The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes

Thursday Night Q&A


Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family, I welcome you to this call.

Tonight in this hemisphere it is March 6, 2008 and everything on the call is being recorded. This recording is available from our website,

This Q&A call is one of several ways we support our clients so you get the results you want from The Healing Codes. Another form is the recording. A third and I would say most important is the personalized coaching that is included in The Healing Codes packages. In my way of thinking that pretty much guarantees success. If you use The Healing Codes in your initial 90 days along with your coaching that will get you to a point where you recognize that you can feel a difference as you do the Codes. That’s, to me, really what that 90 day guarantee period is about, to show you, convince you that you’re on the right path.

Another form of our support is the Clients Only area on our website. It is for clients only. It requires a password and a user name. This area is for clients only. If you’re not a client, please respect those boundaries.

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This call is to encourage anybody to ask questions about The Healing Codes process to eliminate any kind of uncertainty. Most of us have this need to do things right, to avoid doing things wrong. I just want to reassure you that doing The Healing Codes is like walking down the boulevard. You can meander to the left. You can meander to the right. It’s not like there is only one right way. It’s not like walking on a tightrope. If you have questions related to that this is a perfect opportunity to ask those. Your questions can serve you. They can serve other people on this call and they can serve people who listen to this recording at a later date.

When we’re uncertain about how to proceed that need for safety, the need to avoid doing things wrong causes us to put our foot on the brakes. It slows down our forward momentum, in this case our forward progress.

We like people to use this call to tell us about their successes, but we’re open enough for you to tell us about any challenges or specific issues you have going on and you want a little bit of focus or you just want to mention them.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any mental or physical condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention.

We do that disclaimer because in the United States and I think this may be true in Canada as well only certain people are allowed by law, the law has been structured so that only certain people can talk about certain things in certain ways. The Food and Drug Administration, that lobbying arm of the pharmaceutical companies and the FTC and AMA and CIA and FBI and all the rest of those are really trying to preserve market share for other interests. So we do that to protect ourselves.

In addition to that, when you really think about it treatment of diseases is what those other organizations are about. That’s really where the money is from an organizational standpoint, treatment of diseases. However, getting to the root cause of diseases, the spiritual issues of the heart, those energetic patterns that over time can result in myriad complications in our lives is where we focus. It makes sense from a practical standpoint and from a legalistic standpoint. It’s those spiritual issues of the heart, really the bottom line, is the most important place in our opinion in order to produce lasting change.

The other disclaimer is the opinions. You just heard the first one. The opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t just let them go by. You don’t need to fight them unless you’re inclined to. It’s just an opinion.

Before Megan comes back and tells you how to get into the queue, let me just say that (my opinion) really what we’re all working toward is to create a sense of safety in our lives, a sense of safety for us personally as beings (that is a human body walking around), on a cellular or internal situation we’re interested in creating a sense of safety. The opposite is a lack of safety which leads to a sense of war.

When we have that sense internally that we’re at war either with external things (next door neighbors or whatever) or worse, with ourselves, we set in motion a whole bunch of physiological changes that dis-empower us. Going on to a war footing dis-empowers us because our resources are used not for renovation and reconstruction but in fact for defense and for attack. Does it sound like fight or flight? It is.

I say that self-disapproval, that is self-attacking, is one of the things that we’ve learned to do in most childhoods. Finding fault with us, then we end up replicating this by finding fault with ourselves. That is the opposite of what we want to do.

I recommend to clients that what we all want is a “high self-approval diet”. As soon as we stop attacking ourselves everything looks different to us. That’s a good place to go.

As I was mentioning a little while ago, this idea of not trying so hard to do the Codes perfectly can also help. The margin of error is very wide. As long as my intention is in place, I say the prayer, I focus and I relax. I’m good. I’m pointing my fingertips at the healing centers. I’m good.

Those are major steps in the right direction. High self approval diet; relax as you do the Codes; don’t feel as though you have to do them one perfect way. There is no one perfect way. Doing them is the right way.

