
1. When Robert was hired, his employer offered 3 days of paid vacation. For every 6 months Robert works, he receives 2 days of vacation. How much vacation time will Robert have earned after 4.4 years?

2. When Lisa starter at her job, her employer gave her two days of paid vacation time with a promise of 3 additional days for year she remains with the company to a maximum of 4 weeks.

a. Lisa has worked for 5 years. How many paid vacation days has she earned?

b. When will she reach the maximum number of vacation days?

3. Ruth contributes 18% of the total cost of her health care. This is a $67.50 deduction from her biweekly paycheck. What is the total value of her health care coverage?

4. Eddie is a plant manager and has worked at his company for 20 years and will be retiring. His retirement is calculated baes on his last four years salaries: $82,000, $96,000, $105,000, and $109,000. His employer will give him 1.2% of that average for each year he worked. Calculate Eddie’s retirement.

5. You are a sales rep and you make 5% commission on all sales. You typically have $100,000 in sales each month. You have a retirement plan that takes 8% of your pay and you receive 0 paid vacation or sick days.

a. What is your monthly salary?

b. What amount of your monthly salary goes to retirement?

c. If you are out sick for two days this month, what is your net monthly salary?

6. You have a job that pays you $26.50 per hour. The job is based on a 40 hour work week. You pay 3% for health insurance, $35 per month for life insurance, and you receive 5 days of paid vacation.

a. What is your monthly salary?

b. What amount of your monthly salary goes to health insurance?

c. If your take 7 days of vacation this month, what is your net monthly salary?

7. Jenny sells new cars at a local dealership. She receives a 20% commission on the profit each car is sold for. Last month she sold 7 cars, for a total of $9,540 dealer profit. How much did she earn in commission?

8. John works at a computer outlet. He receives a weekly salary of $300 plus 5% commission on his sales. Last week, he sold $35,200 of computer equipment. How much did John earn last week?

9. Rachel sells internet subscriptions by telephone. She receives 12% of the first $800 and 16% on the balance over $800. Last month, she sold $9,500 worth of internet access subscriptions. What was her commission for last month?

10. Tom is paid semi-monthly. His annual salary is $78,500. How much does he receive in each paycheck?

11. John’s bi-weekly salary is $2,685.24. His employer is changing the pay period to monthly.

a. What is John’s annual salary?

b. What will John’s monthly salary be?

12. Jim worked 40 regular hours last week plus 9 overtime hours in which he was paid 1 ½ times his hourly rate. His gross pay was $1,842.

a. What was his hourly rate?

b. What was his hourly overtime rate?


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