Teaching Programme

Teaching Programme

Well Done! 3


Primary Education Mandatory

Primary Third


Modern Foreign Languages




BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant and sing the song of the unit.

- Name the characters.

- Name your favourite colour.

- Talk about your toys and ask about the toys of others.

- Say colour + object.

- Say and spell the alphabet.

- Say hello and goodbye.

- Say their names and ask about the names of others.

- Say your age and ask about the age of others.

- Say how you are and ask about how others are.

- Talk about your preferences and ask about the preferences of others.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the names of the characters.

- Understand greetings and farewalls.

- Recognize the alphabet.

- Understand a story with a visual prompt.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize the names of the characters.

- Be able to read and recognize numbers from 1 to 10.

- Read phrases that express object and number.

▪ Writing:

- Write the names of the characters.

- Write their favourite colour.

- Write phrases the toys they have.

- Write object + colour.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Hello! Goodbye!

- Alfie, Poppy, Victoria, Ryan, Miss Hill, Stan, Joe.

- The alphabet.

- School bag, pencil case, car, book, ball, scooter, bike, computer game, skateboard.

- The colours.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: What’s your name? My name’s (Alfie). How old are you? I´m (eight). What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is (green). I’ve got a (green school bag). Have you got a (red bike)? Yes, I have. No, I haven´t. How do you spell (your name)? How are you? I’m fine. Thanks.

- Receptive language: This is (Greenwood Primary school), Listen and match. Welcome to class 31. Sorry.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: What’s your name?

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Greet and say goodbye in English.

- Work in pairs.

- Welcome new students.

- The English alphabet.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts on daily life situations like invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, and brochures.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: What’s your name?

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Hello! Goodbye!

- Alfie, Poppy, Victoria, Ryan, Miss Hill, Stan, Joe.

- The alphabet.

- School bag, pencil case, car, book, ball, scooter, bike, computer game, skateboard.

- The colours.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

▪ Language Structures: What’s your name? My name’s (Alfie). How old are you? I´m (eight). What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is (green). I’ve got a (green school bag). Have you got a (red bike)?. Yes, I have. No, I haven´t. How do you spell (your name)? How are you? I’m fine. Thanks.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

- Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Use logic reasoning.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Sciences: school life

- Arts and Music: A song about personal queries. Draw.

- Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and read (PB, page 4), Listen and chant (PB, page 4). Listen and sing (PB, page 6).

Play a game (PB, page 6).

The objective of the linguistic communication competence is to use language as a communication tool. This competence appears in all the units.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Posters and stickers (to connect visual and written information).

- Observe photographs as a mean of information.

- Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Summary the contents of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

- Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

▪ WELL DONE! ACTIVE TEACH is a software for interactive digital boards which include the following components:

- Digital versions of flashcards, wordcards, Storycards.

- Videoclips.

- The interactive version of the Board game with dices and digital chips.

- Reader version to be listen to and read by the whole class.

- Class Audio CDs.

- Well Done's web page.

The treatment of information in the digital competence is reflected throughout the Active teach and the Active Book in all the lessons of the Unit.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, chants and rhymes.

▪ A song: The alphabet song, PB, page 6.

▪ A chant: What’s your name? PB, page 4.

▪ A story: Greenwood Primary school PB, page 4.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. In this Unit the competence is exercise specially on lesson 4.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work.

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Listen and join the dots, AB, page 4, Make pairs, PB, page 5, Play the board game, PB, page 6, etc.

This competence is reflected across the Unit in many ways through the four lesson.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Learn the names of transports and objects.

- Learn the numbers and apply them to their physical world.

- Play a game with real objects.

This competence is reflected through the Unit in lessons 1 and 4.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications.(PB, pages 8-15).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: sing songs and chants.

- Chant: What’s your name? PB, page 4.

- Song: The Alphabet song , PB page 6.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Welcome, pages 4 a 7):

- Reference bar at the bottom of each page.

- Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension.

▪ Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language.(AB pages 2-5):

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Welcome –pages 2 a 5):

- Cut-outs.

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book.

- Reader (in print and digital versions).

- Storycards

- Songs and chants. PB, pages 4 and 6.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned.

- Extra activity for the song. PB, page 6.

- Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice.

- Challenging activities for fast learners.

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

v. Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Welcome, pages 2 a 5).


Activity book

UNIT 1: It’s a rocket


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant in my bedroom.

- Say the name of different types of furniture.

- Describe a house and its rooms using there’s and there are.

- Naming prepositions.

- Sing the song my house is full of animals.

- Tell the tong twister Henry the hamster.

- Ask and answer questions about the position and location of things using Where’s...?

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize vocabulary related to furniture.

- Recognize a description of a house and its rooms.

- Recognize prepositions.

- Understand a story using visual cues.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to furniture

- Be able to read-and recognize a description of a house and its rooms.

- Recognize and read prepositions.

- Leer y entender la posición de las cosas.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write vocabulary related to furniture.

- Write a description of a house and its rooms.

- Write prepositions.

- Write the position of objects using there’s and there are.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Vehicles: Furniture: door, sofa, cupboard, window, chair, bed, table, wardrobe. hall, rooms in a house.

- Prepositions: In, on, under, behind, near.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: There’s a (bed). There are two (windows). There’s a (blue door) in the (kitchen). There are (five cupboards). Where’s (Silver)? (He’s/She’s) (under the table). Your mom is in the garden. How are you? Fine, thanks.

- Receptive language.

- Interdisciplinary language: Transports and traveling: moped, lorry, ferry boat, on land, in the water, in the air, person, people, things, fast, slow. How do you go to school? By bus. I walk to school.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Identify and produce the sound /eı/.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Train number eighty-eight.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Work in pairs.

- Help the elderly.

- Ecological transport.

- Ways to go to school.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Identify and produce the sounds /ei/.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Train number eighty-eight.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Vehicles: rocket, bus, car, submarine, train, bike, plane, helicopter.

- Numbers from 20 to 100.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: What’s this? It’s a submarine. What are these? They’re cars. What’s your name? How are you? How old are you? I’m …

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Maths: to count

- Social Sciences.

- Sciences: transports; reading maps.

- Arts and Music: a song about numbers, a rhyme about intonation and rhythm, draw a picture of a pet.

- Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and read (PB, page 8), Listen and chant (PB, page 8). Listen and sing (PB, page 10).

▪ Play a game (PB page 9).

The objective of the linguistic communication competence is to use language as a communication tool. This competence appears in all the units.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Posters and stickers (to connect visual - text information)

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.

▪ Process and interpret information from graphs and charts.

- Summary the contents of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with the of a variety of digital competences and information throughout the curse applying the components of the method.

WELL DONE! ACTIVE TEACH is a software for interactive digital boards which include the following components:

- Digital versions of flashcards, wordcards, Storycards.

- Videoclips.

- The interactive version of the Board game with dices and digital chips.

- Reader version to be listen to and read by the whole class.

- Class Audio CDs.

- Well Done's web page.

The treatment of information in the digital competence is reflected throughout the Active teach and the Active Book in all the lessons of the Unit.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

▪ Interpersonal, social and civic competences are develop by working essential communication skills like:

- Understanding dialogs and comminication exchanges.

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, building and following basic rules to learn and play together as a group or in pairs.

Play a game, Unit 1 (PB, pages 9 and 14).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers by acting out the story of the Unit:

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers by acting out the story of the Unit:The magic stone Unit 1 PB, page 11.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tie to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competences are develop through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit.

- Learn the vocabulary related to different means of transport.

▪ Lesson 6 of each Unit consists of a section for multicultural learning to teach about respect for other cultures and traditions: How do you go to school? PB, page 13.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences has as an objective to learn to communicate with others and understand what they are trying to say.

In this Unit this competence is reflected in lessons2, 3 and 7.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

- A song: Here comes a car, PB page 10.

- A chant: What’s this?, PB, page 8.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: The magic stone, PB page 11.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. In this Unit the competence is exercise specially on lesson 4 and 6.

Learning to learn competence

The Learning to learn competence objective is for the student to reflect, about what he has learned and how he learned it. In order to motivate and make the student aware of the different cognitive abilities, and to be conscious of its own learning process. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Find and say and All about me. SB, page 15 of lesson 8 of this Unit.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Play a game, PB, page 9, Make pairs, PB, page 12, Play the board game, PB, page 14,etc. This competence is reflected thought in different ways across the 8 Units of the course.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Learn vocabulary related to objects and transport.

- Learn the numbers and apply them to their physical world.

- Play a game with real objects.

This competence is reflected thought all the Unit in lessons:2, 3 and 7.

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Get familiarized with numbers from 20 to 100.

This competence is practice in lessons 3 and 7 of the Unit.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

- This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications.(PB pages 8-15), through acting out a story: The Magic Stone (PB page 11).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 11).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: chant: What´s this? PB, page 8, song: Here comes a car, PB page 10.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 1 –pages 8 to 15)

- Reference bar at the bottom of each page.

- Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension.

▪ Active Book; incluido en el Activity Pack, consta de actividades y juegos interactivos para practicar el lenguaje:

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 1 –pages 7 to 13):

- Cut-outs (for lesson 2 on each Unit).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book.

- Picture Dictionary.

- Reader (in print and digital versions).

- Flashcards and Wordcards.

- Storycards

- Songs and chants. PB, page 8 and 10.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned.

- Activity for the song Here comes a car. PB, page 10.

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge.

- Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice.

- Challenging activities for fast learners.

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

v. Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete the AB exercises (Unit 1, pages 7 to 13).

Summative evaluation

Tests 1 pages 8-9 (Teacher’s Pack).

Portfolio Worksheet (Teacher’s Resource Materials, page 12).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit (Lesson 8, page 11).

- Active Teach: Picture Dictionary: Review the vocabulary of the unit.(AB, page 50)

Pupil’s Book

- All about me (PB, page 15).

Evaluation Criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant What’s this?

- Name the diferente vehicules.

- Say the numbers from 20 to 100.

- Sing the song Here comes a car.

- Say the rhyme Train number eighty-eight.

- Ask and answer questions about objects What’s this? y What are these?

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the names of the different vehicles.

- Recognize the numbers from 20 to 100.

- Recognize phrases about objects with What’s this? and What are these?

- Understanding a story with visual support(The magic stone)

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize the names of transports.

- Be able to read and recognize the numbers from 20 to 100.

- Read phrases in singular and plural with It’s a (car) and They’re (rockets).

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write vocabulary related to transport.

- Write the numbers from 20 to 100.

- Write phrases in singular and plural using It’s a (car) and They’re (rockets).

- Write a description of a transport for a pet.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Vehicles: rocket, bus, car, submarine, train, bike, plane, helicopter.

- Numbers from 20 to100.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: What’s this? It’s a submarine. What are these? They’re cars. What’s your name? How are you? How old are you? I’m …

- Receptive language: This is a car for my mouse. Touch and guess. Sorry, can I help you? How old am I? Can you guess? I know. I don’t know.

- Interdisciplinary language: Means of transport and traveling: moped, lorry, ferry boat, on land, in the water, in the air, person, people, things, fast, slow. How do you go to school? By bus. I walk to school.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Identify and produce the sounds /eı/.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Train number eighty-eight.

- Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Work in pairs.

- Help the elderly.

- Ecologycal transport.

- Different ways to go to school.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

UNIT 2: Is it an elephant?


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant: Is it a giraffe?

- Name the animals.

- Sing the song Footprints.

- Say the rhyme Brown bear.

- Saying when it's hungry or thirsty.

- Making phrases with a/an.

- Telling the animals with It’s got and It hasn’t got.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize vocabulary related to animals.

- Recognize adjectives to describe animals.

- Recognize phrases to describe animals.

- Recognize the description of an animal.

- Recognize when someone is hungry or thirsty.

- Understand a story with visual support.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read- Write vocabulary related to animals.

- Be able to read and recognize adjectives to describe animals.

- Be able to read phrases to describe animals using It’s got and It hasn’t got.

- Be able to read-and recognize a description of a of an animal.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write phrases to describe animals using It’s got and It hasn’t got.

- Write phrases with a/an.

- Write a description of their favourite animal.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Animals: elephant, giraffe, tiger, ostrich, tortoise, snake, bear, frog, Safari park.