Megan will you come on and explain to the folks how to get into the queue?

Megan: Gives technical directions.

Tom Costello: I’m going to talk a little bit about heart conditions, heart attacks. However, it’s more general than just that, but that will be the lead in. There is a German doctor who is considered worthy of a Nobel prize by some people and considered to be a quack by other people. His last name is Hamer. His claim to fame was that when he was in practice as an oncologist in Germany he determined that cancer was caused by emotional shocks to the system which caused a lesion on the brain and based on the specific content of the emotional shock you could see where on the brain the lesion was. He, with skill, could predict what organ of the body was going to be affected.

What happened is he had a son who was murdered by somebody in Italy who was royalty. The guy had connections and got off scott free. Hamer developed testicular cancer. He couldn’t understand it. His point of view was nobody in the family has cancer. We don’t have a tendency to that. We don’t have that sort of thing going on. His wife got very, very ill as well.

He started back tracking. Because he was a practicing oncologist he started to question his cancer patients. They told him of events, period of time later, illness – event – illness. Because he had access to brain scans he started to examine them and he developed an understanding of event location of a mark, if you will, in the brain. Long story short he was involved with a university in which he was a respected professor. They ran him out of town. He had all kinds of problems. But, he had an unbelievably high recovery rate because he would encourage people to heal the emotional issue. He didn’t have the skill, didn’t have the technique like The Healing Codes and in fact some of his advice as to how to handle the emotional challenge seems pretty odd, but the fact is that his diagnoses were spot on. The establishment couldn’t handle that. They ran him out of town.

His English language support structure if you will is located in Canada. You can find it at

Today, Joseph Mercola who is a doctor of osteopathy has a huge health-oriented website e-mail list. Years ago I met him at a conference in Toronto, an energy psychology conference. He was there to learn EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. At that time, maybe 5-6 years ago he told me that he had one of the top 2-3 alternative health, medically oriented web sites in the world in terms of traffic. Now I see how busy he is. I’d say he’s got to be closer to number one.

Today there was an article talking about heart attacks. There was an interview by Mercola with another doctor who is an expert in Hamer’s German New Medicine. That’s what that whole field is called, that idea that emotional shock affects the brain, affects an organ in the body. He was describing how the heart attacks can be related to the loss of territory. So this is, to me, a fascinating idea. The loss of territory.

Participant: (Joe, NH) Along a similar thought of people that you run across in your life that aren’t trying to improve themselves, that aren’t making an effort. They’re stuck in the mind set of looking out for number one. My question is how do you explain to yourself the difference in what seems to come into your life when you’re making an effort to better all aspects of your life. You see not one but many examples of people looking out for themselves. Seemingly they are attracting to themselves easily those things you’d wish for yourself. I guess my question is how do you explain to yourself that the universe works in one way and one way only and yet as you’re trying to live a better life for yourself, but not really seeing the blessings that you intend for yourself come your way. You look around and see others making a whole different kind of effort and yet attracting things more easily to themselves.

Tom Costello: I think that’s a good question. I’ve been asking myself that question since I was a little boy. I have a brother who is older by two years. One Christmas we got a basketball and basketball net which we immediately put up on Christmas day in our back yard. Some of the neighborhood kids came over and some of them were 5-6 years older than me. I know these guys even today. I like them. I thought, “My buddy Russ, he’s 5-6 years older than I am. He smokes. He swears. I think he actually drinks beer. I know he doesn’t go to church and he is not as good, as holy as I am. Consequently I don’t understand why when he shoots the basketball it goes in more often than when I shoot the basketball even though I’m holier than he is.” Right? This is an 8-10 year old kid trying to process the relationship between holiness and results in this particular venue.

