The Steering Wheel

The Steering Wheel

Our Mission Statement:

To share the love of our antique cars and to show them off.

To enjoy fellowship with other car enthusiasts.

November 2010 Vol. 10 #09

|Officers: | | | |

| |President: |Al Preisner |(616) 874-9336 |

| |Vice President: |Carl Esakson |(616) 677-5816 |

| |Secretary: |Nancy Brailey |(616) 363-3947 |

| |Treasurer: |Leon DeLange |(616) 878-3618 |

|Board of Directors: | | | |

| |09/10 |Nancy Brailey |(616) 363-3947 |

| |09/10 |Craig Chalmers |(616) 361-2220 |

| |09/10 |Shirley DeLange |(616) 878-3618 |

| |09/10 |Sally Thelen |(616) 363-4121 |

| |10/11 |Fred Brailey |(616) 363-3947 |

| |10/11 |Cecil Chalmers |(616) 897-8348 |

| |10/11 |Jim Nyman |(616) 949-7879 |

|Committee Chairs: | | | |

| |April Auction |Virgil Phelps |(616) 874-1289 |

| | |Al Preisner |(616) 874-9336 |

| |Christmas Banquet |Roseanne Lynch |(616) 460-2161 |

| | |Cynthia Smith |(231) 937-4513 |

| |Club Historian |Roseanne Lynch |(616) 460-2161 |

| |Club Picnic |John & Bonnie Woodman |(616) 997-6413 |

| |Membership |Al Preisner |(616) 874-9336 |

| |Metro 28th Cruise |Leon DeLange |(616) 878-3618 |

| |Newsletter – Typing |Bonnie Woodman |(616) 997-6413 |

| |Newsletter – Mailing |Marcia Rossman |(616) 784-5274 |

| |Retirement Visits |Cheryl Chalmers |(616) 361-2220 |

| |Sick & Shut-Ins |Judy Johnson |(616) 538-5927 |

| |Special Events |Ruth Esakson |(616) 677-5816 |

| | |Cynthia Smith |(231) 937-4513 |

| |Tours: Dust-Off |Sean & Cynthia Smith |(231) 937-4513 |

| |Late Summer One-Day | | |

| |Fall One-Day | | |

| |Fall Two-Day | | |

| | | | |

Events Calendar

** Indicates a SPECIAL Event

[pic]NOTE: Potluck

Oct 26 Tues GRACC Membership Meeting – 3121 Lake Michigan Dr. NW

Lincoln Square Retirement Residence Community Room

Meeting @ 7:00 PM

Greeters: John Woodman - Entertainment: Fall Potluck

Nov 9 Tues GRACC Board Meeting – 3121 Lake Michigan Dr. NW

Lincoln Square Retirement Residence Community Room

Meeting @ 7:30 PM - Treaters:

[pic]NOTE: Election

Nov 23 Tue GRACC Membership Meeting – 3121 Lake Michigan Dr. NW

Lincoln Square Retirement Residence Community Room

Meeting @ 7:00 PM

Greeters: Fred & Nancy Brailey - Entertainment: Yearly Election

Dec 7 Tue [pic]ANNUAL HOLIDAY BANQUET – application this newsletter

Dates marked in BOLD, Underlined and marked with a double asterisk ** are SPECIAL Events and Visits. Please make note of these dates. These events and visits earn points toward the year-end awards.


Hi Everyone,

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the fine weather. I hope to see all of you at the next general meeting, our Fall Potluck. The food will be very good, with all the good cooks in the club. Please remember our November General meeting is election time. We need “4” new board members. I am taking dues for 2011; they can be sent to me.

Your GRACC President,

Al Preisner

$ Treasurer’s Report from Leon DeLange $

This is the report from 11 October 2010:

Beginning Balance 09/28/2010: $6,274.08

Receipts: 4.80

Disbursements: (11.06)

Balance as of 10/11/2010: $6,267.82

Note: a further detailed report will be available at the November membership meeting.