- Adjectives: grey, strong, tall, slow, fast, long, short.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: I’m hungry/thirsty. It’s a (bear). It’s an (elephant). Is it a (giraffe)? Is it an (elephant) Yes, it is. No, it isn´t.

- Receptive language: shark, panda, gorilla, snake, It isn´t a park. Argh! I think they’re hungry. Run!

- Interdisciplinary language: fox, lion, polar bear, deer, arctic fox, crocodile, tail, very, dangerous, their, them, hide, (foxes) live here, llama, lemur, wombat, fat, tail, face, Australia, South America, Madagascar, India. (Wombats) live in (Australia).

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Brown bear.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Work in pairs.

- Respect the animal habitats.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Practice rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Brown bear.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Animals: elephant, giraffe, tiger, ostrich, tortoise, snake, bear, frog, Safari park.

- Adjectives: grey, strong, tall, slow, fast, long, short.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: I’m hungry/thirsty. It’s a (bear). It’s an (elephant). Is it a (giraffe)? Is it an (elephant) Yes, it is. No, it isn´t.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Sciences: Animal habitats, animal camuflages, special animals, geography.

- Arts and Music: a song about animals, rhythm and intonation, draw your favourite animal.

- Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and read (PB, page 16), Listen and chant (PB, page 16). Listen and sing (PB, page 19).

▪ Play a game (PB page 17).

The objective of the linguistic communication competence is to use language as a communication tool. This competence appears in all the units.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Posters and stickers (to connect visual - text information)

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.

▪ Process and interpret information from graphs and charts.

- Summary the contents of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Get started and practice the function of different information and digital competences using the components of the course.

WELL DONE! ACTIVE TEACH is a software for interactive digital boards which include the following components:

- Digital versions of flashcards, wordcards, Storycards.

- Videoclips.

- The interactive version of the Board game with dices and digital chips.

- Reader version to be listen by the whole class.

- Class Audio CDs.

- Well Done's web page.

The treatment of information in the digital competence is reflected throughout the Active teach and the Active Book in all the lessons of the Unit.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

▪ Interpersonal, social and civic competences are develop by working essential communication skills like:

- Understanding dialogs and comminication exchanges.

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, building and following basic rules to learn and play together as a group or in pairs.Play a game, Unit 2 (PB, page 17).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers by acting out the story of the Unit:The baby butterfly Unit 2 PB, page 19.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tie to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competences are develop through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit.

- Learn the vocabulary related to different animals and their habitats.

▪ Lesson 6 of each Unit consists of a section for multicultural learning to teach about respect for other cultures and traditions: Window on the world. PB. page 21

Interpersonal, social and civic competences has as an objective to learn to communicate with others and understand what they are trying to say.

In this Unit this competence is reflected in lessons 3 and 6.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants.

- A song: Is it a giraffe?, PB, page 16.

- A chant: Footprints, PB, page 18.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: The baby butterfly, PB, page 19.

▪ Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.

Learning to learn competence

The Learning to learn competence objective is for the student to reflect, about what he has learned and how he learned it. In order to motivate and make the student aware of the different cognitive abilities, and to be conscious of its own learning process. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Find and say and Write about your favourite animal. SB page 23 of lesson 8 on Unit.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work.. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Play a game, PB, page 17 or Play the board game, PB, page 22. etc. This competence is reflected through different ways across the 8 lessons of the Unit.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the accurate perception of the physical space in which

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Learn vocabulary about animals and the habitat in which they live.

- Learn the numbers and apply them to their physical world.

- Play a game with real objects.

This competence is reflected thought all the Unit in lessons:2, 3 and 7.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

- This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications. (PB, pages 8-15), through acting out a story: The baby butterfly (PB page 19).

- Dancing and movement(Act out the story, PB page 19).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: : Sing songs and chants: chant: Is it a giraffe? PB, page 16, song: Footprints, PB page 18.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 2 –pages 16 to 23)

- Reference bar at the bottom of each page.

- Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension.

▪ Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language.(AB pages 14-21)

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 2 –pages 16 to 23).

- Cut-outs (for lesson 2 of this Unit).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book.

- Picture Dictionary.

- Reader (in print and digital versions).

- Flashcards and Wordcards.

- Storycards

- Songs and chants. PB, pages 16 and 18.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned.

- Extra activity for the song. PB, page 18.

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge.

- Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice.

- Challenging activities for fast learners.

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

v. Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete the AB exercises AB (Unit 2, page 14 to 21).

Summative evaluation

Tests Unit 2 pages 10-11 (Teacher’s Pack).

Term 1 Test page 20.


Activity Book:

- Self evaluation at the end of each unit (Lesson 8, page 23).

- Active Teach: Picture Dictionary: Vocabulary review of the Unit.

Pupil’s Book

- All about me (PB, page 23).

Evaluation Criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant: Is it a giraffe?

- Name the animals.

- Sing the song Footprints.

- Say the rhyme Brown bear.

- Saying if it is thirsty or hungry.

- Make phrases with a/an.

- Describe animals using It’s got and It hasn’t got.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the names of the animals.

- Recognize adjectives to describe animals.

- Recognize phrases to describe animals.

- Recognize the description of an animal.

- Recognize when someone is hungry or thirsty.

- Understand a story with visual support.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to animals.

- Be able to read and recognize the adjectives to describe animals.

- Be able to read phrases describing animals using It’s got and It hasn’t got.

- Be able to read and recognize a description of an animal.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write phrases to describe animals using It’s got and It hasn’t got.

- Write phrases with a/an.

- Write a description of their favourite animal.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Animals: elephant, giraffe, tiger, ostrich, tortoise, snake, bear, frog, Safari park.

- Adjectives: grey, strong, tall, slow, fast, long, short

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: I’m hungry/thirsty. It’s a (bear). It’s an (elephant). Is it a (giraffe)? Is it an (elephant) Yes, it is. No, it isn´t.

- Receptive language: shark, panda, gorilla, snake, It isn´t a park. Argh! I think they’re hungry. Run!

- Interdisciplinary language: fox, lion, polar bear, deer, arctic fox, crocodile, tail, very, dangerous, their, them, hide, (foxes) live here, llama, lemur, wombat, fat, tail, face, Australia, South America, Madagascar, India, (Wombats) live in (Australia) .

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Brown bear.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Work in pairs

- Respect the animals' habitats.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

UNIT 3: He’s got short hair.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant Has she got long hair?

