Trash Quizbowl Packet Archive

A Tragedy2018 MEMES. Not all memes in this pack are from 2018, but the most recent ones will be from September 2018, the time this pack was finished. The difficulty and quality may vary between questions, depending on how tired I was at the time of writing. Special thanks to I couldn’t have done it without ya. Enjoy my dudes!2021 NOTE: This pack is very poorly written and I’m pretty sure there are some wrong/ambiguous questions. Please play it at your own risk. (My newer packs are a lot better lol)One popular work of this art form depicts a famous Nintendo protagonist being repeatedly killed by their franchises villain, before the protagonist enlists the help of Gabe Newell to defeat the villain. Many works in this style utilize a track from Over the Green Fields, nicknamed “Sad Violin”. One popular creator of this style of video has produced masterpieces such as “not_a_rapper.mp4” and “how 2 be safe on the internet”. The subreddit dedicated to this style of video once had the most upvoted post on the site, a text post that said “When you upvote/downvote you now get a hitmarker”. For 10 points, name this style of satirical video which makes frequent references to Doritos and Mountain Dew.ANSWER: Montage Parody (Also Accept MLG Montage) The first recorded use of this meme was in 2013 in a tweet by @J_M_Cook, followed by #BonerQuestions. This phrase has been photoshoped into images with famous scientists such as Albert Einstein in the form of a quote. One popular use of this phrase involves Donald Trump holding up a signed executive order with this phrase on it. Many internet users have pointed out that if this fact was true, then women would unable to urinate. For 10 points, name this totally true fact pertaining to where urine is kept.ANSWER: Pee is Stored in the Balls (Prompt on any reasonably variation of the phrase)Some phrases used in this meme date back to a 2016 Call of Duty: Black Ops video in which the player makes remarks such as “I know your name Bradley, and I know where you live”. The first appearance of the main character of this meme has the character saying “Oh no!” in a video reviewing Sonic Lost World. This character’s first mainstream appearance featured him singing “I Don’t Want to Set the World On Fire”. The character reached its peak popularity thanks to his character being modelled for use in VR chat. For 10 points, name this character who is sworn to protect “The Queen” and prides himself in “Knowing Da Wae”.ANSWER: Ugandan Knuckles (Prompt on Knuckles)This common meme is literally just a picture of Josh DeSeno. This image was used over one million times per day in 2015 on the popular streaming site twitch. There are many varieties of this meme, including the “pride” variety, which is just this meme with a rainbow filter over top. This emote is commonly used to follow up a phrase that was meant sarcastically. For 10 points, name this twitch emote that shares its name with the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet. ANSWER: KappaThis action is from a show whose original series had 220 episodes. A Facebook event which was supposed to occur on September 1st, 2017 proposed that this action would be done around Trump Tower. This action, originally from an anime, is said to increase the aerodynamics of an individual. This action is frequently parodied by internet comedians such as Ian Kung and Filthy Frank. For 10 points, name this action popularized by Boruto’s Dad.ANSWER: Naruto Run (Accept Run Like Naruto, Prompt on Anime Run)This artist remarks in one work that he doesn’t wear Gucci but is still classy. In another of this artist’s works, he confesses that he has been shooting dogs with BB guns since he was 5. In one of this artist’s songs, he raps that he feels like a Young Dan Schndeider from the 80’s. This artist made his debut in a video titled “Me Singing Adele” on the “DizastaMusic” Youtube channel. For 10 points, name this Hamburger loving character played by George Miller.ANSWER: Pink Guy (Accept Freygar?ur Geirtryggur ?jó?leifur Lúthersdóttir, Prompt on Filthy Frank)The first video uploaded to this channel was a comedy sketch featuring a pen that uses an elastic band to attach to one’s head, this video was titled “Handy Pen”. Over the years, this channel boasted several videos that went viral such as “The WTF Blanket”. “Your Grammar Sucks” features the host of this Youtube channel correcting the grammar of individuals online. For 10 points, name this Youtube channel which contains YIAY and is run by Jack Douglass.ANSWER: Jacksfilms In 2013, a video surfaced with this title showcasing paintings depicting religiously motivated conflicts, with the track “Guardians at the Gate” playing in the background. In the game “Crusader Kings II”, this phrase shows up when the pope announces a crusade. Many of these memes include a Templar in armor shouting this phrase, occasionally alongside “We will take Jerusalem!” For 10 points, name this Latin phrase that translates to “God wills it”.ANSWER: Deus Vult (Prompt on variants of “God Wills it” until mention)In June 2008 a piece of art was published that was parodied so much on 4chan’s /v/ board that moderators begun to ban new threads regarding this illustration. This comic strip was much darker than the usual comedy styles published by Ctrl+Alt+Delete. The original comic features a girl having a miscarriage and most parodies of this comic involve simple lines depicting the characters hidden in other images. For ten points, Name this four-panel comic strip that frequently is preceded by “Is this”?ANSWER: Loss.jpgThe titular character from a late 1960s cartoon has seen a resurgence of popularity on the internet. Many edits have been made to stills from the aforementioned show, including captions that do not in any way represent the original meaning of the scenes, such as “This post gave me cancer” and “I have the weirdest boner right now”. Name this character who is frequently used in thread derailment, and is often initially posted alongside the text “This is a (this character) thread now”.ANSWER: SpidermanThe first episode in this series came out in September of 2010, and received an impressive 38 million views as of writing this pack. In a later episode, one featured character spells his own name, before claiming he will end his opponents like his name in a spelling bee. In another episode, Donald Trump tells Hillary Clinton that her rhymes are trash, and prompts her to put them next to her e-mails. This series, by Nice Peter and EpicLloyd, has won several Webbys in writing, costume design, and several other catagories. For 10 points, name this musical Youtube series that pits two or more figures, like Adolf Hitler and Darth Vader against each other in rap battles.ANSWER: Epic Rap Battles of History In 2006 a Fox news program describes saying this phrase as analogous to people saying “WAZZUP” after watching Budweiser commercials. This Phrase, preceded by the character “CATS” saying “How are you Gentlemen !!” was originally spoken in a 1992 port of the Japanese side-scroller arcade game Zero Wing. For 10 points, which phrase is a poorly translated version of “All of your bases are now under our control”.ANSWER: All your base are belong to usThis character puts the “laughter” in “manslaughter”. One time while having sex in a trailer, one of his sperm escaped into the engine. The trailer is now known as Optimus Prime. This individual has been seen doing a wheelie on a unicycle and has the ability to win connect four in three moves. In his rap battle with Abraham Lincoln, he claimed he “attacks sharks when [he] smells them bleed. For ten points, name this tough-guy actor who has another fist under his beard.ANSWER: Chuck NorrisIn 2018, a twitter user by the name of “Galevik” tweeted to Stoneman Douglas school shooting survivor David Hogg, instructing him to boycott this. While discussing this or similar topics, Breakbot’s “Baby I’m yours” often plays. Upon the conclusion of the discussion, the song often has its gain significantly boosted. This condition has affected famous youtubers such as PewDiePie and CowBelly. For 10 points, name this deadly disease that tragically took the life of the Fortnite Streamer, Ninja.ANSWER: LigmaDescription Acceptable. In 2018, Youtuber Grandayy made a parody of this meme by taking the words from it and syncing them up to Toto’s Africa as well as Bazzi’s Mine. This text was originally based on a Greentext Story from 2012, which displayed unsanitary conditions at a popular fast food restaurant. This event had a resurgence because of a video titled “Top 15 Mysteries Solved by 4Chan” due to the narrator’s bizarre inflections. For 10 points, name this item that is described to be “the last thing you’d want on your burger king burger”.ANSWER: Number 15, Burger King Foot LettuceIn one episode, this character poses as a school teacher, and almost blows up the school. In another episode, this character flies to the moon in order to get away from noisy children. One of this characters many talents includes disguises, including his iconic pirate disguise. This character, from an Educational Icelandic children’s show, has been featured in many of the show’s songs, including one where he provides a “lesson in trickery”. For 10 points, name this character, the main antagonist in Lazy Town.ANSWER: Robbie RottenSome