A person who is looking out for himself – on the one hand I think it’s a good idea. Because I say charity begins at home. You, individually, are home. However, for a person to go, “No, I have to look out for me because that’s all there is. It’s only me. I’m not actually connected to anybody else. It’s just me. That, I think, is such a falsehood and so dis-empowering and ultimately unrewarding that a person who falls into that trap has closed a whole bunch of doors. If you can see the house with a circle with many doors to the outside – he’s opened the financial door, but charity, compassion, generosity, connectedness to other people, empathy and that sort of thing, “Nah, I’m not familiar with those things, nor do I care. I just want the money.”

I think a person like that over time will, in fact, “Wow, what did I do?” I think there’s a sacrifice there that goes beyond what we’re able to appreciate. I mentioned earlier today I worked for a Fortune 500 firm when I lived in New York City. One day I met a senior executive at a cocktail party or something and somebody said, “That guy, he’s very successful. He’s very successful in this company. He’s moved 9 times in 17 years. He’s very successful. He’s high ranking. Only thing is his teenage son set fire to the last three homes they’ve lived in.” I thought, “Hmmm, you might want to factor that in to your measurement of success. That seems like an enormous price to pay.”

Sometimes you can look at something like this and go, “Clearly that guy’s money flow door opened. He doesn’t have any blockages there. He doesn’t have anything that’s inhibiting that flow of money to him and through him.” Ideally it’s through him or you end up hoarding and being miserly. He may have, if you went to the door marked “love” – oh, there’s no such thing. You don’t get that. This is all about money. “If you’ve got money you can get love. Everybody loves you. If you don’t have money…” That’s sad. He may have blockages in that area, all kinds of inhibiting beliefs that suggest that is something he doesn’t have available to him.

To my way of thinking – I’ll assume it was true in a New Hampshire environment. I know it was true when I was growing up on Long Island. I came across a friend who had one of these old hand farm pumps. I love that image. The first time I saw it he asked, “Do you want some water.” He took the can of water off the ground and instead of handing it to me he poured it into this pump. I thought, “Man, that takes a lot of trust.” Trust is an issue. I grew up in an unpredictable family, let me put it politely. So trust is – “I’ll believe it when I see it” kind of thing instead of reality is “When I believe it I’ll see it.”

He poured the water into the pump and moved the handle up and down. All of a sudden a tremendous amount of fresh, clear water came out. I went, “Wow, that’s amazing.” It must be the same trust that a farmer has when plants seeds.

Now, here we are 2008. I want to plant seeds. I would bless that guy and every other guy and gal that I saw. If they annoyed me I’d bless them. This is my new “thing” because I realize the power from a couple of weeks ago when somebody said, “God bless you” to my wife and I in a Toronto airport. “Wow, that guy had courage enough to say that to two strangers!” I felt that rush of energy from that little guy. It was so pure. No strings attached. He wasn’t looking for anything. I really want to introduce Light or blessing or acceptance or high vibration to every situation that I’m in. So I took that lesson and say, “Okay, whenever somebody or something is annoying, ‘God bless that person.’” I send an e-mail now and I have God Bless YOU on the bottom of my e-mail. Just before I hit the send button I say it out loud. If I’m sending it to you, “God Bless YOU, Joe.” Then I hit send. It makes me feel good.

I am priming the pump. I want more blessings in my life just like everybody else. I think by priming the pump. I’ll plant the seed of blessing. I’ll give away a blessing to you. I know how it works. It works better than the boomerang. It will come back.

To look at somebody and say, “Wow, that guy’s got everything. He’s got this and that and that other stuff materially.” Sometimes when you go below the surface you go, “Whoa! That guy really succeeded in that financial area but he has really moved away in a different area.” He lacks in that other area either because he didn’t think he could have it or it wasn’t important to him and so on.

I kind of break the human activity, my life, down into what I call the 12 Worlds. It’s almost like a pizza pie with 12 slices, not necessarily the same size slice. Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Family, Career, Financial, Social, Leisure, Community, Political, and Maintenance. Now some of those things are going to be very high priorities and some of them are going to be less important. However, balance is a key element. So if you think of that not as a pizza pie, but as 12 spokes in a wheel, you can imagine if the only spoke you had was financial…. Ka-thunk! Ka-thunk! That would be not a smooth ride.