- Name words for different types of clothes.

- Sing the song The clothes song.

- Say the rhyme Green jeans.

- Ask and answer questions about people's look using Has (she) got (dark hair)?

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the words for different types of clothes.

- Recognize the adjectives to describe people.

- Recognize phrases to recognize people by the type of clothes they are wearing.

- Understand a story with visual support.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to clothes.

- Be able to read and recognize adjectives to describe people.

- Read descriptions about people.

- Read phrases to identify people by the clothes they are wearing.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write the words for different types of clothes.

- Write adjectives to describe people.

- Write a description of a person.

- Write a description of the type of clothes a person is wearing.

- Write a description of themselves and the clothes they are wearing.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- The body parts: eyes, hair.

- Adjectives: long, short, blond, dark.

- Clothes: dress, trousers, skirt, jeans, jumper, trainers, T-shirt, socks, hat, shoes.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: He’s/She’s got (long hair). Has she got (brown eyes)? Yes, he/she has No, he/she hasn’t. What are you wearing? I’m wearing a (dress). I’m wearing (trousers).

- Receptive language: Be careful. Who is it? It’s Alfie. Now I know! Who is who? He/she looks lovely in the (purple hat). That’s what I’m wearing. Clothes for Stan. Come on! Let’s swim.

- Interdisciplinary language: It’s/They’re made of silk. (Silk) comes from (an animal). Ireland, Kenya, Japan, wool, cotton, leather, silk, special, traditional, I’m from (Ireland).

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Green jeans.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Maths: to count.

- Sciences; textiles and the place they come from, other countries geography.

- Arts and Music: a song about clothes, a rhyme about rhythm and intonation, draw a picture of themselves.

- Read Aloud: understand a story, act it out.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Green jeans.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Body parts: eyes, hair.

- Adjectives: long, short, blond, dark.

- Clothes: dress, trousers, skirt, jeans, jumper, trainers, T-shirt, socks, hat, shoes.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: He’s/She’s got (long hair). Has she got (brown eyes)? Yes, he/she has No, he/she hasn’t. What are you wearing? I’m wearing a (dress). I’m wearing (trousers).

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Maths: to count.

- Social Sciences: geography of other countries.

- Sciences: textiles and the place they come from.

- Arts and Music: draw a picture of themselves; rhymes, songs and chants.

- Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and read (PB, page 24), Listen and chant (PB, page 24). Listen and sing (PB, page 26).

▪ Play a game (PB page 30).

The objective of the linguistic communication competence is to use language as a communication tool. This competence appears in all the units.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Posters and stickers (to connect visual - text information)

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Summary the contents of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Get started and practice the function of different information and digital competences using the components of the course.

WELL DONE! ACTIVE TEACH is a software for interactive digital boards which include the following components:

- Digital versions of flashcards, wordcards, Storycards.

- Videoclips.

- The interactive version of the Board game with dices and digital chips.

- Reader version to be listen by the whole class.

- Class Audio CDs.

- Well Done's web page.

The treatment of information in the digital competence is reflected throughout the Active teach and the Active Book in all the lessons of the Unit.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

▪ Interpersonal, social and civic competences are develop by working essential communication skills like:

- Understanding dialogs and comminication exchanges.

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, building and following basic rules to learn and play together as a group or in pairs.Play a game, Unit 3 (PB, page 30).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers by acting out the story of the Unit:The missing clothes Unit 3 PB, page 27.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tie to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competences are develop through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit.

▪ Lesson 6 of each Unit consists of a section for multicultural learning to teach about respect for other cultures and traditions: PB, page 27.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences has as an objective to learn to communicate with others and understand what they are trying to say. In this Unit this competence is reflected in lessons2 and 7.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

- A song: The clothes song, PB, page 26.

- A chant Has she got long hair? PB, page 24.

- A self picture drew by the student.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: The missing clothes, PB, page 27.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. In this Unit the competence is exercise specially on lessons 4 and 6 applying the components of the method.

Learning to learn competence

The Learning to learn competence objective is for the student to reflect, about what he has learned and how he learned it. In order to motivate and make the student aware of the different cognitive abilities, and to be conscious of its own learning process. Esta competencia se desarrolla en la lección 8 de la Unit.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Play a game, PB, page 25, Make pairs, PB, page 26, Play the board game, PB, page 30. etc. This competence is reflected through different ways across the 8 lessons of the Unit.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Be aware of the physical space by the knowledge of the cross-curricular curriculum and multidisciplinary sections: Learn vocabulary related to textiles and where they come from. Learn about geography and other countries.

- Learn the numbers and apply them to their physical world.

- Play a game with real objects.

This competence is reflected thought all the Unit in lessons: 1, 3, 5 and 6.

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through:

- Counting.

This competence is practice in lessons 3 and 7 of the Unit.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications.(PB, pages 24-31), through acting out a story: (PB, page 27).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB, page 27).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: sing songs and chants: chant: Has she got long hair? PB, page 24, song: The clothes song, PB, page 26.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 3 –pages 24 to 31):

- Reference bar at the bottom of each page.

- -Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension.

▪ Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language.(AB, pages 22-29)

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 3 –pages 22 to 29):

- Cut-outs ( for lesson 2 of this Unit).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book.

- Picture Dictionary.

- Reader (in print and digital versions).

- Flashcards and Wordcards .

- Storycards

- Songs and chants. PB, pages 24 and 26.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned.

- Extra activity for the song. PB, page 26.

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge.

- Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice.

- Challenging activities for fast learners.

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

v. Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete the AB exercises AB (Unit 3,page22 a 29).

Summative evaluation

Tests Unit 3, pages 12-13 (Teacher’s Pack).


Activity Book:

- Self evaluation at the end of each unit (Lesson 8, PB, page 31)

- Active Teach: Picture Dictionary: Vocabulary review of the Unit.(AB, page 50)

Pupil’s Book

- All about me (PB, page 31).

Evaluation Criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Recognize the words for different types of clothes.

- Recognize the adjectives to describe people.

- Recognize phrases to recognize people by the type of clothes they are wearing.

- Understand a story with visual support.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Reproduce the chant Has she got long hair?

- Name words for different types of clothes.

- Sing the song The clothes song.

- Say the rhyme Green jeans.

