MEMO – Office of Stewardship

PHONE (856) 583-6102 † FAX (856) 338-0766 † Email: rdavis@


TO: All Pastors/ Administrators

FROM: Deacon Russell Davis, Director

CC: Mariann Gilbride

DATE: June 19, 2020

RE: JULY Stewardship Bulletin Reflections

The attached information is provided as a way of presenting the message of Stewardship. It is recommended for use for the four weekends in July 2020.

Please review the attached Stewardship Prayer of the Faithful Petitions. These petitions are dated and are provided to match the weekly scripture readings.

The weekly Stewardship Reflections & Prayer of the Faithful Petitions are also available in Spanish. Please call 856-583-6125 or email stephanie.kelton@ for more information.

The Stewardship Bulletin Reflections and Prayer of the Faithful Petitions (in Word and PDF formats) can be found on the Diocesan website.

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Development ►Stewardship Office

Stewardship Bulletin Reflections

Thank you for using Stewardship materials in your parish liturgy. For further information or assistance, please feel free to contact the Office of Stewardship. You will receive a weekly email reminder that directs you to a diocesan webpage where you will find all documents in an easy to understand and downloadable format:

Weekly Bulletin Announcements

Please insert the appropriate weekly bulletin announcement for the four weekends of July:

July 5, 2020 Good Stewardship

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” - Matthew 11:30

When we think of being good Stewards, we may think that God is asking too much of us when He calls us to generously share our time, talent and treasure. However, we must remember that we are not “owners” of anything, we are merely “Stewards” of the gifts God has given us. All He is asking is that we give back a small portion, in gratitude, of what He has already given to us.

July 12, 2020 Stewardship Virtues

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“The seed sown among thorns is the one who hears the word but then the cares of the world and the lure of riches choke the word and it bears no fruit.” - Matthew 13:22

Does the lure of riches and material goods choke God out of your life? Are you so caught up in earthly activities that you have no time for God? Gratitude and generosity are Stewardship virtues that we should strive to do on a daily basis. Every decision we make either takes us one step closer to God or one step further away. What we receive at Mass every Sunday should be shared with others all the other days of the week as well.

July 19, 2020 Grateful Stewardship

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a man who sowed good seed in his field…He who sows good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world, the good seed the children of the kingdom.” - Matthew 13:24, 37-38

As children of God, we are all “good seeds”. We are blessed by God with the potential to accomplish much good in the world. We fulfill God’s plan when we spend time in prayer every day, use our skills to help others and share our financial gifts to help build God’s kingdom on earth. Through our Stewardship of gratitude and generosity we sow “good seeds” on earth and ultimately help each other get to Heaven!

July 26, 2020 Stewardship Faith

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” - Romans 8:28

Do you really trust God? Do you really believe that God will provide all that you need? Stewardship faith is a challenge for everyone at times. Putting our trust in God, in everything we do, in good times and in bad, means that God’s plan for our lives may be quite different than what we planned. When one door closes, another one opens. Trust in God, His plan is always better.

Weekly Prayer of the Faithful Petitions

July 5, 2020

That, in gratitude for all that God has given us, we, as Christian Stewards, joyfully return a portion of His gifts to help build His kingdom on earth.

Let us pray to the Lord…

July 12, 2020

That the seeds God sows in our lives, as Christian Stewards, may take root and lead to greater prayer, participation and generosity.

Let us pray to the Lord…

July 19, 2020

That we may allow Stewardship to blossom in our hearts and joyfully share our gifts.

Let us pray to the Lord…

July 26, 2020

That we, as Christian Stewards, learn to put our trust in God in everything we do.

Let us pray to the Lord…


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