
Name: Leux Wrath (Raving Wrath)Age: 16Birthday: Race: (Spirit/Mind) Dragon?Gender: MaleHeight: 6’1” Human / 48’2” DragonWeight: 156 Human / 17,000 Dragon Lbs.Occupation & Rank: Wandering Alchemist & Entertainer Universe: Gloom Rose (Dark Hart Universe)Affiliation(s): Wrath Family, Vetailia army, Larisa Swiftstring, CatavinaAppearance:Human form-Leux’s physique is slender at most and at the least average. His arms nor his legs hold much mass in terms of fat or muscle. Whether in a swamp or coming out of a spa his earthy skin always seems to be smooth and polished from every angle, dirt simply doesn’t stick well into his pores. Sweat of a hard day’s labor simply glistens off the rest of his skin and adds a faint glow to him. His chest & abdomen are entwined with the ‘hoodie’ itself and are similar one in the same. A ghost white tail slips right along behind him even when in human shape.Leux’s black hair is generally sleek but rarely taken care of. There are two main parts in his hair splitting to either side of his face sometimes a small part in the middle between his eyes. Due to his hair rarely being combed to a particular direction there tends a few clumps of hair that stand out at the top of his head and the parts have various splits that end in a spiky hair pattern. The left part of his hair has been dyed an orchid purple. Leux’s eyes are bright silver like the metal itself. His eyes seem to be wider and bigger toward the top by a small margin and can even draw away from the bags under his eyes from nightmare fueled nights. His nose is small and hardly noticeable. His lips are smooth thin, only particularly noticeable when his small purple tongue is sticking out between them.The hoodie is a ghost white in the major body of it. The smooth touch and reflective degree of light off the hoodie brings up the comparison to a nylon like fabric. The hood has a pair of red eyes in a diamond shape and a wide grinning sharp fanged mouth split in half upon the hood’s surface until it ultimately rejoins for Leux’s transformation. The cuffs and lower hem of the hoodie are black bands with asterisk like silver stars that go across the bands connecting on toward the next star. In the center is a purple ovular shape spreading out vertically at its longest point. There is a red circle inside the oval with a silver cross star in its center point. Out from the hoodie stretches out a set of simple white headphones with a thick black cord. Leux’s custom shorts are a rather awkward piece that he had commissioned. The shorts themselves are mainly black with the secondary color of purple. Purple is used for the a large patch covering crotch region that is padded and a series of straps in an ‘X’ pattern connecting to the rest of the shorts which are disconnected from the main body of shorts by the straps themselves. There are a few small pouches and straps on the sides of the shorts for holding or holstering items & weaponry. His family ring is worn on a fairly regular basis, it’s silver ring is placed upon his left index with the cushion emerald placed on it, and his name engraved inside the silver. Dragon Shape-Leux’s dragon shape is far more imposing in terms of size. It looms overs even the height of villages and the citizens within! The skin of the dragon shape matches that of his hoodie both in shade, smooth texture and reflectiveness. Sweat may add a blue tinge to it all. The body shape is relatively straight down outside of a large and round stomach fat enough to sink objects and even people into it like large dough. His belly is a large and sagging sphere with a fattened chest just above. The arms and legs are thick and smooth showing no signs of muscular or fat build up in them. His muzzle is long with simply slits for his nostrils. The wide mouth filled with sharp fangs and purple innards more than capable of chomping down on a cart of minds. His eyes just above it lose the charm to them and become plain & moderate in shape, maybe even with a hint of rectangular. The color of his eyes changes to red, the pupils are solid grey and the sclera a darkening grey in his eyes as well. At the back of his head are several spikes that match the texture of his body as well. Lastly remains his wings span out wide with brilliant feathersBackground: Leux’s previous life was the spy Larisa Swiftstring who had been captured behind enemy lines. She had been caught in the Vetalian citadel on the night of her escape from behind enemy lines. A few of her previous contacts had turned her identity over to the army for one reason or another leading to her capture. She was sacrificed to the mother dragon Kaiji due to her strong resistance to interrogation to be reborn or destroyed in the process. Leux was born in her place as draconic being and his signature ‘hoodie’ joined with him as a conduit for transformation. Kaiji and the Vetalian upper rank put Leux under various stress tests to reveal his natural mind reading and manipulating powers. He was soon focused into reading interrogated minds along with aiding in the natural healing of their tortured bodies. Leux was mostly limited to obtaining information out of tortured targets at a close range before his career increasingly intense.Leux’s career in the Vetalian army shifted over the years but was based in gathering information on the enemy both on and off the battlefield. He was fed the brains of captured soldiers in order to gather withheld information and memories, often hidden among other meats in his food. Spy work in the field