33rd Annual Meeting and Symposium

Fusion Energy: Progress and Promise

December 5-6, 2012

Capitol Hill Club 300 First Street, SE (Across from Capitol South Metro Station)

Washington, DC 20003

Agenda (November 27, 2012)

Wednesday, December 5 – Eisenhower Room

7:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00 Welcome – Farrokh Najmabadi, Chair, FPA Board of Directors

8:10 Presentation of Awards – Stephen O. Dean, President, FPA

8:30 Opening Remarks – Speaker TBA

9:00 Status of Experiments on NIF – Ed Moses, LLNL

9:30 Status of ITER Construction – Ned Sauthoff on behalf of

– Osamu Motojima, ITER

10:00 Break

10:30 Fusion at MIT – Miklos Porkolab, MIT PSFC

10:50 Fusion at General Atomics – Tony Taylor, GA

11:10 Fusion at PPPL – Stewart Prager, PPPL

11:30 General Discussion

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Fusion Energy Sciences Research at LLNL – Don Correll, LLNL

1:20 Fusion at the University of Rochester LLE – Robert McCrory, UR LLE

1:50 Fusion at the US Naval Research Laboratory – Steve Obenschain, NRL

2:10 Fusion at Sandia National Laboratories – Keith Matzen, SNL

2:30 General Discussion

3:00 Break

3:30 Fusion at LBNL – Joe Kwan, LBNL

3:50 Fusion at Los Alamos National Laboratory – Glen Wurden, LANL

4:10 The NAS Review of Inertial Fusion for Energy

– Ron Davidson, PPPL

– Jerry Kulcinski, U. Wisconsin

4:30 Status of the EPRI Fusion Review – John Sheffield

4:50 Fusion Activities of the American Security Project – Andrew Holland

5:30 Reception

7:30 Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, December 6 – Eisenhower Room

7:30 Continental Breakfast

8:00 Fusion Perspective – Leland Cogliani, Senate Appropriations Staff

8:30 Overview of OFES Programs – Ed Synakowski, DOE OFES

9:00 Inertial Fusion in NNSA – Jeff Quintenz, DOE NNSA

9:30 Status of US Contributions to ITER – Ned Sauthoff, ORNL

10:00 Break

10:30 Innovative Fusion Power Plant Concepts – Dennis Whyte, MIT

11:00 Comparative Analysis of World Fusion Roadmaps – Mohamed Abdou, UCLA

11:20 Summary of IAEA Demo Workshop – Hutch Neilson, PPPL

11:40 Ignition Options with Lasers – Riccardo Betti, U. Rochester

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Update on Progress at General Fusion – Doug Richardson, General Fusion

1:20 Fusion Communications Strategies – Kitta MacPherson, PPPL

1:40 Update on LIFE Study – Mike Dunne, LLNL

2:00 OFES Programs in HEDLP and General Plasma Physics – Ann Satsangi, OFES

2:20 Activities of the USBPO – Charles Greenfield, GA

2:40 Activities of the University Fusion Association, Dylan Brennan, UFA

2:50 Progress on a New Intense RF Plasma Generator – Y-K Martin Peng, ORNL

3:10 Activities and Capabilities at National Instruments – Stefano Concezzi, NI

3:30 Adjourn

FPA 33rd Annual Meeting and Symposium

Fusion Energy: Progress and Promise

Dec 5-6, 2012

Capitol Hill Club, 300 First St. SE, Washington, DC

Hotel Information: Capitol Hill Suites, 200 C St. SE, Washington, DC 20003. Block of rooms under Fusion Power Associates at government rate. Reservations: 800-619-9468 or 202-543-6000

Registration Form

Please print and mail, email or fax to Fusion Power Associates, 2 Professional Drive, Suite 249, Gaithersburg, MD 20879. Fax: 301-975-9869.

Email: fusionpwrassoc@

Name: _______________________________________________________________

Institution: ___________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________


Phone/Fax ___________________________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________

_____ My check for $625 is enclosed or my credit card information is below.

_____ I will pay $675 at the door

_____ I am retired and request reduced registration fee of $250

_____ I am either press, congressional staff or student and request complimentary registration

______ Please charge ___Visa, ___ Mastercard or ___ American Express

Card Number: ______________________________________________________

Exp. Date: __________________ Three Digit Code: _________________________

Zip Code of billing address: _____________________________________________

No refunds after November 1, 2012


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