Abramsky, L and Chapple, J - Genetics and Medicine ...

Complete List of Historical Library Books

(Includes donations from the books of Professor David Cooper; Cytogenetics Library, Belfast, Northern Ireland; Professor John H. Edwards; Professor H John Evans; Professor Malcolm Ferguson-Smith; Professor Peter S Harper; Oxford Medical Genetics Service – Headington Hospital; Professor Lionel Penrose; Professor Paul Polani and Polani Research Library, London)

1. Abramsky, L and Chapple, J. (Eds) Prenatal Diagnosis – The human side. Chapman & Hall, 1994. ISBN 0412553600 (MFS)

2. Acta Genetica Medicae et Gemellologiae: Twin Research. Official Journal of the International Society for Twin Studies Vol 45 Number 1/2, 1996. Rome: Mendel Institute, 1996

3. Adams, M B (Ed) The Wellborn Science, Eugenics in Germany, France, Brazil and Russia Oxford University Press, 1990 ISBN 0195053613 (PSH)

4. Addison GM, Connor JM, Harkness RA and Pollitt, RJ (Eds) Studies in Inherited Metabolic Disease, Prenatal and Perinatal Diagnosis, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Symposium of the SSIEM, Glasgow, UK, September 1988, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989 ISBN 0792389166 (MFS)

5. Adinolfi M, ed. Genetics of complement. Basel: Karger. 69-164. (Exp Clin

Immunogenet; 5 (2-3).) 1988 3805548605

6. Adinolfi M, ed. Immunology and genetics of mammalian reproduction: some

controversial issues. Basel; London: S. Karger. 62-122pp. (Exp Clin Immunogenet; 10 (2)). 1993 3805558678

7. Adinolfi M, ed. Polymorphisms and fertility: meeting on genetic polymorphisms

and fertility in mammals with special reference to immunogenetic aspects, Rome, May 24th-25th 1985. Basel: Karger. 53-136pp. (Exp Clin Immunogenet; 2 (2)). 1985 3805540663

8. Adinolfi M, (Eds) Paediatric Research: A Genetic Approach, Festschrift for Paul Polani, Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 83. Spastics International Medical Publications, 1982, London: William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd (PSH) (2)

9. Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing Genetic testing for late disorders.

London: Health Departmnets of the United Kingdom. i, 27pp. 1998

10. Ager RP & Oliver RWA The risks of midtrimester amniocentesis. Bramhall: Harboro. x, 197pp. 1986 0951144502

11. Allen GE Thomas Hunt Morgan: the man and his science. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. xvii, 447pp. 1978 (PEP)

12. Allan, JD and Raine, DN (eds). Some Inherited Disorders of Brain and Muscle: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Edinburgh: E and S Livingstone Ltd, 1969 ISBN: 0443006253

13. Allen JM The molecular control of cellular activity. New York; London:

McGraw-Hill. 328pp. 1962

14. Allen, Keith & Briggs, Derek (1989, eds.) Evolution and the fossil record. London: Belhaven Press.ISBN: 1852931493

15. Allfrey VG, Bautz EKF, McCarthy BJ, Schimke RT & Tissieres A, eds Organization and expression of chromosomes. Report of the Dahlem Workshop on organization and expression of chromosomes. Berlin, 17th-21st May 1976. Berlin: Dahlem Konferenzen. 347pp. (Life Sciences research reports; no 4). 1976 3820012502, (PEP)

16. Altenburg, Edgar. Genetics. Revised edition. London: Constable and Company Ltd, 1957

17. Alstrom, Carl Henry. A Study of Epilepsy in its Clinical, Social and Genetic Aspects. Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Supplementum 63. Stockholm: Cjnar Munksgard, 1950

18. Altman PL & Katz DD, eds. Inbred and genetically defined strains of laboratory

animals. Part 1. Mouse and rat. Bethesda, MD: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. xxvi, 418pp. (FASEB Biology handbooks; vol 3). 1979 0913822124, (PEP)

19. Altmann H, (Chairman) DNA repair mechanisms. Symposiam Medica Hoechst.

Symposium, Schloss Reinhartshausen/Rhein, 4th-5th October 1971. Stuttgart, New York: FK Schattauer Verlag. ix, 248pp. 1972 3794502922, (PEP)