was also required of Leux as well. He would start as a simple child spy going into refugee camps and occasionally slipping relatively close to military tents or picking up on rumors of traveling families. No one had suspected a child would bring major harm to military expeditions or would cause alarming trouble. No one was immediately willing to harm or kill a child either, that wasn’t to say that it was always the case that Leux got away without a beating. Spying was a simple job, the face of the victims did not engrain in the mind nor did was it directly personal. He despised the matter of being moved to the battlefield directly when he was only a decade old and figured it ridiculous. He was never put on the front lines, but it was still hard to hear the thoughts of those died on the end of his spear or with a dagger slipped between their ribs at the hands of a child they wished not to fight. He wished they would have killed him at certain times to end his career on the battlefield.Leux’s wish wasn’t granted and instead he was rewarded with commanding a small unit of his own somewhat due to his heritage. He was mostly used to keep track of enemy movements and avoid them which became the focus aside to keep his own unit alive. He tried to avoid the battle field and the loss of life as best as he could. Sadly, the bodies of those who died could not simply rest or be destroyed as their mind were still useful to scour for information. The constant flow of soldiers that were feasted upon from the battlefield had driven the young commander to temporary madness and his dragon shape was let free. The mad dragon hardly distinguished friend from foe, if it had a mind to feed on it was a target. The dragon feasted and fattened itself on brains until it appeared there had been an actual skirmish between both armies. They flew off until a distant hillside to rest off various injuries that were marked upon his body.A young man was found in the hillside by a family of unique ex-assassins while scouting an area to set up camp. The Wrath family were no longer well heard of and were mostly a mixture of orphans and lost children to be trained for future work. It was already clear to them by the look in Leux’s eyes that he had no home to return to and that he was a survivor. Leux in a small sense was adopted into the Wrath family line with a signet ring from a dying member. The family has very loose reins but always aim to provide or find a home wherever necessary should they contact one another. Leux uses this to his advantage of having a small home in the hillside to return too, and often one of his sisters Catavina is there expecting his return. He hopes to simply wander through the country side and avoid any further work on the battlefield unless absolutely necessary and pick up whatever trade comes his way.Personality:Leux acts like a cheerful and bubbly person whenever the opportunity arises. He takes the opportunities to light heartedly poke fun at people or take fun in pleasant events given the chance. The times he’s viewed at is happiest is when indulging in upbeat or interesting music in one form or another. The positive side of things tends to be looked at instead of the negative view. It does not take a detective to peer into Leux to figure out that he chooses to chase the positive outcomes more than the negatives as he can’t handle the darker alternatives. He would do his best to make the better out of any situation if given the chance putting him in a guiding position with those that are around him. He refuses to sit still when there’s something out there that could help those around him even a little or at least he’ll immediately suggest the option. Whenever Leux has been around a group of people for a period of time he becomes attached. He does his best to listen to the people around him and make a small family out of them for support.Leux needs people around him both in the literal and metaphorical sense. He’s often able to keep himself afloat or in a positive light in negative situations by knowing that there are others around him. He does his best to hide his worry but when things truly start to get bad he begins to speak in gibberish and curses under his breath. When there’s no one around at all he begins to grow increasingly irritable and worried. The world around Leux starts to form a looming maze of hyperawareness and worry.He has trouble sleeping on a regular basis and especially has trouble sleeping at night when he’s all alone. Flashbacks of horrendous scenes and actions tend to plague him whenever he’s all alone or when there’s a strong enough trigger. Leux can’t stand to be around or at least focus on military groups or be near battlefields due to the horrible images that haunts his mind.The horrors in Leux’s mind are always much worse than those of the real world if there’s someone there with him. He has experienced more than enough grotesque or death in his life to last lifetimes. The physical horrors and harm of the world have little affect on him except to turn him colder to the situation at hand. The horrors of Leux’s mind can lead to the occasional episode of uselessness or the thought of him being so. He’ll simply curl up and wish to do nothing unless there’s some other person around for support or to watch over. The horrors of the physical world hardly slow him down anymore. Leux fears staying in his dragon form for too long. It has gone mad before and rampaged to feast on the minds of others, and it would do so again if let unrestrained. The