For you and me, what we are going to do when we look at somebody who is enormously successful financially is bless that person, bless that beautiful vehicle…. The other day I was behind a Bentley. Somebody told me yesterday, “You know those Bentleys. I saw one the other day. Those things go for $240,000.” Frankly I can’t imagine putting $240,000 on four wheels and driving it up and down the road. If I had $240,000 to use like that I would use… I got a letter from again the other day and a call from the president. This is that organization that I came across accidentally in December that fixes cleft palates around the world. It costs about $350 to fix a child’s cleft palate. Changes lives. $240,000 divided by 350! Man you could give lives back to those children who are shunned or killed or worse.

Now you turn around and go, “Really, I want more money in my life. I want energy to flow into my life in the form of money. I bless that money. I bless me receiving it.” Look at that. I think sometimes we have so many – it goes back to one of the earlier comments – wrong doings associated with something. Like when I stole change out of my father’s car glove compartment as a little boy. “I shouldn’t be doing this.” My older brother said, “Yeah, go ahead. You won’t get in trouble. If I do it I’ll get in trouble because I should know better, but if you do it you’re going to get away with it because you’re younger. Plus, Dad likes you better than he likes me.”

“Okay!” He was Fagan and I was the little criminal. But the guilt associated with doing something when you “this doesn’t feel right”. Then do it any way. Those kinds of things affect our openness to receive money. Those, “I’m not trustworthy with money. I remember when I was four I stole money out of the glove compartment.” Heal it. Heal it. When we’re four we’re just learning the very basics of acquisition.

I want something. How do you get it? You take it. Ah! Healing everything and blessing everything, blessing those experiences opens more doors in that round house that I just described, maybe a 12 door house. Open more doors!

I read a quote a couple of weeks ago. I think it was the Dali Lama, “You become what you admire.”

“Boy, that guy really annoys me with all those cars.” Woops. Nope. “Wow, that’s got to be nice to go down to the garage and see all those cars.” I’m not a car kind of guy but obviously there are people who are. You get the point. Admire what it is you want. You open the door to it. Admire what you want. Bless what you see. You open your doors to it.

Participant: You gave the car example a few minutes ago. It made me think about my mom and while she was waiting for the things she wanted in her life she wanted to see instant justice for all the speeders who would cut her off on the highway. And to see the universe do an “instant Karma” kind of thing. If that didn’t happen that made her question, maybe, the way life and the universe works.

Tom Costello: We would know that going down the road, Law of Attraction being what it is, those 10 speeders, the one that was worried about being caught would be the one that got caught. The ones that felt protected and safe and that being caught was a non-issue, provided in my opinion that they were not in pride… Pride is a magnet. “Pride before the fall” is like gravity. That’s going to happen. Those speeders, provided they weren’t in pride, would get off scott free. It is that energetic mindset. You magnetize yourself to a certain thing and then you go out and experience it.

Focusing on somebody else getting what they deserve – they’re going to get what they intend. What they deserve “Judge not” is that what it says in the Bible? That judgment really says to me “That’s so annoying when he does that”. I have just created a threat to my happiness. I created a threat to my happiness because that guy is not driving the way I want. The trouble with that is as soon as I say those words or even feel those feelings, my body triggers into fight or flight. I have just shifted my physiology. My immune system goes on “pause” and other normal bodily functions. I become dumber. “No, I didn’t mean to do that.” Too late! It’s built into the hardware. “What do I do?” Stop creating these threats. Stop finding fault with whatever is out there. Stop making threats, imagining threats: “If that guy drives that way I can’t possibly be happy today.” Wow, why would I take my happiness and drop it in his front seat, not tell him about it, go back to my car and be angry about it because he’s messing up my happiness?

I’ve done that for years with slow cars in the left lane. I used to say there should be three laws: gravity, Law of Attraction, and “Slower traffic move right.” Do those three and I think everything is going to be okay on planet Earth.

