing on Preservation of Digital and Physical materials. The publication is planned for 2020, and the planning process has begun. The new Information Coordinator is on board since last September, and a list of preservation help links are available on the Section's web page; [IFLA — Useful Links]The Section is meeting every two months through Zoom and it works smoothly.As the nominations cycle is underway, the Section is waiting for its new members, which will bring new vigor to the Section.Rare Books and Special CollectionsHelen Vincent reported as below:The Section is still waiting for the answers to their program proposals, including the Satellite meeting. To date, Helen has not been able to post a CFP or anything related to the events. (Ann commented that most of program proposals were accepted during December Professional Committee meeting with minor tweaks.)The Section is planning a midterm meeting at the U.S. Library of Congress and is concerned that the current government shutdown in the U.S. might cause petency Standards and Guidelines for Rare Book and Special Collections Professionals has been reviewed by the Standards Committee with comments, and the Section continues working on finalizing the document. Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section Gaelle Bequet reported as below;The Section is organizing a Satellite meeting jointly with the National Libraries section. The theme of the meeting is "Grey Literature." The CFP has been sent out, with submissions expected by March 1st.The Open Programme during WLIC is cosponsored by the Standards Committee. The theme is Standards and Best Practices Relating to Serials, Continuing Resources and Scholarly Communications.The Section is actively engaging member institutions in soliciting nominations and is trying to make the Section more dynamic.Ann commented that the election result will come out in April. Library Publishing Special Interest Group SIGAs the co-convener of the Library Publishing Special Interest Group, Ann reported that as soon as the SIG was approved in December, the interested members wanted to have a Midterm meeting. The meeting will be in Dublin, Ireland, and 18 speakers are keen to participate. The date will be finalized shortly.2.IFLA Strategic Planning Ann reported about the IFLA Governing Board's Strategic Planning workshop, which was facilitated by Luma Consulting, recommend by staff from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The two-day workshop was extraordinarily productive, and she shared detailed information on the Strategic Planning process and initial outcomes via a separate set of PowerPoint slides. [Attached]The GB's work in December was passed to IFLA Headquarters staff to refine the Mission, Vision, and Strategies during the month of January 2019. Shortly, IFLA will distribute a Survey of the outcomes to all the professional groups. These surveys will be collated and will feed into the follow-up April 2019 GB strategy sessions.There was discussion of the planned June session involving one officer from each section. The purpose is to involve the professional groups after the GB finalizes its work in the 2nd strategic planning workshop to be held in April. For the June meeting, the Sections will each choose their representative, who should be someone staying on the committee and preferably an officer -- though this will depend on circumstances. Dates will be announced as soon as IFLA has made arrangements. IFLA will cover reasonable airfares and will provide accommodation. These representatives will next engage their committees and also at WLIC in Athens.3.Other reportsHelen Vincent reported that she attended the Document Heritage meeting organized by UNESCO and found that UNESCO is interested in IFLA’s involvement on training of library professionals. IFLA can pay a useful role in training.4.Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. ................

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