- Ask and answer questions about people's look using Has (she) got (dark hair)?

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to clothes.

- Be able to read and recognize adjectives to describe people.

- Read descriptions about other people.

- Read phrases to identify people by the clothes they are wearing.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write the words for different types of clothes.

- Write adjectives to describe people.

- Write a description of a person.

- Write a description of the type of clothes a person is wearing.

- Write a description of themselves and the clothes they are wearing.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Parts of the body: eyes, hair.

- Adjectives: long, short, blond, dark.

- Clothes: dress, trousers, skirt, jeans, jumper, trainers, T-shirt, socks, hat, shoes.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: He’s/She’s got (long hair). Has she got (brown eyes)? Yes, he/she has No, he/she hasn’t. What are you wearing? I’m wearing a (dress). I’m wearing (trousers).

- Receptive language: Be careful. Who is it? It’s Alfie. Now I know! Who is who? He/she looks lovely in the (purple hat). That’s what I’m wearing. Clothes for Stan. Come on! Let’s swim

- Interdisciplinary language: It’s/They’re made of silk. (Silk) comes from (an animal). Ireland, Kenya, Japan, wool, cotton, leather, silk, special, traditional, I’m from (Ireland).

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Green jeans.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Maths: to count.

- Sciences; textiles and the place they come from.

- Arts and Music: a song about clothes, a rhyme about rhythm and intonation, draw a picture of themselves.

- Read Aloud: understand a story, act it out.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

UNIT 4: Do you like cake?


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant I like apples.

- Say the words of food and beverages.

- Mention the names of their favourite food and beverages.

- Describe the likes and dislikes of other people food and beverages.

- Sing the song Here’s your food.

- Say the rhyme I’m hungry.

- Ask and answer questions about their food likes and dislikes using Do you like...?

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the names of food and beverage.

- Recognize the taste in foods.

- Recognize the food ordered by others.

- Understand a story with visual support.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary about food and beverages.

- Be able to read and recognize their taste on food and beverages.

- Read phrases that express other people likes and dislikes on food.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write vocabulary related to food and beverages.

- Write vocabulary related to food and beverages.

- Write phrases to express other people likes and dislikes on food.

- Write a description of their favourite food.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Food: apple, fruit juice, sandwiches, biscuits, grapes, bananas, chocolate cake, pizza, bread, rice, cheese, chicken, milk, carrots, fish, pasta, fruit.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: I like (apples). I don’t like (bananas). I love (pizza). Do you like (pizza)? Yes, I do. I love (pizza). He/She likes (pasta). His/Her favourite food is (cheese). Can I have a/an/some ..., please? Of course you can.

- Receptive language: Oh dear! I’m sorry. Write in your notebook. Do a survey. Here’s your food. What’s for (breakfast)? Yummy!

- tomatoes, Me too. It’s time for the party! Quick! I’m ready! Let’s go!

- Interdisciplinary language: healthy, potato, egg, fruit, eat, drink, a lot of, It’s good/bad to ..., every day.

- noodles, vegetables, meat, soup, pastry, cold. We eat it (on Saturdays). It’s delicious.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: I’m hungry.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Plan a party together.

- Work in pairs.

- Share food.

- Get to know food from another countries.

- Identify healthy food from unhealthy food.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: I’m hungry.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Food: apple, fruit juice, sandwiches, biscuits, grapes, bananas, chocolate cake, pizza, bread, rice, cheese, chicken, milk, carrots, fish, pasta, fruit.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

▪ Language Structures: I like (apples). I don’t like (bananas). I love (pizza). Do you like (pizza)? Yes, I do. I love (pizza). He/She likes (pasta). His/Her favourite food is (cheese). Can I have a/an/some ..., please? Of course you can.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Use logic reasoning.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Maths: The Food Wheel.

- Sciences: healthy food.

- Arts and Music: A song about food, rhythm and intonation, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and read (PB, page 32), Listen and chant (PB, page 32). Listen and sing (PB, page 34).

▪ Play a game (PB page 38).

The objective of the linguistic communication competence is to use language as a communication tool. This competence appears in all the units.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Posters and stickers (to connect visual - text information)

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Summary the contents of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Get started and practice the function of different information and digital competences using the components of the course.

WELL DONE! ACTIVE TEACH is a software for interactive digital boards which include the following components:

- Digital versions of flashcards, wordcards, Storycards.

- Videoclips

- The interactive version of the Board game with dices and digital chips.

- Reader version to be listen by the whole class.

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done's web page.

The treatment of information in the digital competence is reflected throughout the Active teach and the Active Book in all the lessons of the Unit.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

▪ Interpersonal, social and civic competences are develop by working essential communication skills like:

- Understanding dialogs and comminication exchanges.

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, building and following basic rules to learn and play together as a group or in pairs. Play a game, Unit 4 (PB, page 38).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers by acting out the story of the Unit: Poppy’s pizza Unit 4 PB, page 35.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tie to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competences are develop through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit.

- Learn the vocabulary related to food and beverages.

▪ Lesson 6 of each Unit consists of a section for multicultural learning to teach about respect for other cultures and traditions: PB, page37.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences has as an objective to learn to communicate with others and understand what they are trying to say. In this Unit this competence is reflected in lessons 2 and 7.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, chants and rhymes:

- A song : Here’s your food, PB, page 34.

- A chant: I like apples, PB, page 32.

- A rhyme: I’m hungry, PB, page 38.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Poppy’s pizza, PB page 35.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. In this Unit the competence is exercise specially on lesson 4 and 6 of the curse applying the components of the method.

Learning to learn competence

The Learning to learn competence objective is for the student to reflect, about what he has learned and how he learned it. In order to motivate and make the student aware of the different cognitive abilities, and to be conscious of its own learning process. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Find and say and Make a party menu. SB page 39, en la lección 8 de la Unit.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Play the board game, PB, page 38. This competence is reflected through different ways across the 8 lessons of the Unit.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Be aware of the physical space by the knowledge of the cross-curricular curriculum and multidisciplinary sections:

- Learn vocabulary related to food and beverages.

- Learn to express their preference on food.

- Play a game with real objects.

- Healthy eating habits.

