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The Anniston Star - I remember Anniston, Alabama

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I remember Anniston, Alabama

By N.Q. Reynolds Special to The Star 09-14-2003

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I remember Anniston, Ala., a town located at the foothills of the


Appalachian Mountains in central Alabama. I remember Anniston, Ala., a ANNIS

town characterized in the traditions of segregation. She deprived her


citizens of color a full citizenship. I remember the "white" and "colored"

water fountains. I remember the "white" and "colored" restrooms -- one

for "colored" and two for "whites" (men and women).

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DIRECTORIES Yes, I remember the restaurants, when the whites had tables and could sit

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down with their families and blacks had to receive a sandwich from the back door. I remember Anniston with its separate schools, where there was no equality in the service rendered.

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I remember Anniston, where there were no black employees in


managerial positions. There were no clerks in the stores, only janitors and

clean-up positions.

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I remember Anniston, Ala., where blacks were not invited in the public library. They could only receive a book from the back door.

FUN & GAMES That was Anniston in the 1960's, a town like any other segregated in all


of its services and in all privileges, living by a double standard -- one for


whites and one for blacks.

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I remember Connie Lynch preaching words of hate from the steps of the courthouse. I remember Kenneth Adams and his cronies involved in violence and constantly threatening whites and blacks who sought to


The Anniston Star - I remember Anniston, Alabama

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build a different city. I remember Willie Brewster being shot down on his way from work, bothering nobody. That was Anniston then!

I also remember Anniston, Ala., trying to grope with her ears; trying, though painfully, to change its attitude and its way of life. I remember Anniston leadership seeking ways to overcome its dark past and to usher in a new day.

I remember Anniston, with its bus burning in 1961, and the bloody day at the Anniston Memorial Library where two ministers were beaten down by a mob of 50 to 60 sick white folks.


I remember the many confrontations in our efforts to integrate the public school system. I remember many protests in an effort to break down some barriers that kept us divided in many ways. I remember 13 weeks marching downtown Anniston to get employment for blacks in downtown stores. Yes, I remember Anniston!

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But I also remember Anniston seeking to change its ways and make the



city what it was meant to be. I remember the Anniston City Commission


appointing a Human Relations Committee in order to deal with some of

the crucial issues confronting her town.


The Commission was faced with continuous threats; however, it did not waiver in its efforts to remove the symbols of humiliation and to renounce hatred and segregation wherever they lifted their ugly heads.


Among the accomplishments of the Committee, it removed the white and colored symbols from all public places, it integrated the public library. (The 40-year celebration being held this weekend.)


Integrating the library was successful, but not without blood, pain and suffering. The Committee assisted the city and county in an effort to make this community the beloved community.



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