Why do I attach so much importance to that concept? “Because it’s right. There are signs!” I’m going, Tom, get over it. Go around the guy. “Oh, well!” I expect a perfect stranger to drive the way I want? How silly is that?

This idea about having that point of view you trigger a memory of my mother who used to say, “I’m waiting for my ship to come in.” We lived on Long Island in a little seaport farming village. We didn’t have anything to do with either the sea or farming. She’d say, “I’m waiting for my ship to come in.” We say now-a-days, “Did you send it out?” Another thing a farmer would say “I’m waiting for the crops to get ripe.” Did you plant anything? “Excuse me, was I supposed to plant something. Ah! I forgot that part of the process.” No farmer would do that. Farmers understand planting seeds and nurturing seeds. They don’t stick their hands in the soil and say, “Are you ready yet? Are you done yet? “

Blessing. I say blessing is the tool of choice. In all situations adding Light and whatever that means to you: blessing, love, compassion, acceptance, allowance. It is what it is. “Well, if I fight what it is, that’s basically a loosing battle.” Exactly. However you can look at what is and say, “I see what is. I’m going to put my attention on what is coming, what I want.” That’s the seed planting. That’s where the excitement is here.

We may go, “I see that. He’s got 11 cars. I have a clunker.” Next! I see the car of my choice. I smell the interior. I can feel the wheel. Then you get into that “manufacturing process” if you will. That thing that you just imagined exists energetically. It exists. I know if it exists because if I asked you to describe it you’d go, “Oh, yeah, it’s this color. It’s got this many wheels. It’s this much of this. It’s this shape.” How could you do that if it doesn’t exist? Now it becomes more and more solid as you think of it. You go, “I love thinking about that car. I really do.” All of a sudden it’s in your possession, in your manifestation.

My wife has a PT Cruiser. It’s semi-comfortable. The lease is up in April. She wants to go with no car so we’ll have one car. The other day she was flying to Jacksonville. She sat next to people who now live on the border of Georgia and Florida. They’re originally from New Jersey. The three of them get into a conversation. I’m not certain what started it but the guy just bought a used Mercedes, a 70-80 thousand dollar car for $26,000 in Naples. She goes, “That’s weird. How do you do that?” He said, “You go to the Naples Mercedes dealer. Nobody owns a Mercedes in Naples. They only lease them. After three years they turn them in. They hardly even drive them. They’re all beautifully taken care of….. They are just looking to get them off the lot. They don’t have enough space for them. I said to the guy, ‘how much you want for it?’ He said, ‘$X’. I said, “Eh, I’ll give $26,000.’ He said, ‘Fly down here. Bring a check.’” End of story.

How do you attract something like that? You intend to. I thought, “That’s cool. I’d like to have a Mercedes. I’m not willing to pay retail. I have a car that’s only a few years old. I don’t need a car.” Wow, if you intend it, all kinds of things can happen. I love intending to have, as this guy must have done, it feels good to want that. I’m focused on it. I intend to have it. He attracted it into his experience, took the necessary steps and there he was. Wow! That’s amazing.

Looking past what is to what you want is the name of the game.

Participant: I know that works as well in attracting a successful lifestyle as well as improving your health.

Tom Costello: Yes. I was listening to a recording of Deepak Chopra who I’m a fan of. I think he expresses himself so beautifully. He was talking about a person who was hit by lightening and killed. As he fell off the roof he touched a power line of 14,000 volts. It killed him. He fell off the roof and landed on his chest. Hitting on his chest he defibrillated himself and came back to life. He was burned because the electricity went through is leg and into the house. He was able to heal himself very quickly. The way Chopra put it “He was able to go into a place where he remembered wholeness.” He didn’t lay around going, “Aye, yi, yi, does that thing hurt! Boy, oh boy, that hurts.” He didn’t do that. He went past what is into that other place of stillness where he remembered what wholeness was and the leg got better very quickly.

