SEAFLOOR Figures and Questions

SEAFLOOR Figures and Questions


The Graphics below will be on the Seafloor test. All parts of the graphics must be learned and understood to be prepared for the test. Study the graphics and answer the questions below.

Use pages 342-343 to find answers.

1. The layer of water in the ocean where light reaches 150 feet is called the _________Zone

2. The layer of water in the ocean that is dark, and extends to the bottom is the __________ Zone.

3. Open water is classified as the _____________Zone which is divided into the near shore _________Zone and the deep water __________Zone.

4. The oceanic Zone is divided into four deep water zones all ending in Pelagic ( of the sea);

Corresponds to the photic zone ( atop) ______________Zone

Part of the aphotic ( in the middle) _________________Zone

Meaning ( depth) _________________Zone

Water in the trenches ( without bottom) _______________Zone

Another word for the bottom of the ocean is BENTHIC. Identify these three near shore benthic areas

5. An intertidal zone affected by tide action__________________-Zone

6. Not part of the ocean bottom, but part of the splash zone_________________Zone

7. Divided into inner and outer parts by the continental shelf ______________Zone.

There are THREE deep ocean Benthic areas.

8. Found on the slopes , and at great depths ______________Zone.

9. A famous movie about a permanent sea lab was named after the ________Zone.

10. Deep, dark area of trenches ( hades) ______________Zone.

This is the second graphic that will be on the test as will the Sediments Notes.

Study the notes, and both of these graphics.

Using pages 100-114, answer the questions below.

1. An area which is a continuation of the granitic continental crust under water is called ______ ___________.

2. This area of sediments which reach from the continental shelf, and link to the deep ocean is ______ _________.

3. Sediment that settles in piles at the bottom of the ocean create the ___________ ______.

4. Flat regions of the ocean bottom filled with sediment are called ___________ _____________

5. Extinct volcanoes on the ocean bottom which are part of Seafloor Spreading are ___________ ___________

6. Plentiful volcanoes which are below sea level are known as __________________.

7. Once undersea volcanoes now eroded and flat-topped are known as ________________.

8. A volcanic mountain which is above sea level is called an __________________.


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