This competence is reflected thought all the Unit in lessons: 1, 3, 5 and 6.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications. (PB, page8-15), through acting out a story: (PB page 11).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 34).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: : Sing songs and chants:

- chant: I like apples. PB, page 32,

- song : Poppy’s pizza, PB page 34.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 4,pages 32 to 39)

- Reference bar at the bottom of each page.

- Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension.

▪ Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language.(AB, pages 30- 37)

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 4, pages 30 to 37).

- Cut-outs (for lesson 4 of this Unit).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book.

- Picture Dictionary

- Reader (in print and digital versions)

- Flashcards and Wordcards .

- Storycards

- Songs and chants. PB, pages 32 and 34.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned.

- Extra activity for the song. PB, page 34.

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge.

- Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice.

- Challenging activities for fast learners.

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

v. Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete the AB exercises AB (Unit 4,pages 30 to 37)

Summative evaluation

Tests Unit 4, pages 14-15 (Teacher’s Pack)

Term 2 Test, page 21.

Portfolio Worksheet (Teacher’s Resource Materials)


Activity Book:

- Self evaluation at the end of each unit(Lesson 8, SB, page 39)

- Active Teach: Picture Dictionary: Vocabulary review of the Unit.

- Pupil’s Book

- All about me (PB, page 39).

Evaluation Criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant I like apples.

- Say the words of food and beverages.

- Mention the names of their favourite food and beverages.

- Describe the likes and dislikes of other people food and beverages.

- Sing the song Here’s your food.

- Say the rhyme I’m hungry.

- Ask and answer questions about their food likes and dislikes using Do you like...?

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Reproduce the chant I like apples.

- Say the words of food and beverages.

- Mention the names of their favourite food and beverages.

- Describe the likes and dislikes of other people food and beverages.

- Sing the song Here’s your food.

- Say the rhyme I’m hungry.

- Ask and answer questions about their food likes and dislikes using Do you like...?

- Understanding a story with visual support.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to food and beverages.

- Be able to read and recognize their likes and dislikes on food and beverages.

- Read phrases that describe the likes and dislikes of other people.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write vocabulary related to food and beverages.

- Write their likes and dislikes on food and beverages.

- Write phrases to describe other people likes and dislikes on food.

- Write a description of their favourite food.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Food: apple, fruit juice, sandwiches, biscuits, grapes, bananas, chocolate cake, pizza, bread, rice, cheese, chicken, milk, carrots, fish, pasta, fruit.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: I like (apples). I don’t like (bananas). I love (pizza). Do you like (pizza)? Yes, I do. I love (pizza). He/She likes (pasta). His/Her favourite food is (cheese). Can I have a/an/some ..., please? Of course you can.

- Receptive language: Oh dear! I’m sorry. Write in your notebook. Do a survey. Here’s your food. What’s for (breakfast)? Yummy!

- tomatoes, Me too. It’s time for the party! Quick! I’m ready! Let’s go!

- Interdisciplinary language: healthy, potato, egg, fruit, eat, drink, a lot of, It’s good/bad to ..., every day.

- noodles, vegetables, meat, soup, pastry, cold. We eat it (on Saturdays). It’s delicious.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: I’m hungry.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Plan a party together.

- Work in pairs.

- Share food.

- Get to know food from another countries.

- Identify healthy food from unhealthy food.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

UNIT 5: Can you sing?


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant Who is it?

- Name hobbies.

- Talk about habilites.

- Sing the song What can you do?

- Say the rhyme My friend Mike.

- Ask and answer questions about hobbies.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the names of different hobbies.

- Recognize the names of abilities.

- Recognize adjectives to describe feelings.

- Understand a story with visual support.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize leisure time activities.

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to skills.

- Read adjectives to describe feelings.

- Read and understand how other people is feeling.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write the names of different hobbies.

- Write down habilites.

- Write adjectives to describe feelings.

- Write a description of how other people is feeling.

- Write a letter to a friend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Activities: Play football, ride a bike, swim, play the recorder, dance, sing, paint, make models, rollerblade, sport, music, art.

- Adjectives: Angry, happy, sad, surprised.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: I can (swim). I can’t (rollerblade).Can you sing? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. He can’t (play football). What can you do? She’s (surprised). He’s (sad)

- Receptive language: Look! A competition! And there’s a prize! Dear Kids Fun, We can swim. We can’t sing. If you like (art), what can you do? Do a survey, letter, friend. I haven’t got a prize. She’s got her magic stone. This is for you. It’s the prizes from Kids Fun! Give me the prizes! Can you help?

- Interdisciplinary language: 120, 140, music player, TV, about (90) years old.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Identify and produce the sounds / aɪ/, /i:/, /eı/, /a:/, /ɔ:/.

- Intonation and rhythm of a phrase.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: My friend Mike.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Appreciate other people talents and abilities.

- Work in pairs.

- Enjoy a read aloud.

- Value our possessions and belongings.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Identify and produce the sounds / aɪ/, /i:/, /eı/, /a:/, /ɔ:/.

- Rhythm and intonation in a phrase.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: My friend Mike.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Activities: Play football, ride a bike, swim, play the recorder, dance, sing, paint, make models, rollerblade, sport, music, art.

- Adjectives: Angry, happy, sad, surprised.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

▪ Language Structures: I can (swim). I can’t (rollerblade).Can you sing? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. He can’t (play football). What can you do? She’s (surprised). He’s (sad).

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Use logic reasoning.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Maths: record the results of a survey.

- Sciences: A story about everyday objects. Read Aloud. Class subjects from other countries.

- Arts and Music: A song about skills. A rhyme about rhythm and intonation. Draw

- Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and read (PB, page 40), Listen and chant (PB, page 40). Listen and sing (PB, page 42).

Play a game (PB, page 41). Listen and play a board game (PB, page 46).

The objective of the linguistic communication competence is to use language as a communication tool. This competence appears in all the units.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Posters and stickers (to connect visual - text information)

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Summary the contents of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Get started and practice the function of different information and digital competences using the components of the course.

WELL DONE! ACTIVE TEACH is a software for interactive digital boards which include the following components:

- Digital versions of Flashcards, wordcards, Storycards.

- Videoclips.

- The interactive version of the Board game with dices and digital chips.

- Reader version to be listen to and read by the whole class.

- Class Audio CDs.

- Well Done's web page.

