Word Cell #2

UNIT 2 Name: _______________________

Period: _______________________

Date: ________________________

Teacher: ______________________

QUADR, QUADRI, QUADRU, QUART four; a fourth part; four times (L-R)

quadr/ennial (a) lasting for four years; as, a quadrennial term in office; taking place one time in four years; as, the Olympics, the presidential election, or leap year; (n) anything that takes place every four years; as, the birthday celebration of anyone born on the 29th of February

quadri/lateral (a) being four-sided; (n) a geometric figure formed from four straight lines; as, a square, a rectangle, a parallelogram, a trapezoid, etc., are quadrilateral geometric figures

quadru/ped (n) a four-footed animal; as, horses, cats, dogs, etc., are quadrupeds; (a) being four-footed; compare biped and multiped

quadru/plet (n) a combination or collection of four of a kind; one of four children born at about the same time, and to the same mother; compare twin (2), triplet (3), quintuplet (5),

sextuplet (6), septuplet (7), octuplet (8), etc.

quart (n) a measure of volume or capacity; the fourth part of a gallon; 2 pints

quart/et (n) a musical composition for four voices or instruments; a group of four; as, a bowling quartet; quartette; compare solo, duet or duo, trio, quintet, sextet, septet, octet, etc.

quadrillion (n) the number named by a unit with fifteen zeros after it; 1000 trillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000

quadri/cycle (n), quadru/ple (v-a-n), quart/er (n-a-v), quart/er/ly (a-n-adv)

QUINT, QUINTU five; a fifth part; five times (L-R)

quint/et (n) a musical composition for five voices or instruments; a group of five; as, a basketball quintet; quintette

quintu/plet (n) a combination or collection of five of a kind; one of five children born at about the same

time, and to the same mother; most notable are the Dionne and Fischer quintuplets

quintillion (n) the number named by a unit with eighteen zeros after it; 1000 quadrillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000

quintu/ple (v-a-n)

PENT, PENTA five (Gr-R)

pent/athlon (n) an athletic contest in which the contestants took part in five different events; it consisted of wrestling, throwing the discus, leaping, hurling the spear, and running; it was the main event of the ancient Greek Olympics which began in 776 B.C.; the Olympics were received in 1896, and the decathlon became its featured event

penta/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of five sides and five angles

Penta/gon (n) the five-sided headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense, located in Washington, D.C.

pent/ang/ular (a)

UNIT 2 NAME: ________________

EXERCISE 1: MATCHING: In the spaces provided, supply each word-cell in Column A with the number of its proper definition from Column B.


-er (1) eight

sept (2) that which

multi (3) angles; corners

oct (4) contest; event

duo (5) seven

athlon (6) five

gon (7) foot; feet

ped (8) many

pent (9) two

trio (10) group of three

EXERCISE 2: DEFINITIONS: In the spaces provided, supply the words being defined. Use the correct form of the word, as necessary.

(1) _____________________ a number named by a unit with fifteen zeroes following it

(2) _____________________ a plane geometric figure of five sides and angles

(3) _____________________ lasting for four years or taking place every four years

(4) _____________________ a musical composition for five voices or instruments

(5) _____________________ a combination or collection of five of a kind

EXERCISE 3: GOOFY WORDS: Use word cell definitions to find definitions for made-up words.

(1) _____ quadrigon a. a group of languages

(2) _____ cycleathlon b. to cut a wing six times

(3) _____ linguet c. four angles

(4) _____ pletathlon d. contest of circles

(5) _____ sectsextplane e. a collection of events or contests

UNIT 2 NAME: ______________________

EXERCISE 4; MATCHING GAME: Fill in the spaces below with those numbers from the list of Word-Cell Choices which best make up the definitions. Each of the may be used more than once. Example: A four-wheeled vehicle. 16_ 2__ (quadricycle)

1. Any event that takes place every four years.

___ ___ Word Cell Choices

2. The fourth part of a gallon; two pints.

___ 1. athlon

3. One thousand quadrillions equal a __________. 2. cycle

___ 3. dec

4. A four-footed animal, as is a horse. 4. ennial

___ ___ 5. -er

5. Triplets plus twins. 6. -et

___ ___ ___ 7. gon

6. Another way of saying “four times a year.” 8. lateral

___ ___ ___ 9. -ly

7. A ten-event athletic contest. 10. ped

___ ___ 11. pent

8. Being four-sided, as is a square. 12. penta

___ ___ 13. Penta

9. A group of four; as, a bowling ____________. 14. plet

___ ___ 15. quadr

10. 1,000,000,000,000,000 16. quadri

___ 17. quadrillion

11. Quintuplets minus one child. 18. quadru

___ ___ ___ 19. quart

12. A trio plus a duet. 20. quint

___ ___ 21. quintillion

13. A decathlon minus five events. 22. quintu

___ ___ 23. –s

14. A plane geometric figure of five sides and five angles.

___ ___

15. The five-sided headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense.

___ ___

EXERCISE 5: WORD CELL PUZZLE: Circle the (10) word-cells hidden in the Puzzle Square. Write

each word-cell in a space below. Word-cells are located down and across, NOT diagonally or

backwards. They also can NOT be completely within another word cell. (You could not choose -et as a

separate word cell from -plet if you’ve already chosen -plet). Previous unit word cells may be used.

|L |G |R |F |N |

|angle |corner | |lingu |language |

|annu |year | |ped |feet |

|bi- |two | |plane |wing |

|cent |one hundred | |pod |foot |

|corn |horn | |sect |cut |

|cycle |circle | |tri |three |

|ennial |years | |uni |one |

|-fy |make/form | | |


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