20. Altmann HW, Benirschke K, Brinkhous KM, Bohle A, Cohrs P, Cottier H, Eder M, Gedigk P, Giese W, Hedinger C, Iijima S, Kirsten WH, Klatzo I, Lennert K, Meessen H, Sandritter W, Seifert G, Stoerk HC & Zollinger HU, eds Current Topics in Pathology vol 51. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 219pp. 1070. (MJS)

21. Altukhov, Yu P (ed). Problems in General Genetics. Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1981 Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Genetics Vol 2 Book 1. Series editor: DK Belyaev

22. Altukhov, Yu P (ed). Problems in General Genetics. Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1980 Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Genetics Vol 2 Book 2. Series editor: DK Belyaev

23. Altukhov, Yu P (ed). Molecular Bases of Genetic Processes. Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1981 Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Genetics Vol 3 Book 1. Series editor: DK Belyaev

24. Altukhov, Yu P (ed). Molecular Bases of Genetic Processes. Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1981 Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Genetics Vol 3 Book 2. Series editor: DK Belyaev

25. Altukhov, Yuri P. (1990) Population genetics: diversity and stability. London: Harwood Academic Publishers. ISBN: 3718649845

26. American Society of Clinical Oncology Cancer genetics & cancer predisposition

testing volume I. Alexandria, VA: American Society of Clinical Oncology. var

pag. 1998 0966449509

27. Anderson E, King RC, Cuellar O, et al The Meiotic process: pairing,

recombination and chromosome movements. I. New York: MSS Information

Corporation. 189pp. 1972 842270191 (PEP)

28. Anderson RM, ed Human genetics - uncertainties and the financial implications

ahead. Philos Trans R Soc Lond Biol, 352 (1357) pp1035-1114. 1997

29. Anderson, V Elving et al (eds). Genetic Basis of the Epilepsies. New York: Raven Press, 1982 ISBN 089004676X

30. Anfinsen, Christian B. (1959) The molecular basis of evolution. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

31. Annas GJ, & Elias S, Gene Mapping, Using Law and Ethics as Guides, Oxford University Press, 1992 ISBN 0195073037 (MFS)

32. Antsaklis A & Metaxotou C, eds. Chorionic villus sampling and early prenatal

diagnosis. 4th international conference on chorionic villus sampling and early

prenatal diagnosis. Athens: Hellenic Society for Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal

Treatment. xi, 323pp. 1989 960730800X

33. Apgar, Virginia (1970, ed.) Down syndrome (mongolism) (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 171, article 2, p.303-688). New York: Academy of Sciences

34. Applegarth DA, Dimmick JE & Hall JG, eds Organelle diseases. London: Chapman & Hall Medical. xvii, 454pp. 1997 0412549107

35. Appleyard B Brave new worlds. London: Harper Collins Publishers. 188pp. 1999


36. Armendares S & Lisker R, eds. V International Congress of human genetics.

Mexico, D.F. 10th-15th October 1976. Abstracts. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica.

220pp. (International Congress series; no 397). 1976 9021912260

37. Armendares, S. & Lisker, R. Human Genetics, Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Human Genetics, Mexico City, 10-15 October 1976, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, Oxford 1977 ISBN 9021903377

38. Armstrong CN & Marshall AJ, eds Intersexuality in vertebrates including man.

London: Academic Press. xi, 479pp. 1964 (PEP)

39. Ashburner M & Novitski E, eds. The genetics and biology of Drosophila. Volume

1a. London: Academic Press. xv, 486pp. 1976 0120649012 (PEP)

40. Ashburner M & Novitski E, eds. The genetics and biology of Drosophila. Volume

1b. London: Academic Press. xv, 954pp. 1976 0120649020 (PEP)

41. Ashburner M & Novitski E, eds. The genetics and biology of Drosophila. Volume

1c. London: Academic Press. xiii, pp955-1427. 1976 0120649039 (PEP)

42. Ashburner M & Wright TRF, eds. The genetics and biology of Drosophila. Vol. 2d. London: Academic Press. xvi, 702pp. 1980 0120649438 (PEP)

43. Ashby, E. Scientist in Russia, Penguin Books, First published 1947 (PSH) (2)

44. *Ashby, Eric (1947) Scientist in Russia. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

45. Ashley DJB Human intersex. Edinburgh; London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. xi,

357pp. 1962 (PEP)