methods of transmition of this entity include Cognitive, Motivational, and Adversative. This word is derived from the ancient greek word for “imitated thing”, which is an apt description for this thing. Richard Dawkins first coined this term to describe the phenomena of passing an element to other individuals non-genetically in his 1976 work The Selfish Gene. For 10 points, name this term which is often preceded by the word “internet” and is the general topic of this quizbowl pack.ANSWER: MemesYoutuber Count Dankula listed this group of people as one of the two things in the world he hates. This word is semi-frequently followed by the word “detected” or “patrol”. A popular vine depicts a man brandishing a blue lightsaber shouting “all women are queens” before another man comes into frame saying “if she breaths, she’s [one of these]”. For 10 points, name word describing promiscuous women, commonly preceeded with the word “Begone”.ANSWER: ThotThis term was originally used in a book to describe non-alcoholic individuals. In an episode of Family Guy, a newly fit Peter Griffin uses this term to describe his wife, and explain why he can’t tell her about the Beautiful people’s club. One test called “The Robot Test” puts this class of people as scoring higher than “Slightly Strange” but lower than “Chat/Stacy”. On 4chan, especially the /r9k/ board, this term is used to describe people who fit in easily in society. For 10 points, name this class of average individuals who need to get out of my pack.ANSWER: NormiesIn December of 2016, a thread on 4chan about this topic was made, where one of the replies noted that if you google the topic of the thread, this is one of the only things that come up. A subreddit with this name was created to post this type of anti-meme, where captions which intentionally missed the point of the meme were added to popular meme formats. Some popular examples of this include Winnie the Pooh drinking the title substance and a man sticking a rod into his bicycle spokes so he could stop in time to avoid hitting the children at the crosswalk. For 10 points, name this genre of meme named after a substance that causes ones skeleton to ache. ANSWER: Bone Hurting Juice Tie Breaker: Description acceptable. Erik, the host of internet comment etiquette satirically believes this, and gives it as his third reason for why “ain’t no planet x coming”. People with this belief are often associated with an organization which has members all around the globe. In 2016, rapper B.o.B said on twitter that he possessed this belief, and both him and Neil Degrasse Tyson released diss tracks towards eachother. Many believers of this conspiracy theory bring cameras on planes and onto mountains to photograph the horizon of the Earth and how it does not display expected properties. For 10 points, name this conspiracy theory pertaining to the shape of the Earth.ANSWER: Earth not being Round (Earth being flat)Fans of different franchises and forms of media love to gather and express their love for various often “nerdy” things in the form of cons. For 10 points answer these questions about cons which failed miserably at one time or another.[10] This Tumblr con held in Illinois came under criticism when the convention center did not receive the amount of money that they wanted for the con, forcing the organizers to have to beg attendees for extra money in addition to the ticket prices when they were already there. This, and many other bumps along the way prompted staff to give attendees an extra hour in the ball pit.ANSWER: Dashcon[10] This 2018 convention was started by a salty youtuber who was upset that VidCon wouldn’t give her a featured creator slot. The creator of the convention was recorded saying that people love waiting outside for things, and intentionally sold too many tickets.ANSWER: Tanacon [10] This con had many ambulance visits and was shut down due to no convention center wanting to host them. Some unsanitary conditions undergone at this con include hotboxing rooms, flooding washrooms, and leaving full diapers on the hoods of cars.ANSWER: RainfurrestMemes from Star Wars, especially the Prequels have risen to popularity over the past year or so and this pack writer couldn’t be happier. Answer some question about these so called “Prequel Memes”:[10] The subject of this tale lived a long life, however was ironically unable to live forever. By using many abilities some consider to be unnatural the subject of this tale was allegedly able to save others from death but not himself. Name this tale told by Palpatine to Anakin Skywalker.ANSWER: The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise (Prompt on Darth Plagueis)[10] This