2013 Chapter Growth Coordinator Manual - Meetup

Chapter Growth Coordinator Manual

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? 2013 BNI



Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 3 Chapter Visitors' Day ............................................................................................................ 5 BNI Personal Visitors' Day Procedure ................................................................................ 10 Personal Prospect List (Sample) ........................................................................................ 11 Contact Sphere Worksheet................................................................................................. 15 Who Do You Know? ........................................................................................................... 16 Successful Kick-off/Visitors' Day!! Confirmation Sheet ....................................................... 17 Suggested Follow-up Scripts .............................................................................................. 18 Focused Visitors' Day Campaign........................................................................................ 19 "One-A-Day" Focused Visitors' Day.................................................................................... 21 Inviting Mindset................................................................................................................... 22 Focused Inviting ................................................................................................................. 23 Inviting Mindset Scripts for Inviting ..................................................................................... 24 The BNI Game.................................................................................................................... 25 Game Score Card............................................................................................................... 26 Chapter Goal Sheet ............................................................................................................ 27 Visitor Orientation ............................................................................................................... 28 Consolidated Visitor Orientation Sheet ............................................................................... 29 Chapter Growth Coordinators (Chapter Copy) ................................................................... 31 Chapter Growth Coordinators (Director Copy).................................................................... 32

? 2013 BNI



Because chapters will constantly lose members for a variety of reasons, consistent on-going growth will always be essential for the success of any chapter. Strong chapters recognize this and have a focus on growth at all times. They also recognize that they must have a system in place to monitor and plan for the necessary growth.

Why is the growth important? Experience shows that a chapter with 30 members or more is approximately 287% more effective for the members than a chapter of 15 members. Every time you double the size of a chapter, you triple the referrals generated.

The largest chapter in BNI is at 80+ members. While some people may think this is too large, others look at it as an opportunity to develop Contact Spheres into large "Power Teams". We have found that the optimal chapter size ranges from 45 to 55 members. The goal is to have all members involved in growing the chapter in a way that is beneficial to the members (Contact Spheres) and the overall chapter (people who will be involved ? no spectators!) as a whole.

Roles of the Growth Coordinator:

The Growth Coordinator's role is to facilitate the planning process of the chapter growth as well as monitor and coordinate the necessary action steps in order to have consistent and steady growth. Like any other goal, the need to stay focused is a major step in achieving the goal. The Growth Coordinators should be recognized at the chapter introductions.

The individual roles of the Growth Coordinator are as follows:

1. Meet monthly with the Vice President and Membership Committee to determine the professions that would best fit into the chapter. Remember ? always be looking to fill the open positions of the members' "contact spheres".

One of the major reasons for members leaving a chapter is because they are not working within a "Power Team". The first step would be to fill the contact sphere, which would allow the member to make the necessary commitments to develop a Power Team.

2. Meet regularly with the entire Leadership Team to determine areas for improvement and to offer suggestions and feedback that may be received from guests, Visitors Hosts, and members that will assist the chapter increasing membership.

3. Meet with the Visitor Hosts to ensure that Visitor Orientation is done effectively to convert the visitors to members.

4. Work with Visitor Host Coordinator to ensure that the chapter is using the entire Visitor Host program and following up with each visitor. Effective "follow-up" is essential to chapter growth. We have found that up to 80% of the visitors who are effectively followed up with will submit an application for membership

? 2013 BNI


5. Work with the chapter Educational Coordinator to develop educational moments on how to grow the chapter.

6. Track your chapter-closing ratio of visitors.

a. The average application to visitor ratio in BNI is about 1 to 6. When a chapter has more than 20 members, that ratio increases to 1 in 4. That means for every 4 to 6 visitors, one will submit an application. If you track your closing ratios, you'll be able to see exactly where your chapter stands and where there is an opportunity for improvement.

b. Chapters who effectively use the Visitor Orientation have a much higher closing ratio.

7. Coordinate events in the chapter geared toward growth, such as:

a. Visitors' Day ? Using the Visitor Day Coordinator Package, implement a successful Visitors' Day by managing and educating the chapter on the event.

b. Focused Visitors' Day (Stack Days) ? Work with the chapter to target specific classification not represented in the chapter and have all members focus on inviting someone in that particular profession for a specific meeting. Work with the Contact Spheres or Power Teams in the chapter for more focused Stack Days.

c. Personal Visitors' Day ? New members going though the Chapter mentoring program have a personal visitor day in week 6 of the program.

d. The BNI Game ? The idea of the game is to increase both the size of the chapter and the number of referrals generated within the chapter by developing a little competitive spirit among the members through a point system.

e. Member Extravaganza ? Coordinate this yearly membership drive. Work closely with the chapter Director Consultant and the Member Extravaganza Program Coordinator.

f. Inviting for the Speaker ? A number of chapters have incorporated this into their weekly meetings. Each week, the next two speakers will share who they would "like in the audience" with the chapter. Their list could include "potential members" but also people who may never join a chapter (e.g. Police Chief, Human Resources Manager for a large company), as well as professionals already represented in the chapter.

g. Invite for an Introduction ? If a member mentions someone, they are looking to meet (in a One-to-One or in the 60-Second Presentation), invite them to meet the member at the meeting. Additionally, you are exposing all the other members of your chapter to this person.

h. Remember-it's a red flag if your chapter has gone 2 weeks in a row without a visitor!

? 2013 BNI



Chapter Visitors' Day

Best Practices

NOTE: The Chapter Growth Coordinators will act as the "Event Coordinator" for Chapter Visitors' Day or obtain the help of another member who can fill the role.

1. Visitors' days must be scheduled with the BNI regional office at least 60 days in advance.

a. This allows enough time to schedule a Director to be at the meeting. b. This allows enough time to assign and properly train the Growth Coordinator to oversee

the planning of the event.

2. BNI supports physical letter campaigns as the most effective way to send invitations. Sample letters are available to use. The BNI Regional Office may reimburse for the postage up to a pre-set limit if there is 100% participation from the chapter members. Some regions are successfully using email campaigns to invite visitors to a Visitors' Day.

3. The BNI Regional Office, in accordance with policy, will not cover the cost of any meals and this includes the visitors.

4. All Visitors' Days must have an "Event Coordinator" or "Growth Coordinator" to oversee the planning of the event. a. Event Coordinator or Growth Coordinator is trained by the BNI Director Consultant on the 6-week schedule for the event.

5. ALL Visitors' Days are run in accordance with these guidelines and the meeting is run as a regular BNI meeting with a Director Consultants doing a 10-minute "Showcase Presentation".

6. The Event Coordinator or Growth Coordinator is allowed to speak to the chapter every week for 3-5 minutes during the process.

Project Plan ? Week 1

1. Commitment of all Members ? All members commit to sending out 25 - 40 invitations. We have found these to be the best numbers for a successful Visitors' Day.

2. Confirm the date with the entire chapter ? Remind them that the meeting will run mostly like a normal meeting with the Director performing the Educational Moment and the Showcase Presentation.

3. Let the members know that Visitors' Day will be 2 hours.

? 2013 BNI



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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