Touching Spirit Bear Study Guide Questions: NOT GRADED

Touching Spirit Bear Study Guide Questions

Chapters 1-2

1. Why is Cole Matthews banished to live alone on an island in Southeast Alaska for one year?

2. Why doesn’t Cole trust Garvey, his parole officer?

3. Why does Edwin, the Tlingit elder require Cole to wear his clothes inside out?

4. What is Cole’s philosophy about fear?

5. What does Cole learn from “being referred” repeatedly, while being told each time that it is his “last chance?”

6. Why do you think counseling has no effect on Cole?

7. How does Cole describe his parents near the beginning of the story?

8. Cole has a habit of blaming others for his mistakes. Which of the following is an example of this behavior from the text?

9. What is Circle Justice?

10. What is one of the first signs that Cole does not plan to honor his commitment to stay on the island for a year?

11. Living alone on an island off the coast of Alaska can be very dangerous. How does Edwin try to convince Cole of both the danger and Cole’s responsibility for survival?

12. When Cole states that he is not afraid to die, does Edwin believe him?

13. Edwin asks Cole how he would feel if a bear would make its den beside the stream. Cole answers, “I’d kill it.” What is Edwin’s response?

14. According to Edwin, What can be leaned from the animals on the island?

15. What is a Spirit Bear?

16. What does Edwin mean when he says, “You live or die by your actions?”

17. Garvey gives Cole at.óow. What is an at.óow and what conditions come with it?

18. Cole is very good at manipulation.. Which of the following is an example fro Chapter 2 that shows how Cole manipulates people?

19. Why does Cole burn down the shelter Edwin had made for him?

20. Which of the following does NOT describe Cole’s personality?

Chapters 3-5

1. When Garvey asks Cole what he doesn’t like about his life, Cole’s answers reveal that his parents are abusive and neglectful. Which of the following is NOT an example of his parents’ behavior?

2. Why does Garvey bring groceries to Cole’s cell?

3. Which of the following are NOT ingredients in Cole’s life cake?

4. Cole plans to swim from island to island until he finds a passing boat to take him to the mainland. What happens when he tries to carry out his plan?

5. As he rests on the coals, what strong and haunting realization scares Cole more than anything else?

6. According to Garvey, why is it important for Peter to forgive Cole?

7. What are the final two circles Cole will be expected to attend?

8. Each Circle Justice meeting includes the word circle. When Cole asks, “Is everything always a circle?” what is Garvey’s response?

9. According to the Keeper, why does justice too often fail?

10. For whom is Circle Justice meant?

11. What is the purpose of the feather at the Circle Justice meeting?

12. Which is NOT a factor that motivates people to attend the Circle Justice hearing for Cole and Peter?

13. What is Cole’s reaction after Peter speaks at the first Circle Hearing?

14. When Cole first sees the Spirit Bear, what about the bear angers Cole?

15. What object does Cole find lying on the ground?

16. According to Peter’s mother, how badly injured is her son?

17. What is Peter’s response when the feather is passed to him?

Chapters 6-8

1. According to Garvey, what is the point of banishment?

2. Garvey recommends a vision quest such as the kind practiced by First Nation people. What is a vision quest?

3. Will Cole be free after serving his year on the island?

4. As Cole feeds the fire, what overwhelming emotion does he feel?

5. What is Cole’s second escape plan?

6. Cole realizes that he will need energy for the escape. How does he manage to feed himself?

7. When Cole checks the tide line, what causes him to blink in disbelief?

8. What does Cole expect the Spirit Bear to do, and what actually happens?

9. Why does Cole attack the Spirit Bear?

10. After the Spirit Bear mauls Cole, what do the seagulls do, and how does Cole respond?

11. Why doesn’t the Spirit Bear’s attack make sense to Cole?

12. Why does Cole save the handful of the bear’s hair after the mauling?

13. While lying on the ground, Cole sees nature around him as a part of something bigger, but he doesn’t feel a part of it. How does Cole describe “his place”?

14. As Cole lies injured in the cold rain, what are his thoughts?

15. What recurring nightmare of Cole’s has become a reality?

16. In pain and helpless from the bear attack, Cole wipes blood from his mouth. What does he notice about the blood?

17. Cole feels a jail cell would be preferable to what he is dealing with on the island. Which of the following would NOT be

Chapters 9-11

1. Why does Cole want to knock a nest of baby birds from the tree?

2. When Cole falls into a deep sleep, what does he dream about?

3. Why does Cole hate the Spirit Bear?

4. After the lightning hits the spruce tree during the storm, what does Cole realize?

5. As Cole thinks about giving up, he sees the moon, which gives him something to focus on. What is it about the moon that puzzles him?

