
FedBizOppsSources Sought Notice*******CLASSIFICATION CODESUBJECTCONTRACTING OFFICE'S ZIP-CODESOLICITATION NUMBERRESPONSE DATE (MM-DD-YYYY)ARCHIVE DAYS AFTER THE RESPONSE DATERECOVERY ACT FUNDSSET-ASIDENAICS CODECONTRACTING OFFICE ADDRESSPOINT OF CONTACT(POC Information Automatically Filled from User Profile Unless Entered)DESCRIPTIONSee AttachmentAGENCY'S URLURL DESCRIPTIONAGENCY CONTACT'S EMAIL ADDRESSEMAIL DESCRIPTION ADDRESSPOSTAL CODECOUNTRYADDITIONAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONPLACE OF PERFORMANCE* = Required FieldFedBizOpps Sources Sought NoticeRev. March 2010GHomeless Care of Homeless Veterans (HCHV) ProgramSafe Haven Housing36083VA247-16-R-012012-15-201530N624229Department of Veterans AffairsCentral Alabama Veterans Health Care2400 Hospital RoadTuskegee AL 36083Valeria MurrayContractor's FacilityUSAvaleria.murray@This is a sources sought announcement only and is not a request for proposals or quotes. The Government does not intend to make an award on the basis of this Sources Sought Notice or otherwise pay for the information solicited herein. This notice is for the purpose of identifying potential sources and does not commit the Government to make an award and /or issue a solicitation.. The Department of Veterans Affairs, Central Alabama Veteran Healthcare System (CAVHCS) plans to engage in a contract with a community provider(s) (Contractor) who will provide, at their site, a Safe Haven housing program to Veterans along with services consistent with Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program objectives and Safe Haven Model. The goal of this contract is to remove homeless Veterans from the street or places unfit for human habitation and place them in community-based, residential environments. These residences must have sufficient services to meet the needs of the Veterans served. The anticipated contract will be for the period of February 27, 2016 through February 26, 2017, with four (4), one (1) year option periods to be exercised at the Government’s discretion. A Safe Haven Model is a 24-hour/7-days-a-week community-based early recovery model of supportive housing that serves hard-to-reach, hard-to-engage homeless individuals with severe mental illness and substance use disorders. The program places no treatment participation demands on residents but expects them to transition from unsafe and unstable street life to permanent housing and re-engage with treatment services. In July 2010, under the leadership and direction of the VA National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans, the National Homeless Program Office funded four Safe Haven model development projects to develop and implement a model that could be replicated throughout the VA, broadening the agency’s homeless continuum of care.A DRAFT Statement of Work is provided to assist the Department of Veterans Affairs in conducting market research of industry to identify potential contractors to provide the services identified.The applicable NAICS code is 624229 – Other Community Housing Services, with a small business size standard of $15M.Firms/Companies with interest and capability responding to these requirements should develop a short narrative including relevant documentation, specific evidence and any other information indicating the capability to successfully fulfill the aforementioned requirements. Interested parties should send their company’s information via e-mail to the Contracting Officer, Valeria B. Murray, at Valeria.Murray@. Company information must include business type e.g. Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business, Woman Owned Small Business, etc. Information shall be provided no later than 5:00 PM EST, December 15, 2015.PERFORMANCE BASED STATEMENT OF WORKSAFE HAVEN at CENTRAL ALABAMA HEALTH CARE SYSTEMGENERALSERVICE REQUIREDA Safe Haven Model is a 24-hour/7-days-a-week community-based early recovery model of supportive housing that serves hard-to-reach, hard-to-engage homeless individuals with severe mental illness and substance use disorders. The program places no treatment participation demands on residents but expects them to transition from unsafe and unstable street life to permanent housing and re-engage with treatment services. In July 2010, under the leadership and direction of the VA National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans, the National Homeless Program Office funded four Safe Haven model development projects to develop and implement a model that could be replicated throughout the VA, broadening the agency’s homeless continuum of care. The Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) anticipates award of an indefinite delivery indefinite quantity contract, based on the contents of this solicitation. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE:On the basis of needs assessment VAMC is looking for Safe Haven site in Montgomery, AL. PURPOSE. The purpose of this contract is for Central Alabama Veteran Healthcare Systems CAVHCS Medical Center (VA) to engage a community provider(s) (Contractor) who will provide Safe Haven housing program to Veterans along with services consistent with Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program objectives and Safe Haven Model (see below). The goal of this contract is to remove homeless Veterans from the street or places unfit for human habitation and place them in community-based, residential environments. These residences must have sufficient services to meet the needs of the Veterans served. The contract will be for the period of June 27, 2015 through December 26, 