Board Of Directors Report

A Reminder: the Board Meetings are open to all Club members. If you have suggestions for the club, please join the Board Members at one of the meetings.

[pic]Annual Elections are only a month away. There is a need for new board members. Terms on the following Board members will be expiring:

Shirley DeLange (not eligible for re-election), Nancy Brailey, Craig Chalmers and Sally Thelen

Volunteer Positions Open – The following positions are open to club members. No experience necessary. On-the-Job Training (help will be provided – you only need to ask). No pay, but the benefits are fantastic. Please consider any of the following positions:

• Board Members

• Tour/Cruise Director(s)

• Greeters/Treater(s) at club meetings

See Al Preisner or one of the Board Members to apply.

Committee Reports

[pic]Sick & Shut-Ins

Judy Johnson – Chair

At this time we seem to be healthy – keep up the good work.

PLEASE!!! Let Len and/or Judy Johnson know if you or another member in the club is having surgery, ill or death in the family.

Call @ (616) 538-5927


Retirement Visits

Brought to you by Cheryl Chalmers

(616) 361-2220

Sheldon Meadows Living Center - September 16th: attendees were Denny & Linda Biggins, Paul & Pat Kosiara & Adeline, Cecil Chalmers, Craig Chalmers, Ken & Nancy Bogardus, Casey Meyer, Dick

& Dorothy Olmstead, Carl & Ruth Esakson, and Leon & Shirley DeLange.

Well, that was the last retirement home visit for this year, thanks to all of you who came. I'm sure they appreciated it and it made my first time at this go smoothly.

Thanks again,

Cheryl Chalmers


Special Events

Brought to you by Ruth Esakson & Cynthia Smith

(616) 677-5816

Thanks again, Ruth & Cynthia



Al Preisner - Chair

We currently have 78 families.

Welcome to our newest club members – Robert & Julie Rinzema of Grandville. They have three antiques/classics – 1951 Chevy Pickup, a 1966 Chevy Convertible and a 1969 Chevy Camaro.

Please be sure to welcome them at the next club event.

[pic] It’s not too early to start thinking of paying your dues. They are $20.00 per family for the year. They can be paid by check, made out to GRACC and mailed to: Al Preisner at 7973 Ramsdell Dr NE – Rockford, MI 49341-8079. They can also be turned in at the next club meeting. We do ask that you do NOT bring them to the Christmas Banquet.

Note: we have blank applications and some fliers that you can pick up at the meetings. Keep them handy so that if you talk to someone who may be interested in joining, you’ll have contact information to give out.

Extra-Newsworthy News

Congratulations go out to Arv & Marianne Kiander for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. If you wish to send a card, the address is: 275 Rolling Greene NW - Grand Rapids, MI 49534


[pic] October Potluck is here!!!

Our October meeting will start off with a potluck at 7:00 pm, featuring some fine dishes from our great cooks. Bring a dish to pass, your own table service and a good appetite. Beverages will be provided. After the potluck and clean-up, there will be a regular meeting. Hope to see you all then. We encourage all of our cooks to bring the recipe of the item they made so that they can be published in upcoming issues of the newsletter.


[pic] Annual GRACC Holiday Banquet

Brought to you by Roseanne Lynch & Cynthia Smith

Tuesday, December 7th, is the Annual GRACC Holiday Banquet being held at the Knights of Columbus Club at 1140 Muskegon Ave NW in Grand Rapids. Application is in this newsletter and deadline is Tuesday, November 23rd. Social Hour from 5:30 to 6:30 pm – Dinner following. Awards and Raffles after dinner. Don’t Delay – get your application mailed in today. We will try to have maps made up and available at the next club meeting.


[pic]Upcoming Membership Meetings ????

We need your input. Do you have any suggestions to make our meetings more interesting? Do you have some thoughts on a speaker and/or presentation you would like to see? Do you have a collection of items you would be willing to bring in for “Show and Tell?” If you can answer any or all of these questions - contact one of the Board Members or Al Presiener. We are open to suggestions!!!!!