6. After the storm, what does Cole call out to the baby birds that had been in the tree?

7. The death of the baby birds makes Cole question the meaning of life. What do his thoughts lead him to realize?

8. What cycle does Cole now understand?

9. When Cole decides he wants to live, what must he do to survive?

10. When he sees the Spirit Bear standing twenty feet away, what does Cole do, and what does this act symbolize?

Chapters 12-13

1. Cole expects the bear to kill him. What is Cole’s view of death at that moment?

2. The bear returns and hovers closely over Cole. How does this encounter differ from the previous one?

3. When Cole believes it is “his turn” to die, what emotions does he experience?

4. Cole is near-death from his injuries, exposure, and lack of food and water. What happens that saves his life?

5. When Cole insists that he is okay, Garvey thinks Cole is referring to his injuries. What does Cole really mean?

6. Garvey apologizes to Cole for “getting you into this,” and Cole responds, “My fault!” What is the significance of this statement?

7. Edwin believes Cole will be okay when what happens?

8. While under Rosey’s care, Cole has a nightmare. Describe it.

9. Garvey tells Cole that by helping him, he is helping himself. What information about Garvey’s past does he share with Cole to explain why?

10. Rosey tells Cole that his body will heal in a few months, but time won’t heal his mind as easily. What does she say will heal his wounds of the spirit?

11. When Garvey tells Cole that he may never have full use of his arm again, Cole’s response shows that he has changed his view of the “ingredients” in his “cake.” Summarize Cole’s new attitude.

12. According to Edwin, can a person ever completely stop being angry?

13. Why doesn’t Edwin believe Cole was attacked by a Spirit Bear?

14. Why doesn’t Cole show Edwin the Spirit Bear’s hair to prove he had been attacked by it?

15. Why does Cole toss the bear’s hair into the water?

16. What memory of the island will stay in Cole’s mind and heart?

Chapters 14-16

1. How much time passed between when Cole left the island and when he was released from the hospital?

2. What happened to Cole’s father a month after Cole returned from the island?

3. What creates a spirit of calm for Cole when bad memories upset him?

4. Why does Cole hang the at.óow over his bed frame at the detention center?

5. According to Garvey, what is probably in Cole’s future?

6. Cole’s mother visits him every day, and he sees that she has changed. Which of the following is NOT a way Cole’s mother has changed?

7. What does Cole’s mother tell him that helps him to understand his father better?

8. Who is the surprise guest at the Circle Justice meeting that takes place after Cole returns from the island?

9. What is the point of Edwin’s demonstration with Cole at the Circle Justice meeting?

10. According to Edwin, in what two ways do people change?

11. When Cole speaks to the Circle members, do they trust what he tells them?

12. The Circle believes Cole is lying about being attacked by the Spirit Bear. How does Edwin come to Cole’s defense?

13. Cole is released to Garvey’s and Edwin’s custody. Why?

14. What are the conditions under which Cole is allowed to return to the island?

15. What does Edwin do that shows he does not completely trust Cole?

16. When Cole, Edwin, and Garvey unload the supplies from the boat, what two chores is Cole required to do?

17. In what way is Garvey’s hot dog different from Cole’s?

18. According to Garvey, how is all of life like a hot dog?

19. Edwin and Garvey hum a song of friendship. According to Garvey, why are there no words?

20. When Cole asks Garvey what reason he has for celebration, what is Garvey’s response?

Chapters 17-19

1. Early in the morning, Edwin takes Cole to a pond. What is the purpose of soaking in the icy water?

2. Edwin carries a stick into the water. What lesson does he teach Cole with it?

3. According to Edwin, how are the lessons about the hot dog, stick, and sky similar to life?

4. Edwin warns Cole about winter on the island. What does he tell Cole to avoid and why?

5. Cole’s physical disabilities make it difficult for him to build the shelter. How do Garvey and Edwin respond to seeing Cole struggle?

6. Why do Edwin and Garvey feel it is important for Cole to rebuild his shelter without help?

7. How does Cole’s pride hinder him as he builds the shelter?

8. Why do Edwin and Garvey allow Cole to make his own choices?

9. According to Edwin, what has no place on the island?

10. Edwin tells Cole they must dance to the powers that surround them. Which of the following is NOT a power Edwin names?

11. What do Garvey, Edwin, and Cole learn from the whale dance?

12. According to Edwin, what is the hardest dance, and why is it more difficult than any other dance?

13. What does the rock represent, and what is accomplished by rolling it down the hill?

14. Cole asks Edwin why he and Garvey keep telling him what to do. What is Edwin’s response?

15. What final task will be required of Cole before he leaves the island, and why will it be difficult?

16. Why does Garvey threaten to take Cole back to Minneapolis?

17. What does Cole learn from the wolf dance?

18. Briefly describe Cole’s experience the first time he soaks in the pond alone.

19. What does Cole realize as he carries the ancestor rock up the hill by himself for the first time?

20. As Cole is about to return to the campsite, what does he see?

Chapters 20-22

1. Why does Cole hesitate to tell Garvey and Edwin that he has seen the white bear?

2. When Cole returns from his soak, what does he tell Garvey and Edwin he learned that helps them decide to let him stay?