2016. BACKGROUND.Ending homelessness among Veterans by 2015 is a national priority. The goal and plan for achieving it were introduced by the Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki in November 2009 at the National Summit on Ending Veterans Homelessness. In June 2010, the U.S. Interagency Council onHomelessness (USICH) released Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, which is fully aligned with this goal. There are three years remaining to achieve this goal. Safe Haven Model is one of evidence based practices to help homeless attain safe and stable housing. The Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) plan to end Veteran homelessness calls for enhancing current homeless service capacity as well as developing new programs and initiatives in concert with community and federal partners. The intent of this Statement of Work (SOW) is for VAMC to engage community provider(s) to offer homeless Veterans services through a “Safe Haven” model of residential care. Through its HCHV program, CAVHCS provides case management and outreach services to Veterans and facilitates their access to a broad range of medical, mental health, and rehabilitative services. HCHV’s goal is to engage homeless Veterans in treatment and place them in a safe and secure environment that supports their rehabilitation goals. CAVHCS ’s HCHV Program, an essential and critical part of VHA, is vital for providing a gateway to VA and community supportive services for eligible Veterans who are homeless. The HCHV Contract Residential Program for homeless Veterans is a vital program focused on addressing the needs of the most vulnerable and at-risk homeless Veterans. Ensuring that Veterans can be placed in community-based programs which provide quality housing and services that meet the needs of this special population is a particular focus of the HCHV program. Recent national trends in service provision for the homeless outside of the VA system include the utilization of Safe Havens as an alternative to shelter care or as a placement post unsuccessful discharge from an inpatient or residential treatment program due to relapse-related issues. A Safe Haven is a form of supportive housing that serves hard-to-reach homeless persons with severe mental illnesses and/or substance use disorders who are on the streets and have been unable or unwilling to participate in more traditional supportive services. VA is limited by current grant authorities and existing program structures and practices and cannot fund harm-reduction treatment models. VA has been unable to provide the types of services focused on shelter diversion and early stabilization in community-based environments.CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIESTASKS AND ASSOCIATED DELIVERABLESThe Contractor shall admit Veterans to residential beds as agreed upon admission dates between Contractor and CAVHCS Liaison. Safe Haven will provide case management services utilizing the Recovery Model incorporating, motivational interviewing, harm reduction, and critical time intervention case management to target hard-to-reach, hard-to-engage homeless individuals with severe mental illness and substance use disorders.Hours of Operation:Safe Haven is a transitional Housing program open 24 hours, 7 days a week.Safe Haven Design:The Safe Haven must comply with all SHP requirements in addition to specific Safe Haven requirements:Must serve hard-to-reach homeless persons with severe mental illnesses who are on the streets and have been unable or unwilling to participate in supportive servicesMust allow 24-hour residence for an unspecified durationMust have private or semi-private accommodationsMust limit overnight occupancy to no more than 12 personsMay include a drop-in center as part of outreach activities; andIs a low demand facility where participants have access to needed services, but are not required to utilize themSpecific tasks are as follows: Task 1: Housing Available for Rapid PlacementContractor shall be responsible for identifying sufficient residential capacity to place Veterans in safe, community-based residences. Identification of suitable residential placement must require: a) Sufficient personnel to assure security; b) Staffing available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Requirements and rates will be evaluated based on geographic location and types of services provided by the Contractor (Contractor will provide services in their specific coverage areas); c) Access to 3 healthy meals per day; d) Available laundry facilities; e) The ability to place a Veteran on the same day of a referral from HCHV staff. f) Before referring/admitting any patient, the VAMC shall have provided the contracted agency with a CAVHCS , approved, signed Release of Information (ROI) from the Veteran patient as well as that Veteran’s clinical assessment, physical and laboratory studies, and confirmation of chronic mental illness by a VA staff. g) Contractor shall be responsible for planning and coordinating all activities associated with providing safe and appropriate residential care. This includes, but is not limited to, the elements described in this Task 1. Unless specifically excluded in this contract, the per diem rate established will include the services listed in the document and will also include all services normally provided other patients by the facility without extra charge. Program characteristics:The Low Demand/Safe Haven ModelTargets chronically homeless with mental illness and substance use problemsTargets Veterans who have failed in traditional programsDoes not require