Strategic Planning Template

Strategic Planning Template, 2014-15LaGuardia Community College’s mission is to educate and graduate one of the most diverse student populations in the country to become critical thinkers and socially responsible citizens who help to shape a rapidly evolving society.The City University of New York follows a performance management process (PMP) that links planning and goal setting by the University and its colleges and professional schools, measures annual progress towards key goals, and recognizes excellent performance. The college targets reflect differences in campus missions, resources and circumstances, and recognize that the colleges all start from different performance baselines. We are able and encouraged to develop our own targets based on our specific needs, goals, and mission. Our Strategic Plan is largely grounded in the CUNY PMP. The purpose of the PMP is to:To ensure clarity about University and college priorities and expectations for the year.To recognize and acknowledge progress at all levels.To unite a diverse set of colleges into an integrated University.To introduce more accountability into the system.To ensure that the Master Plan guides the plans and priorities of the colleges while each retains its own identity, mission, and INSTRUCTIONS:Based on LaGuardia’s 2013-14 Strategic Plan targets and the broad College community input from the recent Strategic Plan solicitation survey, each division will develop three to five complete targets and work plans for 2014-15 using the revised template detailed below with five “focus areas.” These activities are intended to be strategic; please don’t include objectives, goals, and or targets which are considered ‘daily business.’ Be specific with the identified objectives, activities, assessment, resources, and any cross-divisional involvement. Every proposed target should clearly explain how the intended result will support /enhance student learning as well as what milestone or outcomes you will be able to report on by May 2015. With an overarching continued focus of improving our retention and graduation rates, we ask that ALL DIVISIONS develop three to five targets and detailed work plans that connect to the following five key college priorities (i.e. “focus areas”) in addition to one target that explicitly address retention or graduation: 1) Strengthen Advisement, First Year Experience and other Alignment initiatives2) Deepen the use of Digital Technology to support student learning and success 3) Engage LaGuardia’s Outcomes Assessment process to improve student learning 4) Strengthen the connection between college learning experiences and the evolving labor market 5) Advance Global Learning – prepare students to address our signature competency and develop as global citizens*Any department or unit with programs that are undergoing a Periodic Program Review (PPR) – either during a preparatory, active, or one of three implementation years, must additionally provide a target and work plan that details their program assessment work.Note: A proposed target/ work plan could fulfill multiple priorities; for example an alignment target may also count as a retention/ graduation goal. Global learning can address the labor market focus area as another example. Fill out up to five 2014-15 Strategic Plan target templates provided below. Submit these VP sanctioned work plans to Dr. Bernard A. Polnariev @ with a CC to Associate Dean Bret Eynon @ no later than April 7, 2014. Upon the approval of your proposed targets and work plans from the Executive Council, you will be notified via email in June and asked to post your plans on the Strategic Plan website using Internet Explorer by June 30, 2014: Terms & Categories:For the five Strategic Plan template categories highlighted below, please consider these descriptive questions as you develop your targets for Academic Year 2014-15. Prompts are included to ensure that we obtain the necessary information. Try to answer these prompts in the limited space and email it as one (Microsoft Word) document.Objective What do you want to accomplish? Why? How does it link to a specific College focus area? Reference evidence (i.e. data) relevant to establishing your specific target.How does this objective address the college and/or department’s mission?Include two or three clear and measurable outcomes that can be achieved by May 2015.Activities & TimelineDescribe up to three specific actions that will be undertaken to achieve this goal. Who will take responsibilities for these tasks? How these tasks lead to achieving the objective within the identified time? How and when will these actions be completed? Include any intermediate benchmarks. Be specific with what will be accomplished by when.Assessment as it links to improved learning and /or employment outcomes (Planned Mechanisms)Be explicit with how the target will support /enhance student learning and/ or employment opportunities How will you assess or determine that the objective has been in fact achieved?Identify measures which will provide evidence related of your activities.Identify one or two clear assessment activities. Who will lead the assessment efforts?Resources NeededIf any funding is requested, be clear with a detailed budget breakdown along with the final total request. All budget requests should be in-line with previous budget allocations and scope of the target. Final budget approvals will be determined during fall 2014.Cross-Divisional Impact and / or Involvement Identify divisions and/or departments that will either be impacted and/or ones whose support will be needed – either way, these units should be aware of your target. Be sure to obtain consent from any the division(s) and or department(s) that may be affected by the proposed target before submitting your work plan.DEPARTMENT or UNIT NAME: _____________________________________ DIVISION: ____________________Target 1:Identify the University Retention or Graduation target # or Existing Retention or Grad College Target # based on your what you intend to achieve: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ObjectiveActivities & TimelineAssessment (Planned Mechanism(s))Resources Needed(if any)Cross-Divisional Impact / Involvement (if applicable)Target 2:Focus Area: _________________________________________________________________________________________ObjectiveActivities & TimelineAssessment (Planned Mechanism(s))Resources Needed(if any)Cross -Divisional Impact / Involvement (if applicable)Target 3:Focus Area: _________________________________________________________________________________________ObjectiveActivities & TimelineAssessment (Planned Mechanism(s))Resources Needed(if any)Cross -Divisional Impact / Involvement (if applicable)Target 4 (leave blank if not applicable):Focus Area: _________________________________________________________________________________________ObjectiveActivities & TimelineAssessment (Planned Mechanism(s))Resources Needed(if any)Cross -Divisional Impact / Involvement (if applicable)Target 5 (leave blank if not applicable):Focus Area: _________________________________________________________________________________________ObjectiveActivities & TimelineAssessment (Planned Mechanism(s))Resources Needed(if any)Cross -Divisional Impact / Involvement (if applicable) ................

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