3. On the evening that Cole finishes building the shelter, what dance do Cole, Garvey, and Edwin do?

4. Garvey gives Cole a gift. What is it, and what does Garvey say it can be used for?

5. When does Cole realize that he is not being sent away from the island?

6. When Cole first finds the log, what is the first thing he considers doing with it?

7. How does skipping his morning soak affect Cole?

8. Why does Cole cut a deep groove around the center of the log?

9. When Cole sees an eagle, he begins to carve it into his totem pole and then does the eagle dance. What does Cole learn from the eagle that he wants to remember?

10. What does Edwin say are possible reasons why Cole saw the Spirit Bear more during his first stay on the island?

11. Edwin visits Cole and sees that Cole tried to carve the log into a canoe. Although Edwin is not happy about it, he is proud of Cole for one thing. What is it?

12. According to Edwin, anyone can carve a totem. What is a totem?

13. While Cole dances the beaver dance, what qualities does he realize the beaver has?

14. Why is there an empty space at the bottom of Cole’s totem?

15. As Cole carves the totem, what two questions haunt him?

Chapters 23-25

16. What does it mean to be invisible, and what does Cole believe is the secret to invisibility?

17. How does Cole begin to see himself as he gazes at the Spirit Bear?

18. After seeing the Spirit Bear, how does Cole spend the evening?

19. When does Cole finally do his dance of anger?

20. Based on how Cole’s dance of anger ends, what do you think is the most important word in his dance?

Chapters 23-25

1. After completing his anger dance, Cole thinks about what he learned from it. What is one thing Cole now understands about anger?

2. What does Cole tell Edwin he learned from the anger dance?

3. Why isn’t Cole able to carve anything in the blank space on the totem?

4. After doing a storm dance, what two things does Cole carve into his totem?

5. What does Cole think is the reason the Spirit Bear has stopped appearing?

6. Which of the following is NOT one of the problems Cole faces as winter sets in?

7. What are the two most significant activities that Cole is forced to give up because of the ice and cold?

8. Although Cole keeps busy with chores and schoolwork, he still has a lot of time to think. What feeling is overwhelming to him?

9. What does Cole fear will happen when he returns to Minneapolis, where there is no soaking pond, ancestor rock, or totem?

10. How does Cole celebrate Christmas on the island?

11. When Edwin visits Cole at the end of March, what news does he bring Cole?

12. What does Edwin tell Cole caused Peter to feel that his life is worthless?

13. How does Cole think coming to the island can help Peter?

14. Which is NOT a reason Edwin doesn’t think it’s a good idea to bring Peter to the island?

15. Does Cole’s willingness to stay on the island longer show that he has changed?

16. Why do Peter’s parents decide to bring him to the island?

17. What promise does Cole make to Peter’s parents?

18. What does Edwin want Cole to do when the Driscal family arrives?

19. What explanation does Cole give for why he beat Peter?

20. Peter has been silent since he came to the island. When he speaks for the first time, what does he say?

Chapters 26-28

1. Cole prepares supper for everyone. What does he do to make it a “feast”?

2. Cole thanks Garvey for standing by him and asks how he can repay Garvey for all he’s done. What is Garvey’s response?

3. When Cole pauses before rolling the ancestor rock down the hill, Peter does something surprising. What is it?

4. One morning, Peter bumps Cole, who falls and gets his clothes wet, causing him to skip his soak. What does Peter do next?

5. What does Peter do during the storm to show Cole compassion and the beginning of trust?

6. Peter takes every opportunity to get back at Cole by doing annoying things. When Peter destroys the bear carving on the totem pole, what does Cole do?

7. Which of the below is NOT a lesson of the mouse dance?

8. What does Peter say he learned from his mouse dance?

9. When Peter fails to learn from the mouse dance, Cole is disheartened. What does Garvey say to reassure him?

10. What does Peter do to Cole’s totem pole while Cole and Garvey are on a hike to look for whales?

11. Peter asks to go alone with Cole to the pond for a soak. What happens on the way there?

12. When Peter asks to go alone with Cole to the pond for a soak, what does Cole assume? Is Cole correct in his assumption?

13. According to Peter, when will everything be all right?

14. What does Peter think is Cole’s motive for being nice to him?

15. Cole explains to Peter why he was mad at him. What did he say?

16. When does the Spirit Bear appear to Cole and Peter?

17. Peter is worried that people won’t believe that he and Cole saw a Spirit Bear. Why does this possibility not bother Cole?

18. Cole explains to Peter that everyone is a part of something big. What is it?

19. What gift does Cole pass on to Peter?

20. What do Cole and Peter carve into Cole’s totem in the empty place?


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