Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout Rigsby - ESC 16

Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout, Rick Rigsby Thomas Nelson Inc, 2006.

Chapter 1, What's Wrong with How We Live?

Leaving an impression is one thing, but making a lasting impact is another. Sadly too many people today simply go through the motions rather than do the things that make a change for the better. Our older generation, the World War II generation, understood the difference. They were a generation of doers while many today are a generation of viewers. They were a generation of hardworking, decent, responsible people with a strong work ethic and common sense values. Our present generation needs to relearn the timeless truths that were at the core of "The Greatest Generation," and these values were embodied in a father who was a third grade dropout, the father of Rick Rigsby.

Chapter 2, Kind Deeds Are Never Lost

Kindness is more than a word; it is a way of life. In fact, kindness is an energy that can transform your life. Acts of kindness can produce a more positive mental attitude. Acts of kindness are often reciprocated resulting in a more fulfilling life. Acts of kindness sometimes serve as the key that unlocks the door to new and greater opportunities. Kindness values others and affirms their significance more than self. As a result kind deeds are never lost, because they make a lasting impact.

Chapter 3, An Hour Early

Time is a resource once expended can never be recovered. John Mason noted, "One sure way to make a negative lasting impression is to waste someone's time." Many from an older generation believed it was better to be an hour early than a minute late. This type of "time management" says more about personal responsibility, perseverance, discipline, commitment, and orderliness than it does about mere punctuality. Managing one's time is an expression of honor ? "You can depend on me; I'll do whatever it takes." A truly honorable person makes a lasting impact.

Chapter 4, Helping Others

Helpers embrace the simple life of a servant. Helpers are willing to place others before self and find great satisfaction in providing aid to others without expectation of accolades. Today's generation of helpers is loath to follow-through when they encounter inconvenience. But an older generation understood that helping built family and community. Genuine helpers do so not to impress but to make a lasting impact.

Chapter 5, If You're Going to Do a Job...

Too many in these current days are obsessed with image. It is more important to appear excellent than it is to perform excellently. On the other hand many from the older generation were more concerned about substance and less about show. We need to recover the attitude that doing one's best is the primary goal and not to settle for mediocrity. "Good enough is not good enough if it can be better. And better is not good enough if it can be best." Pride in a job well done and a product or service that displays excellence makes a lasting impact.

Chapter 6, Lessons on Character

Hendricks asserted, "The greatest crisis in America today is a crisis in leadership. And the greatest peril of leadership is a crisis of character." Too many today have traded lasting significance for quick success. Why? Often it is due to a willingness to compromise character. On the other hand a lifestyle of genuine character chooses the right regardless of cost, circumstances, or consequences; and the person who pursues a commitment to character makes a lasting impact.

Chapter 7, Stand!

Life offers days of disappointment ? the death of a spouse or family member, the loss of employment, serious or prolonged illness, and other troubles. At those times perhaps the only answer is to STAND, "to maintain a specified attitude, position, or course." Do not fight back. Do not blame others or make excuses. Do not drop out from responsibility. Just stand and continue to pursue the lessons of a third-grade dropout that are identified above. Choosing to stand strong will result in unexpected joy and contentment and will make a lasting impact.

Review, Skip Forsyth, 03/03/09


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