Word Cell #4

UNIT 4 name: __________________

period: _________________

date: _________________

teacher: _________________

CARN, CARNI flesh; meat (L-R)

re/in/carn/ation (n) a belief held, by many, that one’s spirit, after death, enters into a new body

carni/vorous (a) flesh-eating, as cats, dogs, bears, seals, etc.; compare herbivorous and omnivorous

CENT, CENTI 100, 100TH (F, L-Pr)

cent (n) the one-hundredth part of a country’s basic monetary unit; as, 100 cents make up

a U.S. dollar; 100 centesimi equal an Italian lira; 100 centimes are needed to equal a French franc; 100 centavos equal a Mexican peso

cent/ennial (a) lasting for or consisting of one hundred years; as, a centennial celebration, a

centennial rule, etc.; (n) the one-hundredth anniversary of an event; as, the

centennial of the North’s victory at Gettysburg (1863- 1963)

centi/grade (a) consisting of one hundred degrees, or having one hundred equal divisions; as, a

centigrade thermometer; compare Fahrenheit

centi/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one-hundredth of a meter; 0.3937”

bi/cent/ennial (a-n), centi/pede (n), per/cent (a-n), tri/cent/ennial (a-n)

CIDE to kill (L-R)

homi/cide (n) the killing of one human being by another; as, evidence pointed to the possibility

that it was a case of homicide and not suicide; an individual who kills another

sui/cide (n) the act of taking one’s own life; as, to commit suicide; a person who takes his

own life; as, the man’s death was determined to be a suicide

geno/cide (n), pesti/cide (n)

DENT, DENTI, ODONT tooth or teeth (L-Gr-R)

dent/ist (n) one who is licensed to clean, fill, or extract teeth

denti/frice (n) a substance used in brushing teeth; actually, another name for toothpaste or tooth


orth/odont/ist (n) a dentist who specializes in correcting or straightening teeth

dent/al (a-n), dent/ure (n)

DORM, DORMIT to sleep (L-OF-R)

dorm/ant (a) sleeping; not active; as, a dormant volcano

dormit/ory (n) a place used for the purpose of sleeping; a building in which there are a number of

sleeping rooms; also referred to as a ‘dorm’

UNIT 4 NAME: ________________

EXERCISE 1: MATCHING: In the spaces provided, supply each word-cell in Column A with the number of its proper definition from Column B.


-ation (1) man

dorm (2) meat

geno (3) race

dent (4) kill; killing

carn (5) degree

grade (6) sleep

cide (7) tooth; teeth

homi (8) eating

ortho (9) to fix or correct

vorous (10) action; process

EXERCISE 2: DEFINITIONS: In the spaces provided, supply the words being defined. Use the correct form of the word, as necessary.

(1) _____________________ the act of taking another’s life

(2) _____________________ a belief that one’s spirit, after death, enters into a new body

(3) _____________________ one hundredth of a meter

(4) _____________________ one who specializes in correcting or straightening teeth

(5) _____________________ a place used for the purpose of sleeping

EXERCISE 3: GOOFY WORDS: Use word cell definitions to find definitions for made-up words.

(1) _____ dormgrade a) self eater

(2) _____ centicide b) measure of meat

(3) _____ orthory c) degree of sleep

(4) _____ carnimeter d) one hundred killings

(5) _____ suivore e) a correct place

Unit 4 NAME: ______________________

EXERCISE 4: WORD SUBSTITUTION: Use the words below and select the word which best describes the

Underlined word or words in the sentences. Then place it in its proper blank space below. The first one has

been done for you.

dormitory carnivorous dormant herbivorous orthodontist

centipede dentures centimeter tricentennial dental

homicide centennial dentifrice genocide bicentennial

1. A volcano can be either active, sleeping, or extinct.

2. The building contained a large sleeping room.

3. Cows, horses, deer, etc., are plant-eating animals.

4. The lineman stretched the wire another hundredth of a meter.

5. Our nation celebrated its two-hundredth anniversary in 1976.

6. The young man had a tooth infection.

7. It was a clear case of one man taking the life of another.

8. The bite of a large 100 legged creature could be harmful to man.

9. George Washington wore false teeth.

10. Dogs, cats, seals, etc., are flesh-eating animals.

11. Oyster Bay, Long Island, celebrated its three hundredth anniversary in 1953.

12. Adolf Hitler attempted to destroy an entire race of people.

13. He is an individual who specializes in straightening or correcting teeth.

14. The children brushed their teeth with tooth paste.

15. The United States celebrated its one hundredth anniversary in 1876.

1. ____dormant__________ 6. ______________________ 11. ____________________

2. _____________________ 7. ______________________ 12. ____________________

3. _____________________ 8. ______________________ 13. ____________________

4. _____________________ 9. ______________________ 14. ____________________

5. _____________________ 10. _____________________ 15. ____________________

EXERCISE 5: WORD CELL PUZZLE: Circle the (10) word-cells hidden in the Puzzle Square. Write

each word-cell in a space below. Word-cells are located down

and across, NOT diagonally or backwards.

|C |L |

|-er |that which |

|-et |group |

|flex |bend |

|-fy |make/form |

|gon |angle/corner |

|-ible |capable/worthy |

|in- |not |

|lat |side |

|libr |book |

|lingu |language |

|lov |love |

|medi |middle |

|meri |middle |

|milli |1000/1000th |

|mon |one |

|multi |many |

|oct |eight |

|-onym |word |

|ped |feet |

|pent |five |

|plane |wing |

|-ple |thickness/fold |

|pod |foot |

|port |carry |

|quadr/quart |four |

|quint |five |

|sect |cut |

|-able |capable/worthy |

|-aire |one who/that which |

|-al |of or relating to |

|amphi |both |

|-an |one who/that which |

|an- |not/without |

|-anean |one who/that which |

|angle |corner |

|annu |year |

|ant- |against/opposite |

|ante- |before |

|anti- |against/opposite |

|arch |main |

|-archy |rule |

|-arian |one who/that which |

|athlon |contest |

|aud |hear |

|bi- |two |

|cent |one hundred |

|corn |horn |

|cred |believe |

|cycle |circle |

|di |day |

|duo |two |

|ed- |eat |

| sept |seven |

|sext |six |

|sub |under |

|syn |same |

|terr |land |

|tri |three |

|trio |group of three |

|uni |one |

|urb |city |


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