46. Ashworth, JM. Cell Differentiation. London: Chapman and Hall, 1973 ISBN: 0412117606 Outline studies in biology series

47. Asimov, Isaac (1972) Asimov’s biographical encyclopedia of science and technology (rev. ed.). London: David & Charles. ISBN: 071537687x

48. Asimov I The genetic code. London: John Murray Ltd. 161pp. 1964

49. Association of British Insurers Genetic testing ABI code of practice. London:

Association of British Insurers. 28pp. 1997

50. Auerbach, C. Genetics in the Atomic Age. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh: Tweeddale Court, London,1956 (PSH)

51. Auerbach C Genetics in the atomic age. 2nd ed. Edinburgh; London: Oliver & Boyd. 111pp. 1965

52. Auerbach C Mutation: an introduction to research on mutagenesis. Part 1.

Methods. Edinburgh; London: Oliver & Boyd. 176pp. 1962 (PEP)

53. Auerbach C. 1976 Mutation research: problems, results and perspectives. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd. xxviii, 504pp. 0470036702 (PEP)

54. Auerbach C. 1971 Notes for introductory courses in genetics. 4th ed repr. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 42pp. 0852242190 (PEP)

55. Aulbers, Bernard Joseph Marie. Erfelijke Aangeberon Doofheid in Zuid-Holland. Delft: Uitgeueru Waltman, undated

56. Austin CR, ed. Sex differentiation and development. (Proceedings of Symposium

held at the Royal Society of Medicine, Wimpole Street, London, 10th-11th April

1958). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. x, 198pp. (Memoirs of the Society for Endocrinology; no 7). 1960

57. Austin CR & Edwards RG, eds. Mechanisms of sex differentiation in animals and

man. London: Academic Press. xv, 603pp. 1981 012068540X

58. Avery AG, Satina S & Rietsema J Blakeslee: the genus datura. New York: Ronald Press Co, xli, 289pp. 1959

59. Ayala FJ, & Kiger JA, Modern Genetics, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. 1980 ISBN 0805303146 (MFS)

60. Bach H, ed. HumangenetischeBeratung genetisch belasteter Personen. Bericht der internationalen wissenchaftlichen Tagung vom 13. bis 17. Mai 1974, in

Muhlhausen/Thuringen. Jena: Friedrich Schiller Universitat. 225pp. 1975

61. Baer AS, ed Heredity and society: readings in social genetics. New York: The

Macmillan Company, ix, 382pp. 1973 (PEP)

62. Bailey, Joseph A. Disproportionate Short Stature: Diagnosis and Management. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1973 ISBN: 0721614701

63. Bailey, Norman T. J. (1961) Introduction to the mathematical theory of genetic linkage. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

64. Bailey, Norman T. J. (1959) Statistical methods in biology. London: English Universities Press

65. Bainbridge BW Genetics of microbes. 2nd ed. Glasgow; London: Blackie. x, 214pp. (Tertiary Level Biology;). 1987 041201291X

66. Bajema CJ, ed Eugenics, then and now. Stroudsburg, PA. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc. xv, 382pp. (Benchmark Papers in Genetics; vol 5). 1976 0470149906 (PEP)

67. Bajema CJ, ed Natural selection in human populations. The measurement of ongoing genetic evolution in contemporary societies. New York; London: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. viii, 406pp. 1971 047104380x (PEP)

68. Bajer AS & Mole-Bajer J. 1972 Spindle dynamics and chromosome movements. New York; London: Academic Press. xi, 271pp. 0123643635 (PEP)

69. Baker DL, Schuette JL & Uhlmann WR, eds A guide to genetic counseling. New York; Chichester. Wiley-Liss. xxii, 433pp. 1998 0471188670

70. Baker WK. 1965 Genetic analysis. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. 180pp. (PEP)

71. Bakker E Duchenne muscular dystrophy: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

by DNA analysis. New mutation and mosaicism. Leiden: Rijksuniversiteit. 117pp. 1989 9090031332

72. Balasubramanian, D. (2001) The mother of all genes: and other adventures in popular science. Hyderabad: Universities Press (India) Ltd.ISBN: 8173713820

73. Balbi R L'evoluzione stratificata. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. xiv, 497pp.

1965 (PEP)

74. Baldwin, Ernest. An Introduction to Comparative Biochemistry. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1964

