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“In Another Country” by Ernest Hemingway

Literary Analysis: Author’s Style

An author’s style is his or her use of language and includes diction, tone, and syntax.

Diction is the author’s word choices. Tone is the author’s attitude toward his or her subject.

Syntax is the complexity or simplicity of sentence and grammatical structures.

DIRECTIONS: Complete the chart by identifying examples of Hemingway’s style in “In Another

Country”. Briefly explain what each example displays and how it connects back to the characteristics of Modernism in literature.

| |Example |Explanation |

|Diction |Sample: “We all had the same medals, except the boy with |The word choice is simple and easy to understand. The|

| |the black silk bandage across his face, and he had not |meaning is direct and to the point. This is a classic |

| |been at the front long enough to get any medals.” |example of Modern Plain Style. |

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|Tone |“The three with the medals were like huntinghawks; and I |Hemingway’s tone is one of acceptance and is |

| |was not a hawk, although I might seem a hawk to those who|nonjudgmental. He seems only to want to explain and |

| |had never hunted; they, the three, knew better and so we |understand his subject. |

| |drifted apart.” | |

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|Syntax |“The major came very regularly to the hospital. I do not |Although Hemingway uses some compound and complex |

| |think he ever missed a day, although I am sure he did not|sentences, overall the syntax is simple and direct. |

| |believe in the machines.” |It’s easy to follow. |

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