tactic was employed by Anakin when destroying the Droid Control ship. The tactic was later used by Palpatine in his duel with four Jedi masters. Give the name of this tactical maneuver once noted to be “a good trick”.ANSWER: Spinning[10] This variant of the third Star Wars prequel features lines such as Darth Vader shouting “DO NOT WANT!” and Anakin saying “Only guarantee my cuckoldry the safety”. At an earlier point, Obi-Wan states “Mr. Speaker, we are for the big”. Name this poorly translated Chinese bootleg version of Revenge of the Sith.ANSWER: Backstroke of the West4chan is a place commonly associated with getting into all sorts of shenanigans, and for good reason. Answer the following questions about 4chans schemes and raids for 10 points each:[10] iPhones tend to be the on the receiving end of lots of dangerous pranks. One prank claimed that iOS 7 has introduced this feature. This feature was allegedly accomplished by the phone having a “smart-switch” that will shut off the phones power supply to prevent any damage to the delicate circuitry.ANSWER: Waterproof[10] This 1991 video game was brought back to life by 4chan who announced that a sequel was in production, when of course it wasn’t. 4chan users urged their peers to contact every gamestop they could asking if they had copies of this game, and the newer “ 9001 Mudkipz edition”.ANSWER: Battletoads[10] In 2012, this brand turned to internet polls to name their new apple flavored product. 4chan quickly got to work on rigging the polls, causing some of the top choices to include “Gushing Granny” and “9GAG meme drink”.ANSWER: Mountain Dew There are lots of things in this world that look delicious that could seriously harm you. Answer some questions about these so called “Forbidden Snacks”:[10] Eating this delicious multi flavored delicacy became famous in early 2018 due to its namesake challenge.ANSWER: Tide Pods (Also accept general Laundry Detergent pods)[10] Another forbidden snack is commonly known as “Spicy Honey”, which of course is an alias for this actual substance.ANSWER: Molten Glass[10] After eating your Tide Pods and Molten Glass, you may want to wash it down with the so called “Forbidden Tea” made from this substance that comes in packs which look similar to tea bags.ANSWER: Silica GelLiterature is very important on the internet, for 10 points each answer questions about internet literary masterpieces.[10] This individual is the reason that the anonymous author goes to the gym. He envisions himself at a party with this individual. In his literature, he speaks with her on the balcony later that night, asking her what he’d be learning in her class if she were a teacher.ANSWER: Natalie Portman (If they specify Nathalie is spelt with an “h” give them a thumbs up)[10] There is an internet tough guy “Navy Seal” who claims he has been trained in gorilla warfare and involved on numerous raids on al quaeda. Name this lower limit to the amount of “confirmed kills” he has.ANSWER: 300[10] This term is used to designate long text posts designed to by pasted all around the internet. Mama Mia!ANSWER: Copypasta 4chan has had many mascots over the years, some more mainstream than others. Answer these questions about them:[10] This common mascot, frequently posted but not exclusive to the /r9k/ board was originally from a comic called “Boys club”. People who post this mascot are often called “Frogposters”.ANSWER: Pepe[10] This name, originally given to a female version of pepe, was more often used to describe a cartoon scorpion with a human face.ANSWER: Fefe[10] This meme; a poorly drawn wolf in MS paint, was created to use as a substitute to pepe, who had fallen to the “normies”. While this meme never caught on as strongly as pepe, it was used for a short time in 2015.ANSER: WoflThe internet is host to many a genius. Answer these questions about modern intellectuals and intellectualism:[10] This scientist is frequently criticized on twitter for attempting to sound incredibly smart all of the time in a cringy way. He is often referred to as “Black Science Man” and is the current host of Cosmos. ANSWER: Neil DeGrasse Tyson[10] This other “Very Smart” twitter user begins a controversial tweet with “Sorry Losers and haters” and goes on to point out his IQ is “one of the highest” and reminding readers that “it’s not their fault”.ANSWER: Donald Trump[10] This intellectual Atheist of reddit who is NOT a “professional quote maker” claims he is euphoric. This euphoria, he claims, is not due to a blessing, but because he is enlightened by his own intelligence. ANSWER: Aalewis Vines were an important part of internet culture for a while before the app was shutdown in January 2017. Answer