75. Baldwin, Ernest (1947) Dynamic aspects of biochemistry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

76. Balkwill F Amazing schemes within your genes. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books,

Inc. 32pp. 1993 0876146353

77. Balkwill F Cell Wars. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, Inc. 32pp. 1993


78. Balkwill F Cells are us. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, Inc. 32pp. 1993


79. Balkwill F DNA is here to stay. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, Inc. 32pp.

1993 0876146388

80. Ballonoff P, ed. Genetics and social structure: mathematical structuralism in

population genetics and social theory. Stroudsburg; PA: Dowden, Hutchinson &

Ross, Inc. xv, 504pp. Benchmark papers in genetics. 1974 0879330678

81. Baltzer F, Theodor Boveri, Life and Work of a Great Biologist (1862- 1915), Translated from the German by Dorothea Rudnick, University of California Press, 1967 (PSH)

82. Bandman EL & Bandman B, eds. 1978 Bioethics and human rights: a reader for health professionals. Boston: Little, Brown. xix, 386pp. 0316079987 (PEP)

83. Bandmann HJ & Breit R, eds. Klinefelter's syndrome. Berlin: Springer. xiv,

229pp. 1984 3540132678

84. Baraitser M, The Genetics of Neurological Disorders, Oxford University Press, 1982 Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics, ISBN 0192611550 (PSH)

85. Baraitser M, The Genetics of Neurological Disorders, Second Edition, Oxford University Press 1990 Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics, ISBN 019261813X (PSH)

86. Baraitser M The genetics of neurological disorders. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford

University Press. vii, 443pp. (Oxford Monographs on Molecular Genetics; no 34). (Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics; no 34). 1997 0192628143

87. Barakat AY, Der Kaloustian VM, Mufarrij AA & Birbari AE The kidney in genetic

disease. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. xi, 361pp. (Genetics in Medicine and

Surgery;) 1986 044302104X

88. Barigozzi C & Ghidoni A Cromosomi e meccanismi ereditari. Torino: UTET. 231pp. 1976 (PEP)

89. Barltrop D, ed. 1976 Aspects of genetics in paediatrics. (Scientific proceedings of the 3rd Unigate workshop held at the Royal College of Physicians, St Andrew's Place, London NW1, May 1975.) London: Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine. vii, 114pp. 095018392X (PEP) (2)

90. Barnett A The human species. Rev. ed. Harmondsworth: Pelican Books Ltd. 354pp. 1961 (PEP)

91. Barnett SA, ed A century of Darwin. London: Heinemann. xv, 376pp. 1958


92. Barrett PH, ed. The collected papers of Charles Darwin volumes I with a foreword

by Theodosius Dobzhansky. Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press. xviii, 277pp. 1977 0226136574 (PEP)

93. Barrett PH, ed The collected papers of Charles Darwin volume II with a foreward

by Theodosius Dobxhansky. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press. viii, 326pp. 1977 0226136575 (PEP)

94. Barron S.L & Roberts D.F (1995) Issues in Fetal Medicine. St Martin’s Press & The Galton Institute

95. Barrow, John D. (1992) Pi in the sky: counting, thinking and being. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN: 0198539568

96. Bartalos M (ed) 1968 Genetics in Medical Practice. Pitman Medical Publishing Co, London (PSH)

97. Bartalos M & Baramki TA. 1967 Medical cytogenetics. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 419pp. (PEP)

98. Bartlett, M.S. (1956) An introduction to stochastic processes: with special reference to methods and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

99. Bartlett, M. S. (1975) The statistical analysis of spatial pattern. London: Chapman & Hall. ISBN: 0412142902

100. Bartsocas, Christos S (ed). Progress in Dermatoglyphic Research: Based on the Proceedings of the International Conference on Dermatoglphyics, Athens, Greece September 20 - 23 1981. New York: Alan R. Liss, 1982 ISBN: 084510084X

101. Bates G, Harper PS, Jones L, Huntington’s Disease, Third Edition, Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics 45, Oxford University Press, 2002 ISBN 0198510608

102. Bateson, William (1894) Materials for the study of variation: treated with especial regard to discontinuity in the origin of species. London: Macmillan

103. Bateson, W. Mendel’s Principles of Heredity, The Classics of Medicine Library, Published by Leslie B Adams Jr., 1990 (PSH)