sobriety or compliance with MH TX as a condition of admissionDoes not require sobriety or compliance with MH TX as a condition of continued stayDemands are kept to a minimumEnvironment of care is non-intrusive as possibleRules focus on staff and resident safety No dealing or use of illicit drugs in the facilityNo buying or selling of alcohol or drugs in the facilityNo sexual activity between residentsNo violence or threats of violence House Rules and ExpectationsRules are kept to a minimumSimple and easily understoodFocus on safety of residents and staffInfractions are used to engage residentsDemands are Minimal But Expectations Are HighFocus on Keeping the Resident Stably Housed Carries the expectation that veterans and their families will transition to permanent housingPrivacy (private room) is desired by both residents and staffFully occupied 80% of timeAdmission Practices -Staff assist residents with admission forms -Facility allowed trial visits to see if there is a “good fit”Admission Criteria -Will not accept unless truly homeless -Target dually diagnosed chronic homeless -Targets those who cannot or will not be served by other homeless programs Services Available to Residents -Case Management Services -Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment -Vocational ServicesDaily Life -Opportunities available for residents to participate in program governance -Senior residents provide mentoring and positive support to new residents-Facility provided programs of general interest (personal development programs, team socialization and team building classes) -Facility provided incentives for doing daily chores Task 1 Deliverables: Contractor shall provide an accommodation for 25 homeless veterans. CAVHCS will be responsible for per diem payment for each admitted veteran but not less than four per diem beds at a time. Contractor shall be responsible for providing VA a written description of room size, location, and condition of the available residential beds. Schematic drawings and photographs should be provided if available. The CAVHCS will arrange a Site visit before award and periodically to assure that the housing available for placement meets VA standards and regulations.Task 2: Delivery of Support Services Contractor shall show documentation and provide supportive services to Veterans that will assist the Veterans during their contract residential stay (See Program Characteristics in Task 1). These services will continue throughout their authorized stay, generally not to exceed six months. The Contractor shall determine therapeutic and recovery services needed by the Veteran resident in a plan developed by the Contractor with consultation by the Veteran resident and appropriate VA staff.? The evaluation factors that must be addressed by Contractor for delivery of supportive services are listed below:a) Ability to provide structured group activities as appropriate – examples include group therapy, social skills training, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, vocational counseling and physical activities as appropriate. Any self-governing veterans’ community organization is a high priority;b) Ability to collaborate with VA program staff on an ongoing basis. c) Contractor must ensure individual counseling is being provided as needed (either through direct service or referral): d) Ability to provide assistance with health education and personal hygiene, as appropriate. e). Ability to monitor medications;f). Ability to provide supportive social services, in collaboration with the HCHV program;g) Ability to support for an alcohol and drug free lifestyle h) Ability to provide assistance with linkages to transportation resources;i) The ability to assess and respond to a Veteran in crisis and make appropriate referrals for assistance; j) The ability and willingness to provide services to Veterans with previous history of criminal offenses; k) The capability (or plans) to provide services for males, females and couples without children. with the understanding that only the housing of Veterans will be reimbursed for services. Task 2 Deliverables:Contractor shall provide a detailed staffing and service plan. Task 3: Status Reports Contractor shall be responsible for billing the invoice that identifies contract number, purchase order number, Veterans by name, dates of service and contracted daily fee. Contractors must maintain their own records related to program performance that may be reviewed as part of the performance quality assurance program (attached is the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan). Performance will be based on the Contract.Task 3 Deliverables:The Contractor shall make available to the VA, documentation deemed necessary by the VA to conduct:Quarterly quality assurance audits. Utilization review audits for the mandated national evaluation study as required by Section 2 of Public Law 100-6-32; to verify quality of patient care for Veterans, to assure confidentiality of care for Veterans, to assure confidentiality of patient record information, and to determine the completeness and accuracy of financial records. The Contractor shall comply with the VA Patient’s Bill of Rights as set forth in Section 17.34a, Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations.Provider shall maintain a daily census. Provider shall inform HCHV staff about discharge within 24 hours and provide any required discharge forms within 72 hours. Service and housing plans will be required to be completed with each Veteran placed in transitional housing within 1 week of admission. Safe Haven provider