The treatment of information in the digital competence is reflected throughout the Active teach and the Active Book in all the lessons of the Unit.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

▪ Interpersonal, social and civic competences are develop by working essential communication skills like:

- Understanding dialogs and comminication exchanges.

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, building and following basic rules to learn and play together as a group or in pairs. Play a game, Unit 5 (PB,page41 y 46).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers by acting out the story of the Unit:The Kids Fun Prizes Unit 5 PB, page 43.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tie to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competences are develop through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit.

- Learn the vocabulary related to different means of transport.

▪ Lesson 6 of each Unit consists of a section for multicultural learning to teach about respect for other cultures and traditions: PB, page 45.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences has as an objective to learn to communicate with others and understand what they are trying to say. In this Unit this competence is reflected in lessons2, 3, 6 and 7.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, chants and rhymes:

▪ A song : What can you do?, PB, page 34.

▪ A chant: Who is it?, PB, page 40.

▪ A rhyme: My friend Mike, PB, page 46.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: The Kid Fun Prizes, PB, page 43.

▪ Learn a story about everyday objects. PB, page 44.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. In this Unit the competence is exercise specially on lesson 5.

Learning to learn competence

The Learning to learn competence objective is for the student to reflect, about what he has learned and how he learned it. In order to motivate and make the student aware of the different cognitive abilities, and to be conscious of its own learning process. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Find and say and All about me. PB, page 47 en la lesson 8 de la Unit.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Play a game, PB, page 41 and Play the board game, PB, page 46. etc. This competence is reflected through different ways across the 8 lessons of the Unit.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Be aware of the physical space by the knowledge of the cross-curricular curriculum and multidisciplinary sections:

- Be able to named things you know how to do.

- Learn to count to find the result of a survey.

- Play a game with real objects.

This competence is reflected thought all the Unit in lessons:1-3.

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is develop in the Unit through: Keep records of a survey's result.

This competence is practiced on lesson 7 of the Unit.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications. (PB, pages 40-47), through acting out a story: (PB page 43).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 43).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: : Sing songs and chants:

- A chant: Who is it? PB, page 40.

- A song: What can you do? PB, page 42.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 5 –pages 40 to 47)

- Reference bar at the bottom of each page.

- Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension.

▪ Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language.(AB pages 38-45)

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 5 –pages 38 to 45).

- Cut-outs (for lesson 5 of this Unit).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book.

- Picture Dictionary

- Reader (in print and digital versions)

- Flashcards and Wordcards.

- Storycards

- Songs and chants. PB, pages 42 and 40.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned.

- Extra activity for the song. PB, page 42.

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge.

- Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice.

- Challenging activities for fast learners.

▪ Active Teach :interactive games and activities to practice the language.

v. Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete the AB exercises AB (Unit 5, page38 a 45).

Summative evaluation

Tests Unit 5.


Activity Book:

- Self evaluation at the end of each unit (Lesson 8, SB, page 47.)

- Active Teach: Picture Dictionary: Vocabulary review of the Unit.

Pupil’s Book:

- All about me (PB, page 47).

Evaluation Criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant Who is it?

- Name hobbies.

- Talk about habilites.

- Sing the song What can you do?

- Say the rhyme My friend Mike.

- Ask and answer questions about hobbies.

- Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the names of different hobbies.

- Recognize the names of abilities.

- Recognize adjectives to describe feelings.

- Understand a story with visual support.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize leisure time activities.

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to skills.

- Read adjectives to describe feelings.

- Read about and understand other people feelings.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write the names of different hobbies.

- Write down skills.

- Write adjectives to describe feelings.

- Write a description of how other people is feeling.

- Write a letter to a friend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Activities: Play football, ride a bike, swim, play the recorder, dance, sing, paint, make models, rollerblade, sport, music, art.

- Adjectives: Angry, happy, sad, surprised.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: I can (swim). I can’t (rollerblade).Can you sing? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. He can’t (play football). What can you do? She’s (surprised). He’s (sad)

- Receptive language: Look! A competition! And there’s a prize! Dear Kids Fun, We can swim. We can’t sing. If you like (art), what can you do? Do a survey, letter, friend. I haven’t got a prize. She’s got her magic stone. This is for you. It’s the prizes from Kids Fun! Give me the prizes! Can you help?

- Interdisciplinary language: 120, 140, music player, TV, about (90) years old.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Identify and produce the sounds / aɪ/, /i:/, /eı/, /a:/, /ɔ:/.

- Intonation and rhythm of the phrase.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: My friend Mike.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Appreciate other people talents and abilities.

- Work in pairs.

- Enjoy a read aloud.

- Value our possessions and belongings.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

UNIT 6: In my house.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant In my bedroom.

- Say vocabulary related to furniture.

- Name prepositions.

- Sing the song My house is full of animals.

- Say the rhyme Henry the Hamster.

- Ask and answer questions about the position and location of objects using Where’s...?

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize vocabulary related to furniture.

- Recognize a description of a house and its rooms.

- Recognize phrases with prepositions.

- Recognize the location of objects.

- Understand a story with visual support.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to furniture.

- Be able to read and recognize of a house and its rooms.

- Read prepositions.

- Be able to read the location of things.

- Read and understand a story.

▪ Writing:

- Write vocabulary related to furniture.

- Write a description of a house and its rooms.

- Write prepositions.

- Write the location of objects using There’s and There are.

- Describe their room.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Furniture: door, sofa, cupboard, window, chair, bed, table, wardrobe, hall, rooms in the house.

- Prepositions: In, on, under, behind, near.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: There’s a (bed). There are two (windows). There’s a (blue door) in the (kitchen). There are (five cupboards). Where’s (Silver)? (He’s/She’s) (under the table). Your mum is in the garden. How are you? Fine, thanks.

- Receptive language: Stand and Joe are at Victoria’s house. Right. The wardrobe goes in. True or false, floor. My house is full of animals. I don’t know what to do. I’m living in a zoo everywhere, tongue twister, hall, hamster. Let’s play a game! Be careful! Help!

- Interdisciplinary language: Dining room, drawing room, cup, glass, lamp, picture, plate, vase, man, woman. Cave house, Stilt house, houseboat, Turkey, China, Papua New Guinea, Holland, Europe, sea, canal, city, countryside, in the summer mountains.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Identify and produce the sounds /h/.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Henry the hamster.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Appreciate Art.