[pic] HARD LUCK TROPHY – Winner (or is that Loser?)

Who will be next to be presented with the “Hard Luck Trophy” at the next meeting? Watch the next edition to see whose name appears.

NOTE: For those who aren’t aware – the ‘Hard Luck’ Trophy is presented to the owner of a car that breaks down while on a club outing.


** Auto Trivia Answer: Mystery car in the last newsletter was: 1942 Willys Americar

** Visit our web site at


[pic] NAPA Auto Parts ……

If you’re in the need for parts for your “antique/classic” vehicle, check out the NAPA Auto Parts store located at 3402 Patterson SE in Grand Rapids. Upon showing your membership card from “Grand Rapids Antique Car Club” you will be given up to 20% off on automotive items. If you want, give them a call first – 949-6272.


[pic] Merchandise Sales[pic]

GRACC merchandise is available For Sale and/or Order.

Contact the following members for imprinted items you can order and/or purchase with the GRACC logo.

➢ Name Tags: Len Johnson – (616) 538-5927 – Special order only

➢ Jackets: Hi Everyone:

  Our club jackets are ready to order. The new jackets will be in our club colors, navy blue with a white and gold insignia on the front. (The same insignia as on our club hats)

  There are two styles to choose from and the sizes vary a little, so you will need to try them on first before you order.  The jackets need to be paid for when ordering, so I can pay for them when they are picked up.  If I’m not at all of the meetings, give me a call if you plan to order one, and we can discuss arrangements.  Thanks, Jim Nyman (616) 949-7879 - NOTE- New Contact

Hats are $15.00 /Key Chains are $6.00 / Car Magnet Signs are $6.00/each: talk to Bonnie or John Woodman –

(616) 997-6413

Metro Cruise - 2010

[pic] [pic]

Leon and Fred talking to the Police

(Now, what did they do?)

[pic] [pic]

Back Seat Drivers

[pic]NOVEMBER Recipes

New England Clam Chowder

1/2 lb. bacon 4 cans (6.5 oz ea), chopped clams (don’t drain)

1 onion, diced 1 lb. red potatoes, cubed

1/2 rib celery diced 1/2 cup chopped fresh dill

1 ½ tsp. butter 1 ½ tsp. pepper

1/2 cup flour Worcestershire sauce & pepper to taste

1 ½ qts. Heavy cream

In large pot, cook bacon over medium-high heat until crisp. Add onion & celery; cook, stirring, 3 minutes. Stir in butter, then flour. Stir in cream, clams and their juices, add potatoes; cover. Over medium heat, cook until potatoes are tender and soup thickens, 10 to 12 minutes. Add dill, pepper, Worcestershire and salt; heat through. Serves 10


Cranberry Hash

1 ½ cups whole cranberries 2 cans pineapple tidbits (drain well)

1/2 cup sugar 1 cup sliced banana

1 cup mini marshmallows 2 cups whipped cream

1 cup walnuts (chopped) 1 tsp. rum extract

Chop cranberries in a grinder. Mix together cranberries, sugar, marshmallows, nuts, pineapple and banana. Fold in Whipped cream and rum extract. Chill at least 1 hour before serving.


Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies

1 box SuperMoist Yellow cake mix 1/4 cup butter, softened

1 ¼ cups crunchy peanut butter 2 eggs

1/4 cup packed brown sugar 1 bag (11.5 oz) milk chocolate chips (2 cups)

Heat oven to 350^ for dark or nonstick cookie sheets. In large bowl, beat cake mix, peanut butter, brown sugar, butter & eggs with electric mixer on Medium speed until well blended. Stir in chocolate chips. On ungreased cookie sheets, drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls 2 inches apart. Bake 9 to 11 minutes, or until edges are set (centers will be soft). Cook 1 minute; remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks.[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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