Remembering wholeness. From a health standpoint if we could remember wholeness as we do The Healing Codes as our intention. “Dear God, help me to remember wholeness; physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Help me remember my wholeness, my connection to you. Financially, in my family, in my career, help to remember wholeness. AMEN”

Now as you do Love, just settle in. Your body goes “Hey, I heard the order. This guy wants to remember wholeness.” Deliver that information as you become quiet and relaxed as you do The Healing Codes. That’s your Truth Focus Statement, that image of wholeness whatever that means. To me it’s almost incomprehensible. I don’t know exactly what it means but it’s got to feel awfully good. It’s not staticy, not stressful, but very good to be in that place.

Now your cells which in fact do know what wholeness is about…. Another point that Chopra makes. I like this. I wasn’t sure about the timing until I heard him say it the other night. “The cells in our bodies replace themselves. Who you are today physically is a different person than you were four years ago.” The physical me is only about 4 years old? Yes. That’s interesting. The building is only 4 years old and it’s being replaced and renovated all the time? You know what I need to do, I need to give the contractor different specifications. I need him to be building to different specifications. Here, let me try this one: wholeness, blessedness, health, strength, vitality, vibrancy. There. Now build to those, fella. Settle into it and “that feels cool”.

Participant: Good. Very good. Thank you, Tom.

Tom Costello: Thank you, Joe.

Let me continue with Hamer since there are no questioners in the queue right now. In the Mercola () it has to do with “the cause of heart attacks”. This references Hamer’s work and territoriality. Loss of territory is what sets a person up for heart attack. It seems to me it’s implicated in other things as well.

I recommend you take a look at that and see if it makes sense to you individually. We’re in the position to heal losses of territory. What’s a loss of territory? I think scoldings: “Don’t do that. Don’t do this.” How big is our territory? I think it’s a function of what we were allowed to be and do and have. If I were to go back to this point, Joe, I’d say my financial territoriality is large. I would like it to be larger. No, it’s small. I would like it to be larger. No. It’s exceedingly large. A Bill Gates, his financial territory is huge. He didn’t start out that way. He started out with the intention and the goal to be a millionaire. He got that plus a little more.

This is from “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, one of the most fantastic of all self-improvement books, probably 80 or 90 years old. He says when it starts to flow it will be like a flood. You’ve got to get it started, though. He goes through the principles of success.

Using The Healing Codes we can heal some of these territorial ruins and become whole. That is you can see the circle around me. I’ve got dents in “Don’t do this. Don’t do that. I shouldn’t have done that.” I ran into something and dented myself. They show literally how they used a dog to prove his point. They did surgery on a dog. They took another dog and gave it a lot of territory in a kennel. They took that running room away and put it in a small cage and gave another dog his territory. That ended up being fatal to him. Fatal. It’s the idea of loss of territory that is interesting.

I recall reading that people in law enforcement have one of the lowest post-retirement survival rates. A law enforcement person, after retirement will last a very short period of time. My interpretation of that is a police officer is taking in tremendous toxicity during the day. He’s not smelling the roses. He’s looking for the other part of that stem. He’s always looking for what’s wrong. He’s always trying to find somebody to stop. He’s looking for the bad. He only encounters the worst in human nature. His job is to spot it and stop it. Wow, a steady diet of that for 20 years has to be toxic. Of course there are drinking problems and other issues with that.

I assumed that was the major contributing factor to the statistics that said police officers die on average 6 years after retirement. Now this territorial issue comes up. “Bill, thanks for 20 years. Here’s your watch. At-a-boy. Go home. Thanks a lot.” All of a sudden the guy is home. He’s got a basement or something. “Wow, I had my territory (the precinct or whatever), I had my beat (that area that he patrolled or worked in), had all these other members of his group (the other police people). He looses that territory. Uh-oh! Look out. In this little bit of article and that video speaks to loss of job or income, a home to foreclosure, that sort of thing. Those are looses of territory. Loss of a loved one. Those are significant issues.