shall encourage Veteran to work towards transitional or permanent housing within six months of admission. All extensions beyond six months will require approval of VA.Contractor shall provide HCHV staff with regular reports on changes in Veteran’s status, including all changes and observations concerning the Veteran’s needs.Specifics:REFERRALS:A. Contracted facility personnel authorized by the CAVHCS to order service shall make requests for service via telephone. A faxed information sheet shall follow each telephone authorization as soon as possible after completion by Clinical Staff.B. Orders, requests, or changes shall only be made by the Clinical staff, or authorized party specified by the Chief, Mental Health Service. Under no circumstances shall there be any deviation of any other party. In addition, the Contractor shall make no deviation and is responsible for providing direction to its staff.C. A list of authorized ordering personnel shall be made available upon award of the contract. Employees may be added or deleted from the list during the term of the contract at the discretion of CAVHCS. The Service Provider shall be notified to such changes as they occur.ABSENCES AND CANCELLATIONA. The contractor shall notify CAVHCS of absences from the facility. Absences of the patient from the facility in excess of forty-eight (48) hours will not be reimbursable except those with the prior approval of the VAMC coordinator. Should a patient referred to a residential treatment facility, absent himself/herself in an unauthorized manner, payment for services for that Veteran to the contract facility would be continued for a maximum period of two days provided there is an active outreach attempt on the part of the contractor facility staff to return the Veteran to the residential treatment program and a strong likelihood that the patient will return. Management of program dropout will be an element of quality assurance review of this program. B. It is understood that Veteran may be provided facility care at the contracted amount for a period not to exceed that of the stated length of treatment plan contracted (generally six months), unless an extension of the authorization is provided in writing by the CAVHCS . C. CAVHCS reserves the right to remove any or all patients from the facility at any time without additional cost, when it is determined to be in the best interest of the CAVHCS or the patient. CONDUCTA. The contractor shall make available to CAVHCS documentary information, such as data requests from the Northeast Program Evaluation Center (NEPEC), and any other information deemed necessary by the CAVHCS to conduct utilization review audits for the mandated national evaluation study as required by the Section 2 of Public Law 100-6; to verify quality of patient care for veterans, to assure confidentiality of patient record information, and to determine the completeness and accuracy of financial records.? B. The contractor shall conduct treatment and discharge planning reflecting a team assessment of health, social and vocational needs and the involvement of resident and appropriate community resources in resolving problems and setting goals. C. The contractor shall comply with the principles listed in 38 CFR 17.707(b) to provide housing and supportive services in a manner that is free from religious discrimination. The contractor shall notify CAVHCS immediately when a medical emergency occurs that requires hospitalization of a patient receiving care at VA expense. It is agreed that the Veteran will be readmitted to the appropriate VA facility. When such readmission is not feasible because of the nature of the emergency, it is agreed that hospitalization in a non-federal hospital may be accomplished provided the CAVHCS authorization is obtained. If hospitalization of a non-emergency nature is required it is agreed that readmission to the CAVHCS will be accomplished promptly. The contractor shall notify the CAVHCS through Safe Haven staff of any high risk situation including veterans with suicidal and/or homicidal threats or ideation, episodes of physical or sexual violence, sexual activities, safety concerns, drug activities so that appropriate coordination of care can be PLAINTS HANDLINGThe Liaison/Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) shall monitor the service provided. Contractor shall cooperate with the Liaison/COR in providing information and answering questions in a timely manner when requested. Contractor shall refer complaints received directly from the customer(s) to the Liaison/COR. All complaints received by the Liaison/COR and forwarded to the Contractor shall be investigated promptly. After investigation and disposition, Contractor shall respond to the Liaison/COR within five (5) working days after receipt by the Contractor.DELIVERABLE TIMETABLE.DeliverablesDue DatesTask 1 Deliverables (Housing Available for Rapid Placement)Within 1 month of VA issuance of contract award.Task 2 Deliverables (Delivery of Support Services)Beginning within 1 month of VA issuance of the contract award.Task 3 Deliverables (Status Reports)Every month beginning one month from contract award. Quarterly SurveyTRAVEL. The Contractor shall assist the Veterans with local transportation to scheduled meetings and appointments. The Contractor will help the Veteran access public transportation, including providing information and instructions necessary to enable Veterans to utilize public transportation. If HVHC staff determines that adequate public transportation is not available or appropriate for a Veteran, the Contractor shall arrange