English with Mrs Phenix

Scottish Set Texts: Quick Summary of Duffy’s PoetryWar Photographer-12573007302500Themes: War, indifference to victims, isolation, not belonging, truth, suffering, memories, remembrance…Overview: It tells the story of a war photographer who is in his dark room developing photographs. As the images develop, he is reminded of some disturbing memories. He feels isolated in his experiences and is frustrated that no one is moved by the images for long. Valentine-12573007429500Themes: Truth, love, relationships, passion, pain of love…Overview: Duffy presents an unconventional gift to her lover – an onion, which is used as an extended metaphor for her love. Duffy’s poem isn’t about how perfect her relationship is, but explores both the negative and positive aspects; a more honest portrayal. Her love is passionate but may not last forever and love can be damaging and hurtful. Originally-13716007620000Themes: Identity, loss, not belonging, isolation, childhood, memories…Overview: Duffy shares an autobiographical experience – moving from Scotland to England. She describes the journey on the train and her reluctance to leave. She struggles to come to terms with the transition and doesn’t feel she belongs. Duffy grapples with the idea of identity through considering questions like, is identity found in an accent? Havisham-114300019177000Themes: Love, relationships, passion, lust, pain of love, isolation, identity, memories…Overview: Based on Miss Havisham, one of Charles Dicken’s characters, Havisham is told from the perspective of Miss Havisham who was jilted by her lover before they were to wed and now feels a mix of love, lust and passion for her fiancé, as well as hatred, bitterness and resentment. She sits in isolation in her yellowing wedding dress, waiting for him to return. She is conflicted, highlighting the thin line between love and hate. She imagines both committing violent acts towards him and being intimate with him. Anne Hathaway -12573002730500Themes: Love, relationships, loss, lust, passion, death, memories, remembrance…Overview: Once again told from the perspective of a persona – William Shakespeare’s wife. It begins will an epigraph from his will, which he leaves her only his second best bed. Viewed by many something to be critical of, Duffy presents it as a romantic, thoughtful and unusual gift. The bed is used as an extended metaphor. Hathaway recalls memories created on the bed and the power and strength of these memories. She views herself as inspiration of many of his characters and his creativity. Mrs Midas-1143000-254000Themes: Greed, wealth, loss, isolation, romance, passion, lust, love, selfishness, memories, remembrance, suffering… Overview: Inspired by the Greek myth of King Midas, who wishes for everything he touches to turn to gold. It is granted. Told from the perspective of a ‘forgotten wife,’ the persona – Mrs Midas explains how she came to find out the news. She describes her shock, fear and consequently isolation and anger. She is forced to separate from the husband she loves for fear he would turn her to gold. She is denied her desire of a child and physical contact. The selfish wish of her husband negatively impacted them both. He is confined to a life of loneliness. ................

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