Another word for wallop is would the child hit the donkey


Describe Hiawatha in your own words.







What did the child decide to do?


Write the rhyming word:

Corn - ________ no - _________ mire - _________ toy - _________

book - _________ bad - _________ page - _________ bone - _________

cow - _________ star - _________ red - _________

Write the opposite word:

kind - ________ outside - _________ close - _________ take - ________ happy - ________

hate - ________ soft - ________ up - ________

Give one word for –

a hard thing – _________________ a thing on which we write – _________________

a place where animals are locked – _____________ a baby horse – _________________

a measure of distance – _________________ hit with a whip – _________________

very fastly - _________________ seed of a oak tree - _________________

fearing - _________________ animals - _________________

home of a beavers - _________________ some thing whispered in ears - _______________

shining - _______________ home of Hiawatha - ___________ home of a horse - ____________

home of a rabbit - ____________ speak softly in the ear - ____________

How did Birbal find the truth?




Why did the cow refuse to get up?


Write past tense for –

drive - ________ see - _________ go - _________ come - _________ eat - ________

drink - _________ sing - _________ write - _________ draw - ________ read - _________

cry - _________ roll - _________ hide - _________ call - _________ meet - _________

Name those who tried to make the cow move?


What are the four important things you will carry with you on a camping holiday?


Write the meaning of the following:

wallop - _____________________ hay - _______________________

whipped – _____________________ lashed – _____________________

hire – _____________________ mile – _____________________

mire – _____________________ wigwam – ____________________

swiftly – _____________________ timid – _____________________

acorn – _____________________ beast – _____________________

lodges – _____________________

Describe Hiawatha in your own words.







Look and fill in the columns.

quiet _______________ fluent _______________ angry _______________

steady _______________ quick _______________ gentle _______________

slow _______________ merry _______________ happy _______________

Write the meaning of the followings:

Pundit – ____________________ Mastery – ____________________

Courtiers – ______________________________________________________________

Fluent – ______________________________________________________________

Tickle – ______________________________________________________________

Give one word : person who is in a court – _____________ a learned person – _____________

screamed – _____________

How did Birbal find the truth?




Write the statement of one Advertisement?


Circle the describing word:

A clever fox tricked the crow.

A learned pundit came to the court of Akbar.

Make a pair of words, one a ‘describing word in ‘h’’ and one a ‘naming word’.



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