104. Bateson, W. 1996 Mendel’s Principles of Heredity – A Defence, Genetics Heritage Press, 1996 Originally published 1902, Cambridge University Press (PSH)

105. Bateson, William (1913) Problems of genetics. New Haven: Yale Uni Press

106. Bateson W. Problems of Genetics, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1979 ISBN 0-300-02435-5

107. Bateson, William (1908) The Methods and Scope of Genetics: An Inaugural Lecture delivered 23 October 1908. Cambridge University Press Warehouse

108. Baumann N, Federico A & Suzuki K, eds. Late onset neurometabolic genetic

disorders: from clinical to molecular aspects of lysosomal and peroxisomal

disease. Basel; London: Karger, pp183-376. (Dev Neurosci; vol 13 (4-5)).


109. Baur E, Fischer E and Lenz F, Human heredity (translated by Eden & Cedar Paul), London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1931 (PSH) (2)

110. Beale, Geoffrey & Knowles, Jonathan (1978) Extranuclear genetics. London: Edward Arnold. ISBN: 0713126418

111. Beale, G.H. (1954) The genetics of Paramecium aurelia (Cambridge monographs in experimental biology, no. 2). Cambridge: Cambridge Uni Press.

112. Bearn AG, Motulsky AG, Childs, B (Eds) Progress in Medical Genetics, Volume VI, Genetics of Neurological Disorders, Praeger Publishers 1985 ISBN 0030017696 (PSH)

113. Becker, Peter Emil. Ausgewählte wissenschaftliche Arbeiten / von Peter Emil Becker. 1993

114. Becker PE, ed. Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Banden. Band 1/1.

Grundlinien, Terminologie, Methoden. Geschichte der Humangenetik.

Abstammungsgeschichte. Chromosomen. Mass-und Formmerkmale. Entwicklung, Konstitution, Geschlecht. Normale Merkmale von Haut-und Anhanggebilden. Stuttgart: George Thieme Verlag. 535pp. 1968

115. Becker PE, ed. Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Banden. Band 1/2.

Merkmale des Gesichts. Schmecken und Riechen. Merkmale der Glidemawsen. Papillarleisten. Psychologie. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 572pp. 1969

116. Becker PE, ed. Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Baden. Band 1/3.

Protein-und Enzymvarianten. Stuttgart: George Thieme Verlag. 662pp. 1975


117. Becker PE, ed. Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Banden. Band 1/4.

Blutgruppen. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 571pp. 1972 3133056018

118. Becker PE, ed. Humangbenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Banden. Band II.

Kyematopathien. Wachstum und Korperform. Skeletsystem. Gliedmassen. Zahne, Mund und Kiefer. Kopf und Wirbelsaule. Rippen. Becken. Schultergurtel. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 663pp. 1964

119. Becker PE, ed. Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Baden. Band III/1.

Stoffwechsel. Innere Sekretion. Urogenitalsystem. Myopathien. Allergie.

Rheumatischer Formenkreis. Infektionskrankheiten. Maligne Tumoren. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 719pp. 1964

120. Becker PE, ed. Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Banden. Band III/2. Anomalien. Fehlbildungen und Krankheiten der Verdauungsorgane, der Bronchien und der Lunge und des Herz- und Gefasssystems. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 564pp. 1972 3133051016

121. Becker PE, ed. Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Banden. Band IV. Augen. Ohren. Nase. Hals. Haut und Anhanggebilde. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 556pp. 1964

122. Becker PE, ed. Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Banden. Band V/1.

Krankheiten des Nervensystems. Stuttgart: Georg Thiem Verlag. 577pp. 1966

123. Becker PE, ed. Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch in funf Banden. Band V/2.

Psychiatrische Krankheiten. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 613pp. 1967

124. Becker PE, Lenz W, Vogel F, Wendt GG (Eds) Topics in Human Genetics, Vol III, Georg Thieme Publishers Stuttgart 1977 ISBN 3132248010 (PSH)

125. Beckman L Isozyme variations in man. Basel; New York: S Karger. 75pp.

(Monographs in Human Genetics; vol 1). 1966

126. Beckwith J, Making Genes, Making Waves, A Social Activist in Science, Harvard University Press 2002 ISBN 0674009282 (PSH)

127. Beerman W, ed. 1972 Developmental studies on giant chromosomes. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag. xiii, 227pp. 354005748X (PEP)