these questions about popular vines:[10] This vine was based off of an image of a frog with the titular text written above and below. Its most popular form was created by vine user JimmyHere. This vine featured him in a pair of swimming goggles and a spiderman outfit saying the phrase and then shouting loudly. ANSWER: It is Wednesday My Dudes[10] A vine that features a girl in a Tie Dye shirt and frizzy brown hair dancing to the beat of this song with her back turned. The girl turns around to feature small dark sunglasses and braces once the synth begins in this song. Name this song by A-ha.ANSWER: Take on Me[10] This vine opens with a person asking if they can have a sip of another individual’s water. The second individual informs the asker it isn’t water, to which the asker responds “Vodka! I like your style.” The asker is then informed that the bottle contains this clear substance, and is called a pussy. ANSWER: VinegarSome things on the internet are so sad that it just seems fitting to undergo certain actions. Name these actions only performed when something so sad is occurring:[10] Sometimes when you’re sad some music is helpful to cheer you up. Thankfully, you can ask Amazon’s Alexa to play you this Luis Fonsi song to cheer you up.ANSWER: Despacito[10] Sometimes social media recognition is what you need to cheer yourself up. Thankfully, Sarcastic Bro is there for you to ensure you hit this amount of likes.ANSWER: 50[10] “This is so sad can we hit 50 likes” and the character Sarcastic Bro has been picked up and frequently used by this subreddit which features often surreal images put through many filters to decrease their quality as much as possible.ANSWER: Deep Fried MemesSome people are far more polite than they would initially appear to be. Name these polite characters or characters who would just like to be your friend.[10] This misunderstood deathclaw from the game series “Fallout” just wants to be your friend. In fact, he goes by the Russian word for “Friend”.ANSWER: друг (Pronounced Droog)[10] Despite the lease saying pets are not allowed in the apartment, the landlord is willing to make an exception for an animal of this species because he looks so polite.ANSWER: Cat[10] This spider helped an arachnophobic man find love, helped keep his apartment clean of other bugs, and saved his life from burglars. This touching story was originally a greentext.ANSWER: SpiderbroThe internet loves describing movies poorly. This trend is popular on twitter under #explainafilmplotbadly. Identify these films, who’s plots are explained poorly.[10] In this film, one character gets denied a promotion, gets mad, and kills a bunch of children and monks. At the end of this film, a friend of the monk’s decides to wipe the memory of one character who had done nothing wrong.ANSWER: Star Wars Episode III (Also accept Revenge of the Sith)[10] In this film franchise, a young man forcibly ties up other men and photographs them for money.ANSWER: Spiderman[10] In this film, a large single father finally gets out of his chair and tries to end world hunger with his rock collection.ANSWER: Avengers: Infinity WarThe 2016 American Presidental election was truly the best timeline folks, we were blessed with so many wonderful moments, name some of them for 10 points each:[10] Russ Steinberg initially sent a tweet sarcastically urging Donald Trump to run for the presidency in February of 2012, to which Trump replied with this two word tweet.ANSWER: Be careful![10] In an interview, Hillary Clinton separated Trump supporters into two baskets, calling one basket full of “Racists” and “Haters” and the other basket full of these people.ANSWER: Deplorables[10] In 2016, an image posted first to 4chan’s /pol/ and later to /r/the_donald featured this political candidate posing with arms raised in front of a map of America. On this map, each state was coloured yellow to indicate his victory in every state, claiming all 538 electoral votes. ANSWER: Jeb! Bush (Hit a fat dab if they demonstrate their knowledge of the exclamation mark)Occationally reddit grows tired of certain communities breaking their rules or just laws in general. Name these subreddits which have been banned.