for alternative transport by car. INVOICES AND PAYMENTS. The Contractor shall invoice monthly for services a month in arrears. Invoices will be paid at the fixed daily contract rate for days of residential placement already completed with services provided as described in the Contract. The monthly invoice is computed at the daily rate multiplied by the census of Veterans at midnight on each date included in the term. The Contractor shall submit invoices to the assigned Contracting Officer’s technical Representative (COTR) and to the Austin Automated Payment Center for approval. Invoices must accurately reflect services to Veterans before payment will be approved or certified. If invoices are determined to be incorrect, new corrected invoices must be submitted to Contracting Officer’s technical Representative (COTR) and to the Austin Automated Payment Center.SECURITYThe Contractor must store, transport or transmit VA sensitive information in an encrypted form. VA approved public key infrastructure (PKI) shall be deployed on Contractor’s network computers to securely and privately exchange data with the CAVHCS.Contractor shall complete and submit the required Business Associate Agreement (BAA) form. The Contractor and CAVHCS acknowledge that each party will be responsible for the medical records of Veterans when treated at their respective facilities.Adequate security measures, e.g., bars on windows and doors and area fenced, in order to provide optimum safety for residents.This requirement does not require any contracting owned devices connection to a VA internal (non-public) trusted network. IT requirements for IT security requirements for certification and accreditation (authorization) (C&A) do not apply and that a Security Accreditation Package is not required.Contractor and any subcontractors must adhere to the provisions of Public Law 104-191, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. This includes both Privacy and Security Rules published by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). As required by HIPAA, HHS has promulgated rules governing the use and disclosure of protected health information by covered entities. The covered entity component of VA is the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In accordance with HIPAA, the Contractor shall be required to enter into a Business Associate Agreement.Employees involved in patient care shall have a current background investigation – The level of background investigation commensurate with the required level of access is Special Agreement Checks (SAC).To ensure that the individuals providing services under the contract have not engaged in fraud or abuse regarding Sections 1128 and 1128A of the Social Security Act regarding federal health care programs, the Contractor is required to check the Health and Human Services – Office of Inspector General, List of excluded individuals/entities on the OIG website (oig) for each person providing services under the contract. Further the Contractor is required to certify in its proposal that all persons listed in the Contractor’s proposal have been compared against the OIG list and are not listed. During the performance of this contract the Contractor is prohibited from using any individual or business listed on the List of Excluded Individual/Entities.It is agreed that the CAVHCS readily has access to all records concerning the Veteran's care in the facility. It is agreed that duly authorized representatives of the CAVHCS will provide follow-up supervision visits to Veterans placed to assure the continuity of care and to assist in the Veteran's transition back into the community. It is understood that these visits do not substitute nor relieve the facility in any way of the responsibility for the daily care and treatment of the Veteran. Upon discharge or death of the patient, records on all CAVHCS beneficiaries will be retained by the facility for a period of at least three years (or such other length of time as defined from time to time by CAVHCS) following termination of care.The following acts are not permissible by staff personnel who provide services under this contract while on facility premises:Use of intoxicating liquors, narcotics or controlled substances of any kind (excluding doctors’ prescriptions which do not impair driver’s driving ability) while on duty, or reporting for duty while under the influence of liquors, narcotics or controlled substance of any kind (excluding doctors’ prescriptions which do not impair driver’s driving ability).Gambling in any form.Carrying of pistols, firearms or concealed weapons.Resorting to physical violence to settle a dispute with a fellow employee, customer(s) or the general public while on duty.Spitting in prohibited places or any other unsanitary, offensive or insensitive practices or behavior.Use of loud, indecent or profane language and/or making threatening or obscene gestures toward customers or other employees.Stopping for personal business, including use of restroom facilities, while vehicle is occupied by a Veteran passenger. The driver shall not leave the vehicle with the key in the ignition at any time.Engaging customer in a verbal confrontation in an attempt to settle a disagreement. Soliciting or accepting tips from customer, companions or others at any time.Refrain from utilizing resident Veterans for labor on or around the property/facility. Assign light duty if Veteran is physically capable; e.g. washing dishes and keeping personal items and room tidy and clean. INSPECTION OF FACILITY AND PROGRAM Prior to the award of a contract and annually during