
Essay 3: Draft 1 Progress Report

(Please write your answers on the lines below the questions)

Your Name _____________Lacey Reichert_____________ Number of words of draft __1129______

TOPIC & THESIS: What is the object you are evaluating?

Kotobuki Sushi Restuarant

What are the standards of value you using to make your evaluation? List here. Are these stated directly or indirectly in the draft? Explain.

Quality of food, Cleanliness, Atmosphere, Service, Prices, overall experience , they are stated both directly and indirectly.

What is your over arching judgment of the object? My overall judgment of the restaurant is that is approval. All the qualities I talk about that Kotobuki has are positive.

Is your thesis sufficiently complex to indicate the mixed feelings you may have toward the object?

I don’t have mixed feelings about the restaurant, however, I have mixed feelings about other restaurants I compare it to.

What is your thesis? The atmosphere, service, and food make Kotobuki an excellent dining experience.

Did you state it explicitly in the draft? (You are not required to). Why did or didn’t you put it in the draft?

I didn’t state it explicitly in my draft. Since this is a critique on the restaurant I felt that it was self explanatory. Also, what I wrote in the paper conveys my thesis.

PURPOSE: Other than fulfilling the requirements of the assignment, what is your primary purpose in writing this essay? What do you want your readers to believe as a result of reading your essay?

My purpose is not only to inform them about the restaurant, but to encourage them to go there and try new foods, or broaden their horizons.

AUDIENCE: You must choose a specific publication that you are writing for. What is it? Why this publication?


List three ways that you have used language that would appeal to a general audience and not an audience of college students.

DEVELOPMENT: What kinds of evidence are you using to support your judgment? Examples? Comparisons with other subjects of the same type? Expert opinions? Other?

I used comparisons to other sushi restaurants.

What source(s) will you list on your Works Cited page?

ORGANIZATION: ? Does your opening paragraph introduce, describe, and summarize the subject you are evaluating? Is there sufficient information for your reader who doesn’t know your subject?

Yes. I feel like there is not sufficient information on the subject so I will be fixing that in my next draft.

On a separate sheet of paper, outline your draft. Does your outline present an argument in support of your thesis claim that follows the reasons proof pattern? Explain.

Yes, I support my argument and claims to the experience of kotobuki by telling about the experience I had while there.

Examine your draft for transitions for each new developing paragraph. What do you need to do to make your transitions stronger?

I think I need more details and more background information about my topic

PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT: What are you most pleased with in this draft? Be specific.

I like my overall description of the restaurant, and that I compared it to two other restaurants.

List any problems you are having with this draft and write down any questions you have about the assignment or your work.

I want to include information on the “history” of sushi without making it boring. I feel like my readers need to know more about it.

Sitting back in my chair at the restaurant, I felt as though I was about to enter a “sushi coma” from all the food I had just eaten. My two friends and I were on Long Island for the weekend, and they decided they wanted to take me to dinner. We ended up going to a place called Kotobuki, a Japanese restaurant.

When we walked up to Kotobuki, I found it very charming. The first thing I noticed was the huge crowd. When we opened the doors, there was a line to get to the hostess. I immediately was happy because when a restaurant is that busy, it tends to have great food. After we gave the hostess the name and number in our party, we sat down in the foyer area. This gave me a chance to take a look around. The lighting was dim, but it was relaxing. There were larger tables in the front of the restaurant, then the sushi bar went down the middle section against the back wall, and to the back there were more tables. The décor was beautiful.

We didn’t have to wait too long for our table, considering how crowded it was. We were seated at the sushi bar, which I liked because it was different than just sitting at a table. As I looked around, everything was extremely clean and neat. Our waitress was very polite and prompt as well. She took our order and in then she brought us hot towels for our hands. In minutes we had the first part of our meals.

Our dinner started with soup and salad, if we so chose. The garden salad with ginger dressing was delicious. It was a nice serving size, not too big, but not too small. Then, we had our soup. Miso soup, which is dashi stock mixed in with miso paste, tofu, seaweed, and scallions, was our soup choice for the evening. Then came the main course. The presentation of the food was another thing that I found appealing. The dishes were beautiful, and the food was perfectly placed as though it was on display, which, in a sense, it was. Between the three of us, we had Alaska roll (cucumber, salmon, and avocado), eel and avocado roll, spicy tuna roll (tuna, crabmeat, and cucumber), and California roll (cucumber, crabmeat, and avocado).

Now, this was my first experience with sushi, and I have to say I am definitely glad it was. I tend to be particular and selective when it comes to things I eat and actually like. I was definitely nervous trying raw fish for the first time, but I am definitely glad I did. It was absolutely scrumptious. I was particularly fond of the avocado used in a lot of the rolls. It has a unique texture and taste that balance well with the fish. The ingredients complemented each other so well and gave it a “one of a kind” taste.

After sushi, we decided to get dessert. When I looked at the menu, I wasn’t sure what to get. The ice cream flavors were very different, and after what I had eaten for dinner, I was definitely ready to try more new things. So, we ordered the red bean and green tea ice cream with banana tempura. When our waitress brought us our dessert, it was, again, set so perfectly and looked like a work of art on a dish. The red bean ice cream was my favorite. It had tiny pieces of bean in it, and had a light red, almost rust color to it. It tasted like it had a hint of vanilla which I also liked. The green tea was, of course, a minty green color, and had a hint of chocolate flavor to it. The banana tempura was also amazing. Tempura is basically a batter that is used to dip piece of vegetables, fruits, or seafood in. Then, it is briefly deep fried and the texture is a light, crispy shell on top of whatever you dipped into it. In our case, it was bananas, and it was delectable.

Finally came the bill. The prices were very reasonable for the quality and service. I was really happy overall with my experience at Kotobuki. The cleanliness, services, atmosphere, and the food were all one hundred percent in my opinion. Kotobuki has received great reviews from customers, with many people stating that it is the best sushi restaurant on Long Island. I definitely agree with that.

After Kotobuki, I tried out a few other sushi places. Another good sushi restaurant my friend found was, again, on Long Island. It is called Roppongi. This restaurant was appealing to me from the moment I walked in because I was greeted by a smiling woman. She sat us down and we ordered. The food here also came out in a timely manner and the server was very polite. It wasn’t very crowded, but it was late when we went, so that may be the reason. The sushi we had here was very unique. The restaurant is located in Amityville on Long Island, so they have the “Amityville roll”. This roll is not only huge, but it is very unique. It consists of spicy tuna, salmon, yellow tail, avocado, cucumber, crunched inside, eel and white tuna seaweed and tobiko (flying fish caviar) on top. It had great flavor and was different from anything I had ever tried. I thought the bill was cheap for what we had gotten. It was a very good experience.

My final restaurant is called Yamoto, which is in Voorhees, New Jersey. I found my experience here to be adequate. It wasn’t terrible, but I definitely have had better. The prices were a little bit high and you didn’t receive as much food as you did at Kotobuki, but I thought it was pretty decent. We ordered eel roll and spicy tuna roll, which were both great. This restaurant, however, had a slightly different atmosphere. I didn’t like that I could see boxes and other random items behind their counter. It seemed cluttered and a bit unprofessional. Also, our waitress was nice, but she was extremely slow. We waited for the bill for twenty minutes! It was also a Friday night that we went to this restaurant, and there were only two other families in there, which I found strange. Overall, it was my least favorite of the three.

Sushi is an interesting experience, to say the least. You have to be open to new things to try some of the things that are offered. I think that Kotobuki was a great first experience for sushi and I would definitely recommend the restaurant to anyone who is going for their first sushi experience.


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