Annual meeting of shareholders - Aaron Hall




The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of [COMPANY], Inc. was held at the registered office of the Corporation on ____________, [YEAR].

The following Shareholders were present and duly signed Waiver of Notice of said Meeting:



[PRESIDENT], the President of the Corporation, called the meeting to order. The President gave his report detailing the Corporation’s past performance, present circumstances, future prospects, and other matters. After due consideration, the President’s report was accepted.

[TREASURER], the Treasurer of the Corporation, presented his report detailing the Corporation's financial situation and financial developments during the past fiscal year. After due consideration, the Treasurer's report was accepted.

Nominations were called for the election of Directors. Upon nomination duly made and seconded the following individual was unanimously elected as the Corporation’s sole Director to serve for the ensuing year or until his successors are elected and qualify:


Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was:

RESOLVED, that acknowledgment was taken and approval made of the actions of the Board of Directors for the past fiscal year.

RESOLVED, that the President of the Corporation is authorized to consider and discuss a possible consolidation or merger of the business known as _______________ with Corporation’s business.

There being no further business, on motion the Meeting adjourned.





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