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Social Skills Update this Week!

In social skills group this week, we have continued to work with the SUPERFLEX curriculum! Last week I sent home pictures of all of the little “bad guy” characters that the kids are learning about that SuperFlex can defeat. We spent this week learning about two of the characters, Rock Brain and Glassman.

When Rock Brain gets into a person’s head, he will get the person to do only what he wants to do and will not let him negotiate with other people. The person is not a good problem-solver and tries one solution that’s not working

over and over again. This person may be very rule bound and rigid in his thinking, only seeing one way to a situation. Some strategies we learned to “defeat” Rock Brain to become a more flexible thinker are:

• Notice that what you are doing is not working and try another way to solve the same problem.

• Take a deep breath and remember that being part of a group means that you cannot always do it your way or make the decisions you want.

• Self talk: “Not a problem, I will get to do this later or another time…”

When Glassman gets into a person’s head, he lets a person be flexible to some extent, but then all of a sudden he just breaks. He doesn’t melt down slowly; he quickly starts getting very upset often over “tiny” problems. Glass Man usually thinks things aren’t “fair.” Some strategies we learned to “defeat” Glassman to become a more flexible thinker are:

• Identify the size of the problem (BIG, MEDIUM or SMALL) and what would be an expected reaction to match the size of the problem.

We have a short week next week with the Thanksgiving holiday. We will not be learning a new SuperFlex character, rather we will be pre-viewing some of the ones we will learn about in December leading up to the winter break. Also – on Tuesday most students will be shopping with their “Kuz Cash” earned for the month of November, so they will come home some little treasures in their backpacks (

Happy Thanksgiving – Jill D. Kuzma, Speech-Language Pathologist and Social Skill Teacher


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