Anne Arundel County Public Schools

5682343-219694Key: = Must be viewed = Your choiceKey: = Must be viewed = Your choice WebQuest – Questing for Quality QuestioningDURING the WebQuest:Slide TitleQuestionReflections/Your NotesYour Journey Begins Here!Based on the five components of quality questioning, create a list of take-aways to remember when writing quality questions and creating a supportive, engaging environment. Entry Points to Questioning (Bloom’s Taxonomy and Costa’s Levels of Questioning – Optional)Use the charts below for your notes.40907532857518613828575130799087713040906701493081117158-4086090247314450404093210994746718851077290039306570899Building Bridges (Scaffolding)Watch 1 video. Reflect on what you observed by offering a praise statement and one suggestion for improvement.Praise Statement – Suggestion – Introduction to the Icons for Depth and ComplexityWhich Icon(s) do you envision using in your content area? How will the Icon increase depth and complexity in your classroom?The Key is PlanningUsing the Popcorn example as a model, choose a topic/text from your content area and create questions using the Icons for Depth and Complexity.Opening Inquiring MindsIn what ways does the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) support students when creating their own quality questions? AFTER the WebQuest, but BEFORE the face-to-face session:Lesson Unit/Topic:Outcome(s):Icon UsedPlanned QuestionReflection ................

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