By: Radia Ali

12 Dimensions in “Anna & the King”By: Radia Ali H00283111Example one:Achieved/ AscribedIn this scene, according for this video example of, the King’s son is try to show his power and knowledge for those people who is less than his and he try to show his respect for authority., the power everyone has a specific powerful and place people try to look as powerful as possible,According to this scene, He said “Siam population6 million, spreading across 49 bountiful provinces from Burma in the west to Cambodian the east. Presided over by king Maha Mongkut, lord of life whose strength and Power reach everywhere “Anna’s son responded “ not in my house they don’t “ the kings son said “ son of teacher is forgetting I am son of king “ . So the kings son believes the people have to respect the king and all his family because they are the power, and the power is key role to create his strength and even the weakness same.Example Two:Accountability: individual / community Its meaning those people always looking to be own instead with family and this is type of culture. in this scene r you will see the king want Anna to set in his chair or his place and Anna try to make understood her situation that she like to be her own she like to go another place which is comfortable with her and that place is for her own .According to this video Anna said “ well your majesty”, I am most flattered by your welcome , and I fine the opportunity to be in school an exciting one such devotion to progress is to be commended “ the King said “ reform is vital my country s survival , as tiny feet change, so too, will I am” Anna said “ but being in a country with so many unique customs , if I am to raise my son to be like his father m which I very much hope he will be , then I must feel free to follow our own traditions “ always individualism culture want to explain they have unique culture . well the King want Anna to stay in his place so he said “ it is my pleasure that you stay in my place “ But Anna said “ But it is not mine “ she always try to explained that she likes to be her own house to be more comfortable .Example three:Communication: Direct / indirect.All cultures have a shared way of talk or understanding or how to stop the world. And it’s had to kind indirect and direct.According or this scene, the man tell to Anna they will see the king anther day, but Anna don’t want so she go direct running to king to talk with him so she said “Am Anna “and all the worker afraid and think may something bad happen to king so they bring out the knives and her son shout and afraid. But Anna didn’t afraid she want to talk direct and said” we have be waiting you three Weekes”. And the king said to the man that with her “Has she no understanding of protocol?” than the man said “she has been advised “. Anna she communicates with the king direct without any protocol. Indirect culture the roles are not talking about.Example Four:Communication: Direct/ indirect Direct and indirect way is part of communication of the person to understand the person and when want to explain to him some of them use to explain in direct way to tell him situation and some of them tell the situation in indirect way when they are feeling shay or they didn’t want to heart the person .According to this scene, Anna and the king are discussing her living arrangements firstly she talk with king indirect way, she try to tell him that she don’t be comfortable to stay in the place Anna said .”well , your Majesty, I am most flattered by your welcome , and , and I fine the opportunity to be in school an exciting one such devotion to progress is to be commended “ the king said “ reform is vital my country s survival , as tiny feet change so , too will Siam “ Anna said “ But being in a country with so many unique custom , if I am to raise my sone to be like his father m which I very much hope he will be then I must feel free to follow our own traditions “. All this way is indirect to explained that she like to be free for her place . in addition she try to respect him more because of his position .But the direct way in this scene , when the king said to her “ pleasure that stay in my place “ she Answer direct way and she said “ But it is not mine “ she want to tell him that she want house outside the place also she said “ am respect you but am not service am guest “.Example five: Achieved/ Ascribed Other examples of Achieved sinkect bowing to the king , in this silent moment , we saw the king stepping out and the Siames people immediately bowing the king .Achieved culture always show us that repect authority and everyone has a specific place as we can see in this exaple . But , Anna show us Ascribed and is not bowing to the king which is an example of the persone who not related to Achieved culture . in addtion Ascribed culture belive that all the people are equl .the status and poition to be earned through individual effort or acquired due to ones agem family or coonection . Example six:Relationship/rules Relationship In this scene, Mr. Kincaid said to the king “you have a remarkable family, king Mongkut a remarkable large one hardly seems fair all these women for one man makes me I were Siamese myself Ha” the king answer “Mycroft Kincaid of East India Trading Company correct”;: Guilty as charged , you Majesty” Mr. Kincaid responded” Mr. Kincaid’s company is merely one of the ways we try to foster economic relations with other countries , you majesty” the king said “ also I think to arrive at forefront of world in wealth and power, yes? Still progress through commerce is logic king find most practical and excellent topic for discussion” In this video the king tries to building a relationship with British to help reserve his kingdom here we see the king is hosting the British commissioner and the head of the East India Company. In the relationship culture the rules is less between the people they prefer those people to build Relationship.Rules Moreover , when Mr. Kincaid’s says” you have a remarkable family , king Mongkut a remarkably large one hardly seems fair all these women for one man makes me wish I was Siamese myself Ha” this is another example of Rules culture . The king has many children and women and big royal family. In addition, they are living in one place in the palace with is another characteristic of rules culture. In rules culture there is no any relationships between the people they are prefer everything to be under rules. ................

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