Pending City Council Approval - Weaver, Alabama

City of WeaverCity Council Meeting MinutesFebruary 9, 2021 | 5:00 p.m.500 Anniston Street | Weaver, Alabama 36277The Mayor and City Council for the City of Weaver, Alabama, met for a regular scheduled Council Meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in the Municipal Court Room at Weaver City Hall, 500 Anniston Street, Weaver, Alabama.Call to Order – Mayor Wayne Willis called the council meeting to order.Invocation – Mayor Pro-Tem Jeff Clendenning gave the invocation.Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Wayne Willis led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.Roll Call – Chasity Whetstone, City Clerk/Treasurer, acted as secretary for the council meeting and called the roll. The following Council Members were found to be present: Councilmember Clint Burns, Councilmember Cathy Hamby, Councilmember Nick Bowles, and Mayor Pro-Tem Jeff Clendenning. The following were absent: Councilmember Tim McRae. With a quorum present, the meeting was open for the transaction of business.Adoption of Agenda – Councilmember Bowles made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Clendenning, to adopt the agenda for the regular scheduled city council meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 as written. Upon vote of the motion, the following votes were recorded: Yeas: All; Nays: None. The motion carried.Adoption of Previous Meeting MinutesRegular Scheduled City Council Meeting – Tuesday, January 26, 2021 – Mayor Pro-Tem Clendenning made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Hamby, to dispense with the reading of and adopt the City Council Meeting Minutes as written for the Tuesday, January 26, 2021 regular scheduled meeting. Upon vote of the motion, the following votes were recorded: Yeas: All; Nays: None. The motion carried.Department ReportsPublic Works Department – Director Joey Conger – Mr. Conger was absent as his attendance was optional.Police Department – Chief Wayne Bush – Chief Bush provided police department statistics for January 2021.Fire Department/Code Enforcement – Chief Brian Bunn – Chief Bunn informed the council that the two properties whose owners had agreements to delay demolition, 404 Alexandria Road and 1222 Arklow Road, look more habitable, but still need work. The owners of 1222 Arklow Road were present and requested an extension beyond the March 31, 2021 deadline. After some discussion on the status of the property, the owners and the council agreed that they still had approximately six (6) weeks to get the property up to the council’s standards and, they will reevaluate the property at that time.Administrative Department – City Clerk/Treasurer Chasity Whetstone – Mrs. Whetstone had nothing to report.Council ReportsCouncilmember Clint Burns – Councilmember Burns had no report.Councilmember Tim McRae – Councilmember McRae was absent.Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Councilmember Hamby had no report.Councilmember Nick Bowles – Councilmember Bowles had no report.Mayor Pro-Tem Jeff Clendenning – Mayor Pro-Tem Clendenning had no report.Old BusinessResolution#2021-01-Authorizing Buckhorn Subdivision Streets to Become Publicly Maintained – Mayor Pro-Tem Clendenning made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Bowles, to accept the Buckhorn Subdivision streets as laid out in the resolution and attached documentation. Upon vote of the motion, the following votes were recorded: Yeas: All; Nays: None. The motion carried. New BusinessResolution#2021-02 – Municipal Lease Purchase of 2021 Dodge Charger – Police Chief Bush presented his request to purchase this vehicle to replace the Dodge Charger that was totaled in 2020. Councilmember Bowles made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Burns, to adopt Resolution#2021-02. After some discussion clarifying the payment for the vehicle to come from proceeds from insurance this year and be a newly budgeted item next year, the following votes were recorded: Yeas: All; Nays: None. The motion carried.Spirit of Weaver Committee Report – No members were present to report.Mayor’s Report – Mayor Wayne Willis – Mayor Willis had no report.Public Comments – NoneAdjournment – With no further business coming before the council, Mayor Willis asked for a motion to adjourn. Mayor Pro-Tem Clendenning made a motion to adjourn. With all in favor, the meeting was duly adjourned._______________________________________________________________________Wayne Willis, Mayor Attested: Chasity L. Whetstone, City Clerk ................

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