I am sam- Questions

I am sam- Questions

1. Is Sam a “good” parent? Why or why not?

2. How did Sam feel as a new parent?

3. Why was Lucy placed in foster care?

4. What did Sam need to do get Lucy back?

5. What did Rita, Sam’s lawyer, learn from Sam about parenting?

6. What did Rita prove when she made the psychologist cry in court?

7. How does Lucy feel about her dad at the following points?

a) when her friend is over for dinner?

b) at the Big Boy restaurant?

c) at the Halloween Party?

d) when she had difficulty reading the book?

e) at her birthday party?

f) when Lucy and Sam are being observed by the “experts”?

8. What is Sam’s exceptionality?

9. What challenges does Sam face:

a) as a child?

b) as an adult?

c) as a parent?

10. Why did Laura sit on Sam’s side?

11. Do you agree with the courts decision? Why or why not?

[pic]Mood –

• How does music contribute to your mood? How could music reflect a theme?

• How does color reflect your mood?

Irony –

• During her testimony, Lucy says, “All you need is love,” and yet this famous Beatles song is not included on the soundtrack. Why not?

Theme –

• One of the central themes of the movie is acceptance, or how to be compassionate about another person’s differences. Now that you’ve read the book Stellaluna by Janell Cannon and seen the movie “I Am Sam,” how does the picture book compare to the movie? What examples are provided from the movie and the book regarding this theme?

• Green Eggs and Ham teaches that it’s okay to try something new. What did the characters learn throughout the course of the movie that they didn’t know before?

• How are the themes of changes and differences reflected in the movie?


• The movie is told in three acts. Decide where one act ends and another begins. How does the plot escalate with each act?

• At the very end of the movie, Sam continues to run in a circle. How does this image relate to the plot?


• Throughout the movie, notice the predominant use of color. There are scenes full of blue, of yellow, and of red. In art, these are known as primary colors. What do these primary colors symbolize throughout the course of the movie? Which color is Sam? (If Sam is different and you read a book about accepting differences and learning to try something new, which color is Sam? Think of his work place aprons and how they also change color.)

• Finally, what is the significance of the color of Sam’s referee attire at the end of the movie?

Characterization –

• In what ways is Sam more insightful than other characters in the movie? How is this evident to the viewer?

• How does Rita’s life parallel Sam’s life? If her life parallels Sam’s, does this make her a dual protagonist?

• How do Sam and Rita change?


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