the contract term, a multidisciplinary VA team shall conduct a survey of the Contractor’s facilities to be used to provide Veterans’ food, shelter, and therapeutic services to assure the Contractor provides quality care in a safe environment. Inspections will also be carried out at least quarterly as part of the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) as attached and at such other times as deemed necessary by the Contracting Officer.. The Contractor will be advised of the findings of the inspection team. If deficiencies are noted during any inspection, the Contractor will be given a reasonable time to take corrective action and to notify the Contracting Officer that the corrections have been made. A contract will not be awarded until noted deficiencies have been eliminated. Failure by the Contractor to take corrective action within a reasonable time will be reported to the VA Contracting Officer. If corrections are not made to the satisfaction of the VA, the Contracting Officer will consult with the appropriate officials so that suitable arrangements can be made to discontinue plans to award a contract, or to discharge or transfer patients and to terminate the existing contract, as appropriate. The inspection of the Contractor facilities will include inspection for conformity to the current Life Safety Code as described in paragraph 6, and will also include the following: General observation of residents to determine if they maintain an acceptable level of personal hygiene and grooming. Assessment of whether the facility meets applicable fire, safety and sanitation standards. Determining whether the facility is in attractive surroundings conducive to social interaction and the fullest development of the resident's rehabilitative potential. Observation of facility operations to see if appropriate organized activity programs are available during waking hours (including evenings) and degree to which a high level of activity is observed in the facility, such as individual professional counseling, physical activities, assistance with health and personal hygiene. Seeking evidence of facility-community interaction, demonstrated by the nature of scheduled activities or by information about resident flow out of the facility, e.g., community activities, volunteers, local consumer services, etc. Observation of staff behavior and interaction with residents to determine if they convey an attitude of genuine concern, caring and safety. Inspecting the types of meals and other nutrition provided to residents to see if appetizing, nutritionally adequate meals are provided in a setting, which encourages social interaction and if nutritious snacks between meals and bedtime are available for those requiring or desiring additional food, when it is not medically contraindicated. Making a spot check of Veterans’ records to ensure accuracy with respect to Veterans’ length of stay and services provided to the Veterans.All Department of Veterans Affairs reports of inspection of residential facilities furnishing transitional housing services to eligible Veterans shall, to the extent possible, be made available to all government agencies charged with the responsibility of licensing or otherwise regulating or inspecting such institutions.Veterans served through VA’s HCHV Safe Haven program must have client level data entered into the local Community Continuum of Care’s (CoC) HMIS.? Data entered must include, at a minimum, the Universal Data Elements from the 2010 HMIS Data Standards.PAYMENTSa. Payment to the Contractor shall be made monthly, in arrears, per patient upon receipt of a properly prepared invoice. Payment for any leave, including sick leave, holiday, or vacation time, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. VA will pay only for “fixed daily charge.” b. Contractor employee(s) shall be actually performing the services specified in the contract in order to receive reimbursement. c. The Department of Veterans Affairs Financial Service Center (FSC) is the designated agency office for invoice receipt in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act (5 CFR Part 1315). FSC or its designated representative may contact the vendor to provide specific instructions for electronic submission of invoices. The vendor shall be responsible for any associated expenses. FSC may utilize third-party Contractors to facilitate invoice processing. Prior to contact by FSC or its designated representative for electronic invoicing submissions, the vendor shall continue to submit all invoices to the designated VA office who, after reconciling bed census and invoice, shall submit them to FSC at the mailing address below: Payment Address: Department of Veterans Affairs Financial Services Center P.O. Box 149971 Austin, TX 78714-8971 Fax Number: (512)460-5440d. Billings rendered by the Contractor to the Program Office for services furnished under the terms of this contract shall be billings in full. Neither the beneficiary, his insurer, nor any third party shall be billed.NOTE: Invoices for payment may be rejected if all information required by FAR Clause 52.212-4(g) is not included. Invoices shall include the following information to be considered valid for payment. Invoices without the required information will be returned: Vendor name, invoice number and date FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number)Complete purchase order number assigned by the VA facility Name of provider, number of patient days “fixed daily charge”. Total dollar amount of invoice ................

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