Qualitative and Quantitative Teaching EvaluationsSection A: LecturerGreat professor, good at teaching.Really good teacher – explain things very well. Dr. de Bruijn is honestly one of the best philosophy professors I’ve ever had. I was really impressed with how he was both extremely articulate/eloquent and able to explain in a way that was accessible and understandable. He is also one of the most helpful professors I’ve ever had. He also always made class fun and interest. I liked everything about it. I think this course exposed me to a lot of philosophy that I wouldn’t have heard about otherwise (e.g. the Shelby book.) It was really cool to see connection between classic philosophy texts and how issues are being discussed today. Also the references between philosophy and pop culture (e.g. hip hop) were a novel aspect that was appreciated. He was very charismatic and funny, making it easy to understand lecture and communicate. This was a great class and enjoyable as a non-philosophy major : )Content was very interesting & relevant to todays issues. David was a very good lecturer & made complicated content acceptable. I liked how he has deep understanding on his topics. I enjoyed these four months with his class. Thank you He’s a funny guy and explains concepts well. Very charismatic.Humorous, knowledgeable, approachable. I enjoyed looking at issues with perspectives that I’ve never even thought about. I liked the enthusiasm and humor of Dr. Bruijn and honestly believe I would have enjoyed the course a lot less with a different instructor. My lecturer was very engaged with the class and presented course material in ways that were easy to understandEntertaining and engaging lecturer; kept students attentive and was helpful to understanding complex and comprehensive topics. Dr. de Bruijn is one of the best professor I’ve ever had. He is always able to articulate course material in a manner that is both extremely eloquent yet very comprehensible. It was an amazing class. I usually despise philosophy but David’s performance made me consider taking another class.Mind blowing! Facing massive existential crisis due to this class.I enjoyed nearly everything. Very knowledgeable, writing study guides for unclear topics. I thought he was a great professor. Dr. Bruijn was amazing and quirkyHe’s personable and approachable while knowing the material well and being able to challenge it. The lecturer were always engaging and informative he was understanding with questions and comments He’s a very down-to-earth guy that genuinely wants students to understand the material. He’s great.He was a great professor and he really cares about his students.Extremely well educated professor Kept atmosphere light and humorous even when discussing heavy topics He was always great at making sure everyone understood something if there were questions and he understood that a lot of the material was hard so he provided more handouts to help with this. Very in-tune with the way students think interesting and easy to understand examples v organized and always prepared for class, constructive and prompt criticism, patience with questions and willingness to entertain philosophical debateSection B: Recitation InstructorDavid is very good at discussing the points in recitation. He is also keeping the class engaged and he is also funny. Very engagable, clearly lays out of information in an easy to understand. Makes complex arguments easier to understand.It is a lot of better than the lecture. It is more structured and dives deep into readings. I liked learning to really think about different ethical situations that I might experience throughout my lifeFor real, it opened up my eyes to reality and even helped me figure out more of myself I never knew existed.Always prepared and organizedWell-prepared, timely, always cheerful to boatVery good TA. One of the best I’ve had. I felt very encouraged to raise questions because my concerns were always taken seriously and answered clearly. I love the ideas, theories, propositions we’re learningin class, especially how relatable they are to ourselves. I love that David seeks to dissect difficult philosophical arguments and condense them into things we can understand. Dude you killed it.Yes very helpful, always available if you need help.Adds humor while still remaining on task. Always present concepts in ways easily understoodEncouraging and energeticHe understands these arguments to situations that we can comprehend, for better understanding.Honestly, any problem w this instructor most likely stem from a student’s lack of attendance.Explains key concepts of arguments very well and clear. Very relatable points.Very good at his job.Very adaptable. Able to work with students well to achieve an understanding. Takes a lot of interesting in class understanding, clarifies difficult concepts well.I enjoyed the teaching style of Mr. Bruijn. He made some hard to comprehend material into much more understandable through his use of wit, humor and some contemporary references. He’s enthusiastic, understands his material very well, and able to deliver complicated ideas easily.He’s a great teacher. He can feel free to starting teaching the lectures as wellDavid is a great recitation instructor. Funny, engaging, smart.David is very entertaining and provides a much clearer view than that of the professor. Recitation is the only class worth going to […] David is awesome!Love him! Really knows what he’s talking about and is very helpful!I find the peer review and activities and practice tests to be very helpful.Great energy and a visible enjoyment and love for the topicsPuts the subjects in terms that a non-philosophy major can understand.He worked hard, and he cared about us learning the material Understanding, kind, prepared, clear.Instructor is really enthusiasticThe recitation does a much better job of helping me understand the material than the lecture.David always had a way to explain things in a way that everyone can understand. Sometimes abstract ideas confused some of the class and he would find a way to simplify it while retaining the important aspects. It is a lot […] better than the lecture. It is more structured and dives deep into readings. Recitation is very helpful. I most likely would have no idea what was going on without it.He’s enthusiastic, understands his material very well, and able to deliver complicated ideas rmation was conveyed in a way that was easy to understand and the study guides and handouts were very helpfulDavid is wonderful. In honesty, he explains some concepts better than the course instructor. He makes this class bearable, & I would probably not understand anything w/o him. Very well organized and does a good job covering the more difficult topics from lecture/most important topics, very nice, approachable, cool. David is personable, down to earth, and really seems to care about his students’ understanding. I actually learn everything from coming to recitation which is really helpful. He explains everything we talked about more clearly. Quantitative Teaching EvaluationsSection A. Copied below are collected evaluations from past semesters (lectures are Summer 2015; Fall 2017; Spring 2018). The first graphs are absolute values per answer to question; the second graphs are averages per question. Question 1: Rate your instructor’s preparation for class.Question 2: Rate your instructor’s rapport with the class.Question 3: Does your instructor provide sufficient time for questions? Question 4: Does your instruction have trouble understanding student questions? Question 5: The attendance and punctuality of your instructor is regular/irregular.Section B: Copied on this page and the next are averages of answers to electronic questionnaires taken of my performance as a recitation instructor. All questions are rated on a 0-5 scale, with “0” standing for “not much at all” and “5” for “very highly.” ................

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