dragon form even adjusts Leux’s own mindset gradually unless presented with a large enough temptation. He’d at first become more playful and mischievous with toying with people and eventually cruel. It would start with occasional mind games and simple manipulation of placing music, a joke, or perhaps an invitation into a person’s head. Sometimes the dragon form is tempted to simply toy with a person physically due to their size after a long period of time. If left unrestrained this playfulness will slowly become cruelty by putting haunting thoughts, or repetitive images inside a person’s head, and twisting a target’s thoughts to the negative. At the very worst the dragon form may aim to feast upon the mind of targets or even motivate targets into doing something harmful or dangerous.Skills/Traits:Leux normal combat skill is moderate at best. Able to hold his own against a weak thug or two and perhaps even a basic foot soldier given weapons he’s proficient with on a good day. He is able to use shield, short spears and daggers effectively. There’s a preference for dagger and knives to get close to the opponent and cause damage. When it comes to hand to hand combat he’s not anymore component than a commoner but can often manage to keep on his two feet.Leux’s stealth is enough to slip by a couple of guards in the darkness at night and keep quiet for the most part but that’s about it. Trying to hide in the middle of the day would be a struggle for him not to get caught against someone perceptive. Dancing is one of Leux’s pass times. He doesn’t know a lot of moves and typically prefers just to jam out to any song he enjoys (even if he doesn’t know the proper moves to it at all). On the other hand, it seems he specialized in break dancing to a higher degree. On a good day he can pull of windmills and flares excellently. Potion making (healing or distraction) this skill is rather lacking. He can make simple healing potions for basic cuts and bruises, and potions for distractions such as a few flash bangs and smoke bombs of various colors from intense teaching from Catavina. Anything beyond that has a chance of literally blowing up in his face. It usually takes him a few days to make a 9 ml vial potion that actually works, given the proper material. He only recognizes about a dozen ingredients or so, though does often try to experiment. His skill playing cuatro (instrument) is abysmal. He can really only play one good sounding cord and that’s it. It frustrates him to the point that he often gives up on practicing the instrument for months at a time just to try again. If he tries to play anything else it tends to end up as annoying or discordant. Likes*: Rock, Classic, Some Dubstep, Nightcore, catchy music, hot springs, sweet pastries, exploration, eating (a tad), stuffing, Darkness, insects, cold temperatures,Dislikes*: Bright light, horrible music, warm temperatures, raw fish, soldiersSpecial Abilities:Hoodie & Headphones- Leux’s hoodie is very much part of him as anything else. It is attached and merged to him like skin except for sleeves on the end. Similarly, he has a pair of ‘headphones’ which are similarly apart of his body as well when in human form. Similarly, if someone tries to tear the hoodie off him or stab it, it’s still painful. The hoodie can adjust into a cloak and longer sizes if necessary. If an item is put in through an opening in the hoodie (sleeves), bottom of the hood, and inside the hood itself. The item disappears and is put into a pocket dimension inside of Leux’s mind. These items can be pulled out again through the hoodie once again or out of his body (typically abdominal region) in his dragon state. This does not typically work for living beings since Leux doesn’t know to focus and mentally protect them whilst letting them in. If a living creature makes its way into the hoodie it will likely be absorbed into nothingness with the similar affect of having its memories & knowledge drained.The headphones are used in order to focus on particular thoughts or a particular person’s thoughts whilst quieting outside stimuli or even muting it. The headphones can also be used to play sounds or songs heard before in clarity. They are particularly good at playing his current heartbeat as well, which is helpful in calming him down.Dragon Shape-The hood can rise and close up around Leux’s head. It covers his face entirely and spreads out to cover his entirely body head to toe. He can still see, hear, and briefly interact. As his body is transformed to its full draconic state increasing his size majorly. This qualifies as his ‘true form’. Typically, the transformation takes a minute turning into and back. While in this state his mental affecting powers multiply in strength. If in this state for too long, around 12 hours or a day a madness starts to seep in. The madness brings about a mercilessness after the 12 hours after a full day the desire to devour brains rises. The dragon shape grows roughly a foot taller for each sentient brain devoured and more powerful.The abdomen or belly of Leux in this case is better at sending items and persons to the storage in the back of his mind, as well as pulling them out. The abdomen is rather good at absorbing blunt force and blows with minimalized or small damage. Direct contact with the body can drain mental energy and intelligence of a being if it is activated by Leux. The body often sweats easy in this form from physical exertion. The sweat if ingested can increase mental energy, and mental acuity