128. Beers RF & Bassett EG, eds. Recombinant molecules: impact on science and

society. New York: Raven Press. xvi, 540pp. (Miles International Symposium

series; no 10). 1977 0890041318

129. Beers RF, Herriott RM & Carmichael Tilghman R. 1972 Molecular and cellular repair processes. (Fifth International Symposium on molecular biology, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institution, Baltimore, Maryland, 3rd-4th June 1971.) Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. xvii, 269pp. 080181376X (PEP)

130. Beighton, Peter. Inherited Disorders of the Skeleton. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Ltd, 1978 ISBN: 0443017247 Genetics in Medicine and Surgery. Series editor: Alan EH Emery (2)

131. Beighton, P, The Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, William Heinemann Medical Books Limited, 1970

132. Beighton P & Beighton G 1986 The man behind the syndrome. Berlin: Springer. 240pp. 3540162186 (PEP)

133. Beighton, P and Beighton, G. The Person behind the Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1997 (two copies) ISBN: 354076044X (PSH) (2)

134. Beighton, P, Sellars, S. Genetics and Otology, Genetics in Medicine and Surgery Series, Churchill Livingstone 1982 ISBN 0443022844

135. Belton, NR and Toothill, L (eds). Transport and Inherited Disease: Monograph based upon Proceedings of the 17th Symposium of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Lancaster: MTP Press Ltd, 1981 ISBN: 0852003919

136. Bemis WE, Burggren WW & Kemp NE, eds The biology and evolution of lungfishes. Based on proceedings of a symposium held during the American Society of Zoologists meeting in Denver, Colorado, 27th December 1984. New York: Allan R Liss, Inc. viii, 383pp. 1987 0845142259 (PEP)

137. Benda, Clemens E. (1947) Mongolism and cretinism: a study of the clinical manifestations and the general pathology of pituitary and thyroid deficiency. London: William Heinemann

138. Benda CE The child with mongolism. (Congenital acromicria). New York; London: Grune & Stratton. 276pp. 1960

139. Bendall, D. S. (1983, ed.) Evolution from molecules to men. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521289335

140. Benezech M La responsabilite penale des sujets porteurs d'une anomalie du

chromosome Y. Bordeaux: Editions Bergeret. 224pp. 1973

141. Benirschke K & Hsu TC, eds. Chromosome atlas: fish, amphibians, reptiles and

birds. Vol 1. Folios: P-1,-P12. Am-1,-Am-11. R-1,-R15. Av-1,- Av14. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag. 1971 354005507X

142. Benirschke K & Hsu TC, eds. Chromosome atlas: fish, amphibians, reptiles and

birds. Vol 2. Folios: P-13-P18, Am-12-Am-23. R-16-R-29. Av-15-Av-34. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag. 1973 3540065296

143. Benirschke K & Hsu TC, eds. Chromosome atlas: fish, amphibians, reptiles and

birds. Vol 3. Folios: P-19-P30. Am-24-Am-36. R-30-R-43. Av-35-Av-49. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag. 1975 3540072071

144. Benirschke K, ed. 1969 Comparative mammalian cytogenetics. (International conference at Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire, 29th July-2nd August 1968). Heidelberg; New York: Springer-Verlag. xxi, 473pp. (PEP)

145. Bennett MD, Bobrow M & Hewitt G, eds. Chromosomes today. Vol 7. (Proceedings of the seventh International Chromosome Conference held in Oxford, England, 26th-31st August 1980.) London: Allen & Unwin. xxiii, 310pp. 1981 0045750211

146. Bennett MD, Gropp A & Wolf U, eds. Chromosomes today. Vol. 8. Proceedings of the Eighth International Chromosome Conference held in Lubeck, West Germany, 21st-24th September 1983. London: Allen & Unwin. xxviii, 370pp. 1984 0045750238

147. Benson PF, ed. Cellular organelles and membranes in mental retardation.

Edinburgh; London: Churchill Livingstone. viii, 224pp. (Institute for Research

into Mental Retardation study group; no 2). 1971 0700015191

148. Benson PF, ed. The biochemistry of development. London: Spastics International Medical Publications in association with Heinemann Medical. 273pp. (Clinics in Developmental Medicine; no 37). 1971 433025107