[10] This subreddit was a place for men to discuss their lack of romantic success. Many members here follow the “black pill” ideology, which is generally described to be accepting your hopelessness.ANSWER: Incels[10] This subreddit was a place to discuss the theories pertaining to a child trafficking ring, which a large number of democratic party officials were allegedly involved in. The subreddit’s name comes from the alleged child trafficking occurring in the basement of a pizza joint. This subreddit was banned for doxing.ANSWER: Pizzagate[10] This subreddit was started after a large number of celebrity nudes were leaked through Apple’s iCloud in 2014. While it was up, it was the fastest growing subreddit in history, amassing an impressive 100,000 subscribers in just over a day. The subreddit was closed by the reddit admins the following month. ANSWER: TheFappeningThe best year for youtube Drama was undeniably 2016. Name these parties involved in creating an absolute shitshow on the platform, but an entertaining downfall for everyone else.[10] This edgy youtuber became famous for roasting children online overtop of Counter Strike surfing footage. He came under fire when he made a video on somebody with actual autism named TommyNC2010. Some of his hallmark traits were asking for likes in exchange for outlandish objects being mailed to you and brigading other content creators with the comment “hiss”ANSWER: Leafyishere[10] After a while, Youtube legend iDubbbzTV made a Content cop in which he bullied Leafy on a specific physical trait. He set up games outside such as “hide [this feature] of Leafy’s” where he awarded prizes for successes such as an Xbox controller and a blender.ANSWER: Leafy’s weak Chin[10] iDubbbz also made a content cop on this youtuber, physically comparing him to a gnome. This narcissist, host of Drama Alert, is famous for using Racial Slurs and threatening to ruin people’s careers.ANSWER: KeemstarFAST FAST FAST who doesn’t love SPEED when it comes to the internet?? Upload, download, doesn’t matter! Name these ANTHEMS OF SPEED seen and heard often across the internet.[10] This song, by Coveri was released on the album Golden Age in the late 90s. This face paced Eurobeat piece gained significant popularity after appearing in the street racing anime Initial D.ANSWER: Running in the 90’s[10] Gotta go fast! Is the motto of Sonic the Hedgehog, this piece by Masato Nakamura was the piece that played during the first level of Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis. This piece is also commonly heard in its loud, distorted variety accompanying our very own “Sanic” the hedgehog.ANSWER: Green Hill Zone[10] Aimed at mostly weebs, this form of editing music involves speeding it up and increasing its pitch. This practice was started by a Norwegian DJ duo of the same name. Today, it is very common to hear in AMVs.ANSWER: NightcoreThe internet has its share of perfectionists. Answer some questions on various perfect things in for 10 points each.[10] “Perfectly Balanced, as all things should be” is a line spoken by this purple Marvel villain, the main antagonist of Infinity War. In September 2018, a “Car” variety of this character rose quickly in popularity.ANSWER: Thanos[10] This Fraction, equal to roughly 0.71 was originally given as a score to the movie “Fight Club” and while certainly not a perfect score, the original poster claimed it represented a perfect score.ANSWER: 5/7[10] Erik Lehnsherr prompts this character to reveal her true form by saying that he prefers “The real” this character. After making the afformentioned statement twice, she obliges, to which he replies “Perfection”.ANSWER: Raven (Also Accept Mystique)This pack just got a whole lot fruitier – for 10 points each answer questions about fruit and fruit accessories. [10] This fruit can be seen dancing along to The Buckweat Boyz’ “Peanut Butter Jelly Time”. This flash animation was incredibly popular on Newgrounds in the early 2000s.ANSWER: Banana[10] A video involing this fruit became popular in 2014, when Denise Walker or “Auntie Angel” used this fruit, a sex toy, and her mouth to make outlandish, terrifying noises. Name this fruit, which was used in the aforementioned video in its namesake “technique”.ANSWER: Grapefruit[10] A series based on an annoying variety of this fruit began in 2009, featuring an assortment of fruits with some human facial features. The youtube series was based mostly on shock comedy and often ended with another fruit getting dismembered. Name this fruit, the star of the youtube show and (somehow) its own TV show in 2012.ANSWER: OrangeMinsinformation can spread incredibly easily. Sometimes, quotes get attributed to the wrong individual. This can happen either intentionally or accidentally. Name some individuals who quotes have been misattributed to.