regular and long-term ingestion. Lastly the wings are indeed capable of flight though only for short periods of time. Typically, at 30 mph, and on average lasting one hour unless risking a large amount of exhaustion. Mental Manipulation-The powers all rely on affecting the mind and brain. It is done naturally through Leux’s presence. These abilities can affect and cause all sorts of effects on the mind but the full extent of these abilities have been discovered or even practiced for the matter. Leux can use these abilities to cause a variety of changes to a person’s mind, and various effects. The effectiveness of the abilities typically relies on Leux’s range to the subject at hand and costs exhaustion. If it has a physical structure (preferably one it can think with) and can form thoughts or mental impulses it can be affected. Some of the most common examples of these abilities are listed below.Breaking Concentration: Typically used to dispel illusions, conjuring, magic and more that require a level of focus. It breaks the mental focus and concentration of the subject. Healing: This is a broader category or affect. Healing could be used to help restore a subject’s focus from confusion, give them more mental energy, repair parts of the brain, cure mental diseases (often caused by odd brain connections, damage, etc). and trick the brain into speeding up the healing process on other persons. Speedy Thoughts: Speeding up the thoughts, nervous system and thus reaction time of a subject to increasingly smaller fractions of their normal thought patterns. Typically not that useful in long term situations and can often lead to ‘overstimulation’.Possession: Taking over or at the very least influencing the mind of another being with a suggestion. The possession can affect multiple persons at a time. Typically this is the most difficult and exhausting ability to pull off. If Leux’s body, the ability activates to try and force its way within the closest sentient being with whatever force is left. Metabolism manipulation: This is more or less started as a prank effect. Particularly it is used for increasing the weight of the subject by making the brain trick the body in to turning more energy directly into fat at a rapid pace. Telepathic Interface: Allowing to read the current thoughts of mind after the interaction, talking to the mind, pushing thoughts into it, defending the mind and even attacking the mind. If someone is particularly mentally attuned, they could detect Leux’s mind connecting to theirs and trying to interfere with it. These ‘attacks’ or ‘defenses’ can be put up and create all forms of sensory affects or feelings to match or create imagined ‘form’ to those interactions. Leux is extremely good at absorbing and protecting against mental attacks such as possession of any sort. He’s weak and not well practiced when it comes to directly attack minds.Inducing sleep and generalized good or bad dreams.Inducing deaf & mutism. This is particularly for spellcasters that use vocal components to cast and thusly shutting them down. It is often temporary as causing permanent damage to induce this is very exhausting. Draining mental energy & focusAbsorbing memories & knowledge directly is a complicated process. In the process of absorbing memories & knowledge, the brain itself must either be devoured whole in which case all of the memories and knowledge are absorbed or slowly degraded into soup inside the skull often over days at a time (at a range). This can be done at a range but it puts Leux in a cationic and extremely exhausted state, unable to move or do anything else outside of protect his own mind.Weaknesses:Displeasuring sounds can be rather severe to Leux. Typically the sounds are in the form of discordant tunes (sometimes even bad music) or chords that are the most affective in irritating and discomforting (a person who can’t play an instrument but insists on doing so is a typical example). Other annoying sounds such as high-pitched wailing, nails on a chalk board, and so is affective as well. Such sounds will discomfort Leux to the point of immediately wanting to leave the area as if in pain whilst irritated or angered while in human shape. In dragon shape he is more likely to be outright enraged and be driven to destroy or silence the source of the sound above other priorities. The sound of marching boots, catapults, or large amounts of metal particularly large amounts of armor clanging or shifting about or against each other causes Leux to become anxious more than normal. It makes it increasingly hard to focus and can lead to horrendous flashbacks.Electricity and electricity-based attacks are rather affective on Leux. The current is conducted through Leux easier than most humanoids but it can also cause whatever mental effects he was looking on to going in to chaos. Telepathy into possessions, healing to attacks, etc.Leux literally needs other minds to survive to a certain degree. If he is in a distance greater than 60 miles from another mind he will go into a coma after 24 hours. If another mind does not come within distance of him for 3 months, he will die. This changes if he has eaten a mind within a week prior to the distance, in which case he’ll have an additional 24 hours for each mind devoured.Standard Equipment:Dagger x2, short spearsilver soldier ringsilver ‘wrath’ family ringBandagesSmoke bomb Potion x2Healing Potion x2WaterskinWhetstoneSmall music boxCuartoRations x5Misc.*: ................

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