How do I regain my territory? I think through The Healing Codes you can actually do that. You can heal those losses. You can deal with them. You can get a different point of view about them. We’re not like a pack of wolves where there is an Alpha wolf and everybody else is secondary. It’s a different deal. We can choose different points of view. To be able to heal that stressor, that loss of territory, loss of space – I would suggest this loss of territory is like control over my body, to be beaten up, mugged or something. To be fired – loss of territory. To be insulted – loss of territory.

We have The Healing Codes. We can regain that territory.

Megan: Gives technical directions to get into the queue.

Tom Costello: Let me just go through seven things. In the past I referred to six until last week. That’s the idea of drinking plenty of good water. That’s one of the key ingredients to maintaining the electrical nature of the body. It also facilitates cleansing. All of us on this call are intimately interested in detoxification. Loss of territoriality is just another way of saying “I took in some toxic energy related to my space. It could be very bothersome to me. That toxic energy – I lost, I was diminished, I was disempowered, disrespected, whatever. We’re going to want to heal that toxic energy. We want to shift it and we want to move it. Drinking plenty of good water is a huge factor in this.

Breathing deeply – oxygen is a key component. It’s the one that is most urgent. Literally I think we can put ourselves in the place where we do like Emoto has done with water. You know, you speak well of water you can see the difference in the ice crystals as compared to when you speak ill of water and look at those ice crystals. Just imagine if you could take a breath and consider it a holy breath, a blessing that you are allowing in. You are willing to accept that blessing. I think if you did that 100 times a day, in 30 days you could be a new person.

I’ve got to find a little counter to keep track so that over the course of a day I want to do 100 blessed breaths and see what it does for me. Just mindfulness about taking this life force we call air into my body has to clear our thinking, relax us, make ourselves applaud with gratitude.

Eating nutritious food is the third step whatever that means to you. You’ve got to deliver building materials to the building site so that the body can use that. It can break the food into the vibrations it needs in order to build new cells built to these new specifications I was just talking about.

This is where I’ve added establishing and maintaining a proper pH. The acidity of the fluids in your body is harmful to us. Acidity in the body is the soil that microorganisms grow in. Alkalinity is the opposite. Bacterial, microorganisms, viruses do not grow very well, if at all, in an alkaline scenario. Certain foods produce acidity like red meats. Other foods produce alkalinity; certain fresh fruits and vegetables. Hmmm. How about that? So taking steps to maintain alkalinity is a huge step. You control the terrain and what grows in it. It’s either healthy or it’s weeds depending on your alkalinity or acidity.

Get plenty of rest. That’s where the maintenance is occurring. That’s where the body balances itself and helps itself repair and get ready for the next day and to assimilate and process a lot of daily experiences.

Moving; stretching, walking, doing some sort of physical movement whatever is appropriate to your condition helps the lymphatic system take out the garbage. It helps cleanse the tissues in the cells. The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump. It uses the lungs and muscle contraction and expansion to serve as its pump. Lungs pump air, oxygen and carbon dioxide out of the body. The heart is the pump of the blood. The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump but is tremendously important to our detoxification physically.

Here’s an interesting point. Negative beliefs acidify tissues in the body. Fear, anger acidify tissues in the body. Okay, another good reason to go to step number seven: Doing The Healing Codes to eliminate stress, transform the threats, these annoyances, these bothersome things, whatever they are, things that we see as obstacles to happiness. Change them from mountains into molehills. Bring them down to manageable size. A lot of these mountains were created when we were little kids. In the reality of today they are molehills or even smaller. If we don’t access them, we don’t shift them, we don’t need to touch them all. We can do this subconsciously as well. That’s what The Healing Codes seems to do. It reduces this inventory of threats we’ve accumulated down to non-threats. That’s a way to health.

I will consider the fact that there is no one in the queue as a clear indication that we’re at the end of the call. We’re two minutes away from a 60 minute call. I want to thank Joe for getting into the call and thank you, Megan for your help. Thanks folks for being on the call and for listening to this call after the fact.

God bless YOU.


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