149. Benson PF, ed. Screening and management of potentially treatable genetic

metabolic disorders. Proceedings of the Workshop held in London, March 17th- 18th 1983. Lancaster: MTP. 176pp. 1984 0852007841

150. Benson PF & Fensom AH, Genetic Biochemical Disorders, Oxford University Press 1985 Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics ISBN 0192611933 (PSH) (2)

151. Beral V, Roman E & Bobrow M Childhood cancer and nuclear installations. London: BMJ Publishing Group. xxxiii, 453pp. 1993 0727908154

152. Berg, Kare (1979, ed.) Genetic damage in man caused by environmental agents. New York: Academic Press. ISBN: 0120895501

153. Berg, Kare. Medical Genetics: Past, Present and Future. New York: Alan R Liss Inc, 1985 ISBN: 0845150278

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155. Berg P & Singer M Dealing with genes: the language of heredity. Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books. xiv, 269pp. 1992 0935702695 (PEP)

156. Berg RL, Acquired Traits, Memoirs of a Geneticist from the Soviet Union, Viking, 1988 ISBN 067080254 (PSH)

157. Bergsma D, ed. 1968 Human Genetics. (Papers presented at the Human Genetics Institute, Sacramento, 13th-15th Dec 1967). New York: The National Foundation. 124pp. (PEP)

158. Bergsma D, ed. 1972 Advances in human genetics and their impact on society. New York: The National Foundation. 118pp. (PEP)

159. Bergsma, D ed. Birth Defects, Atlas and Compendium, the National Foundation – March of Dimes ISBN: 0683063669 (PSH) (2)

160. Bergsma D, ed. Birth defects compendium. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan, for the

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161. Bergsma, Daniel (ed). Malformation Syndromes. New York: Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, 1974 ISBN: 0883720531

162. Bergsma, Daniel. Malformation Syndromes: Boston Conference on the Diagnosis, Genetics and Management of Birth Defects Sponsored by the Center for Genetic Counseling (Boston Floating Hospital for Infants and Children and The National Foundation – March of Dimes). New York: Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, 1974 ISBN: 0883720531

163. Bergsma, Daniel (ed). Cancer and Genetics: 1975 Birth Defects Conference held at Kansas City, Missouri. New York: Alan R Liss Inc, 1976

164. Bernal JD The origin of life. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. xvi, 345pp.

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181. Birth defects: original article series. New directions in human genetics: a symposium held at Cornell University Medical College, March 19th 1965. New York: The National Foundation. 84pp. 1965; Bergsma D & German J, eds, vol 1, no 2.

182. Birth defects original article series Chicago Conference: Standardization in Human Cytogenetics. The University of Chicago Center for Continuing Education, 3rd, 4th & 10th September 1966. New York: The National Foundation. 21pp. 1966 Bergsma D, ed, vol 2 no 2.

183. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, Immunologic Deficiency Diseases in Man, The National Foundation – March of Dimes; February 1968, Bergsma D, ed. Vol IV, No. 1

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190. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, The First Conference on The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects, Part IV, Skeletal Dysplasias, The National Foundation – March of Dimes, April 1969, Bergsma D, ed. Vol V, No. 4 (PSH) & (MFS) (2)

191. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, The First Conference on The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects, Part V, Phenotypic Aspects of Chromosomal Aberrations, Published by the National Foundation – March of Dimes, March 1969, Bergsma D, ed. Vol V, No. 5 (PSH) & (MFS) (3)

192. Birth defects: original article series. Genetic counseling: with particular reference to anticipatory guidance and the prevention of birth defects. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. 106pp. 1970; Bergsma D & Abramson H, eds, vol 6, no 1.

193. Birth defects original article series. Conference on genetic and cellular bases of congenital renal dysfunction, held at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California, 23rd-25th March 1970. New York: The National Foundation. 28pp, 1970. Bergsma D, ed, vol 6, no 3.

194. Birth defects original article series. I. Anatomic studies in the 18-trisomy; II. The unusual skeletal findings of the Kuskokwim syndrome; III. A recessively inherited

chondrodystrophy. New York: The National Foundation. 27pp, 1970. Bergsma D, ed vol 6, no 4

195. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, The Second Conference on The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects, Part VI, Nervous System, , The National Foundation – March of Dimes February, 1971, Bergsma D, ed. Vol VII, No. 1 (MFS)

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199. Birth defects original article series. Symposium on intrauterine diagnosis, held at Indianapolis, Indiana, 13th-14th October 1970. New York: The National Foundation. 36pp, 1971. Bergsma D, ed, vol 7, no 5.

200. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, The Second Conference on The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects, Part X, The Endocrine System, , The National Foundation – March of Dimes May 1971, Bergsma D, ed. Vol VII, No. 6 (MFS)

201. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, The Third Conference on The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects, Part XI, Orofacial Structures, Published by the National Foundation – March of Dimes, June 1971, Bergsma D, ed. Vol VII, No. 7 (PSH) & (MFS) (2)

202. Birth defects original article series. The third conference on the clinical delineation of birth defects. Part XII. Skin, hair and nails. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. 357pp, 1971 683063618.Bergsma D, ed, vol 7, no 8.

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205. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, The Fourth Conference on The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects, Part XIV, Blood, , Published by the National Foundation – March of Dimes, June 1972, Bergsma D, ed. SBN 683063634 Vol VIII, No. 3 (PSH) & (MFS) (2)

206. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, The Fourth Conference on The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects, Part XV, The Cardiovascular System, , Published by the National Foundation – March of Dimes August 1972, Bergsma D, ed. Vol VIII, No. 5 (PSH) & (MFS) (2)

207. Birth defects original article series, ed Paris Conference (1971): Standardization in Human Cytogenetics. New York: The National Foundation. 46pp, 1972 . Bergsma D, vol 8, no 7.

208. Birth defects original article series. Enzyme therapy in genetic diseases. New York: The National Foundation. xiii, 236pp, 1973 0683063677. Bergsma D, ed, vol 9, no 2.

209. Birth defects original article series. Contemporary genetic counseling: Proceedings of a symposium of the American Society of Human Genetics, October 12th, 1972, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. New York: The National Foundation. 48pp, 1973. Bergsma D, ed, vol 9, no 4.

210. Birth Defects – Original Article Series, The Fifth Conference on The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects Part XVI Urinary System and Others, The National Foundation – March of Dimes 1972 Bergsma D, ed. SBN 683063650 Vol X, No. 4 (PSH) & (MFS) (2)

211. Birth Defects: Original Article Series, Limb Malformations. New York: Stratton International Medical Book Corporation– The National Foundation, 1974 Bergsma D, ed. Vol 10 Number 5

212. Birth Defects: Original Article Series, Clinical Cytogenetics and Genetics: Boston Conference on the Diagnosis, Genetic and Management of Birth Defects Sponsored by the Center for Genetic Counseling (Boston Floating Hospital for Infants and Children) and The National Foundation – March of Dimes. New York: Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, 1974 Bergsma D, ed ISBN: 0883720620 Vol 10 Number 8

213. Birth Defects: Original Article Series Skeletal Dysplasias: Boston Conference on the Diagnosis, Genetic and Management of Birth Defects Sponsored by the Center for Genetic Counseling (Boston Floating Hospital for Infants and Children) and The National Foundation – March of Dimes. New York: Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, 1974 Bergsma D, ed ISBN: 088372054X Vol 10 Number 9

214. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, Medical Genetics Today, 1974, The National Foundation, March of Dimes, Bergsma D (Ed) ISBN 0801815754, Vol. X, No. 10 (PSH) & (MFS) (2)

215. Birth Defects, Original Article Series, Genetic Forms of Hypogonadism: 1974 Birth Defects Conference held at Newport Beach, California. New York: Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, – The National Foundation 1975 Bergsma D, Vol 11 Number 4

216. Birth Defects, Original Article Series New Chromosomal and Malformation Syndromes: 1974 Birth Defects Conference held at Newport Beach, California. New York: Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, – The National Foundation 1975 Bergsma, Daniel (ed). Vol 11 Number 5

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219. Birth Defects: Original Article Series– The National Foundation Vol 12 Number 1

220. Birth Defects: Original Article Series The Eye and Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Symposium held at The Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, England, April 1975. New York: Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, 1976 Bergsma, Daniel et al Vol 12 Number 3

221. Birth Defects: Original Article Series Growth Problems and Clinical Advances. The National Foundation - March of Dimes, 1976 Bergsma, Daniel and Schimke, R Neil (eds). Vol 12 Number 6

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