
Name__________________________ Date________________________

Anansi Goes Fishing

Tic-Tac-Toe Reading Choice Board

Directions: After reading the story, complete three activities to complete a TIC-TAC-TOE. Mark your choices with X’s or O’s and staple your completed work together.


| |Use the dictionary to look up the meaning of these words. Write |Would you like to have a friend like Turtle? Tell why or why |

|Write a song using each of this week’s vocabulary words. Sing |the definitions. |not. Illustrate your work |

|it to your teacher. |prey consume boast shrewd gloat | |


| |Find at least 8 compound words in books. Write them in a chart | |

|Make a list of ten antonyms. Illustrate each one and use it in |like the one below. compound word 1st 2nd |Make a list of 5 different verbs. Write each one in a sentence.|

|a sentence. |grandpa grand pa |Then change the verbs to past tense and write each one in a |

| |Use three of the words in sentences. Illustrate. |sentence. Illustrate ONE sentence. |


| | | |

|Who do you think benefited more from Turtle’s trickery – Turtle |Imagine another story about Anansi and Turtle. Write down your |What was the main idea of the story? Write three details that |

|or Anansi? Write at least 5 sentences for you answer. |ideas in a story. Make sure to write at least 5 sentences. |support the main idea. |

|Illustrate your work. |Illustrate your story. | |




not liking to work or be active


to form threads into cloth or web or to make straw into hats or baskets


something that tastes really good


something that is fair and right

Spelling Words

1. basketball

2. driveway

3. someone

4. bedtime

5. weekend

6. raindrop

7. something

8. mailbox

9. birthday

10. grandparent

11. riverbank

12. rattlesnake

13. bathtub

14. earthquake

15. backyard


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