[10] “Why TF are you crying so damn loud?” is a text message sent by this family member, commonly received when a “”Sad”” Youtube video is being played in the background. ANSWER: Dad [10] “Not everything you read on the internet is true” is a quote attributed to this Republican US president, who served his time in office far before the internet existed.ANSWER: Abraham Lincoln[10] One subreddit with almost 30 thousand subscribers attributes Taylor Swift song lyrics to this dictator. In one of the top posts there, this dictator stands wearing shorts in front of the lyrics “’Cause Darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream”.ANSWER: Adolf Hitler Answer some questions about things that are thematically related, but share no other similarities. A bonus of 0 points will be given if you can guess the theme.[10] In Yu-Gi-Oh! When all of this character’s body parts are in your hand, you can reveal them and instantly win the game. You will need this “Forbidden One’s” Left and Right arms and legs, as well as head.ANSWER: Exodia[10] This format, often featuring a surreal or “cursed” image is generally posted satirically with this phrase on it, promising that if the person upvotes or likes the image, they will have this happen to them. Some popular images of this type feature Sean from Jimmy Neutron and JonTron eating Pizza.ANSWER: Like this Image to Die Instantly (Prompt on Die)[10] A popular meme format shows the effectiveness of various objects or actions. According to this meme, a fedora, being a weeb, and Crocs have a 100% chance of performing this action.ANSWER: Birth Control Some people who are doing well for themselves end up ruining it all very quickly. Answer some questions about this Journalist, Author and Absolute Unit who went from hero to zero very fast.[10] This Journalist and author of The Informant was featured in an Internet Historian video subtitled “Seize the Day”. Near the beginning of the video, he debates with Tucker Carlson about Trump’s medical records, where he dodges answering any questions.ANSWER: Kurt Eichenwald[10] Kurt Eichenwald later posts a tweet that reveals an internet tab open to this genre of Japanese literature. He of course received a strong media reaction to this.ANSWER: Hentai[10] The response Kurt gave to make this whole situation better was that he was trying to convice his wife that “Tentacle porn” existed, but was unable to find any. He supposedly worked together with these people in order to find some.ANSWER: His ChildrenTie Breaker: For some reason frogs are revered on the internet, showing up in all sorts of popular media. For 10 points, answer these questions about internet frogs that are not Pepe.[10] This frog, originally voiced by Jim Henson, can be seen sipping tea and commenting on events that do not affect him. Another meme involving this frog shows him speaking with an evil version of himself. Name this frog from the muppets.ANSWER: Kermit the frog[10] This cartoon frog, originating in 2016, can be seen riding a unicycle with the caption “o shit whaddup”. That’s pretty much all there is to this shallow ass meme.ANSWER: Dat Boi[10] This Egyptian god, often depicted with the head of a frog, is possibly satirically worshipped throughout 4chan. Prayers are said when invoking meme magic to this god, who’s favour is shown through good “gets” on their post IDs. ANSWER: KekTHIS BONUS IS SHIT DON’T READ IT IT’S THE FIRST ONE I WROTEThe internet is truly a bastion of high culture. For 10 points each, finish these poems from the front page of the /r/boottoobig subreddit:[10] Roses are red, violets are blue your eBay code isANSWER: KFCJEW[10] Roses are red, Jordan could dunk, We know he can swim butANSWER: CAN Richard FUNK[10] Roses are red, my hand is a bee, move over XanaxANSWER: Here comes LSD Also this tossup is shit tooIn 2012 a Phillipino student was murdered for commenting the first word of this two word phrase on a facebook post. According to Urban Dictionary, this phrase is used to “convey astonishment at something especially stupid or ridiculous”. This meme is commonly posted alongside either “Wrinkle Face” or a photoshopped photo of “Doge” with large, bunny-like ears. For 10 points, name this phrase very tightly linked with general shitposting.ANSWER: Wew LadALSO NOBODY GETS THIS BONUS SO DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT I GUESSThere are plenty of ways to express your appreciation on the internet. Answer some questions about politeness and gratitude online:[10] If somebody sends you a meme you enjoy, you may send them a link to this website, which has the sole function of reading the website name.ANSWER:[10] Linking people to became a meme in and of itself, causing people to link posters of to this website.ANSWER:[10] Linking people to also became a meme, causing people to link posters to this website to thank them for linking to As of the time of writing this pack, this website unfortunately is not longer running.ANSWER: ................

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