- Work in pairs.

- Respect our home.

- Homes from other parts of the world.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Identify and produce the sounds /h/.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Henry the hamster.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Furniture: door, sofa, cupboard, window, chair, bed, table, wardrobe, hall, rooms in the house.

- Prepositions: In, on, under, behind, near.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

▪ Language Structures: There’s a (bed). There are two (windows). There’s a (blue door) in the (kitchen). There are (five cupboards). Where’s (Silver)? (He’s/She’s) (under the table). Your mum is in the garden. How are you? Fine, thanks.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Use logic reasoning.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Social Sciences: Geography; other countries realities.

- Sciences: Homes from different parts of the world.

- Arts and Music: Appreciate Art, discover details in Art, a home song. Draw.

- Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and read (PB, page 48), Listen and chant (PB, page 48). Listen and sing (PB, page 50).

Play a game (PB, page 54).

The objective of the linguistic communication competence is to use language as a communication tool. This competence appears in all the units.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Posters and stickers (to connect visual - text information)

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Summary the contents of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Get started and practice the function of different information and digital competences using the components of the course.

WELL DONE! ACTIVE TEACH is a software for interactive digital boards which include the following components:

- Flashcards, wordcards and Storycards digital versions.

- Videoclips

- The interactive version of the Board game with dices and digital chips.

- Reader version to be listen by the whole class.

- Class Audio CDs.

- Well Done's web page.

The treatment of information in the digital competence is reflected throughout the Active teach and the Active Book in all the lessons of the Unit.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

▪ Interpersonal, social and civic competences are develop by working essential communication skills like:

- Understanding dialogs and comminication exchanges.

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, building and following basic rules to learn and play together as a group or in pairs.Play a game, Unit 6 (PB, page 54).

- Aprender a participar y colaborar con los compañeros through acting out a story de la Unit: At Alfie’s house Unit 6 PB, page 51.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tie to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competences are develop through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit.

- Learn the vocabulary related to different means of transport.

▪ Lesson 6 of each Unit consists of a section for multicultural learning to teach about respect for other cultures and traditions: PB, page 53.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences has as an objective to learn to communicate with others and understand what they are trying to say. In this Unit this competence is reflected in lessons 2 and 7.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, chants and rhymes:

▪ A song : My house is full of animals, PB, page 50.

▪ Un chant: In my bedroom, PB, page 48.

▪ A rhyme: Henry the hamster, PB, page 54.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: At Alfie’s house, PB, page 51.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. In this Unit the competence is exercise specially on lesson 4 and 6 of the curse applying the components of the method.

Learning to learn competence

The Learning to learn competence objective is for the student to reflect, about what he has learned and how he learned it. In order to motivate and make the student aware of the different cognitive abilities, and to be conscious of its own learning process. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Find and say and Write about your bedroom. Draw a picture. PB, page 55, en la lesson 8 of the Unit.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Play a game, PB, page 49. This competence is reflected through different ways across the 8 lessons of the Unit.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections:

- Learn vocabulary related to houses and the rooms in it.

- Learn the position of objects around a room.

- Follow directions to find the rooms of a house and its furniture.

- Play a game with real objects.

This competence is reflected thought all the Unit in lessons:1, 3 and 5.

Mathematical competence

- Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

- This competence is develop in the Unit through:

Spatial vision (lesson 3, PB, page 50).

This competence is practice on lesson 3 of the Unit.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications. (PB, pages 48-55), through acting out a story: (PB, page 51).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB, page 51).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: : Sing songs and chants:

- chant: In my bedroom. PB, page 48.

- song : My house is full of animals, PB, page 50.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 6 –pages 48 to 55)

- Reference bar at the bottom of each page.

- Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension.

▪ Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consist of interactive games and activities to practice the language.

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Unit 6 –pages 46 to 53).

- Cut-outs (for lesson 6 of this Unit).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book.

- Picture Dictionary.

- Reader (in print and digital versions)

- Flashcards and Wordcards .

- Storycards

- Songs and chants. PB, page48 y 50.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned.

- Extra activity for the song. PB, page 50.

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge.

- Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice.

- Challenging activities for fast learners.

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

v. Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete the AB exercises AB (Unit 6,page46 a 53).

Summative evaluation

Tests Unit 6, Trimester test.

(Teacher’s Pack).

Portfolio Worksheet (Teacher’s Resource Materials, page 62).


Activity Book:

- Self evaluation at the end of each unit(Lesson 8, SB, page 55)

- Active Teach: Picture Dictionary: Vocabulary review of the Unit.

- Pupil’s Book

- All about me (PB, page 55).

Evaluation Criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant In my bedroom.

- Mention vocabulary related to furniture

- Naming prepositions.

- Sing the song My house is full of animals.

- Say the rhyme Henry the Hamster.

- Ask and answer questions about the location of objects using Where’s ...?

- Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize vocabulary related to furniture.

- Recognize a description of a house and its rooms.

- Recognize phrases and prepositions.

- Recognize the positions of objects.

- Understanding a story with visual support.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

- Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize vocabulary related to furniture.

- Be able to read and recognize a description of a house and its rooms.

- Be able to read the position of objects.

- Read and understand a story.

- Writing:

- Write vocabulary related to furniture.

- Write a description of a house and the rooms in it.

- Write prepositions.

- Write the position of objects using There’s and There are.

- Describe their room.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Furniture: door, sofa, cupboard, window, chair, bed, table, wardrobe, hall, rooms in the house.

- Prepositions: In, on, under, behind, near.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language Structures: There’s a (bed). There are two (windows). There’s a (blue door) in the (kitchen). There are (five cupboards). Where’s (Silver)? (He’s/She’s) (under the table). Your mum is in the garden. How are you? Fine, thanks.

- Receptive language: Stand and Joe are at Victoria’s house. Right. The wardrobe goes in. True or false, floor. My house is full of animals. I don’t know what to do. I’m living in a zoo everywhere, tongue twister, hall, hamster. Let’s play a game! Be careful! Help!

- Interdisciplinary language: Dining room, drawing room, cup, glass, lamp, picture, plate, vase, man, woman. Cave house, Stilt house, houseboat, Turkey, China, Papua New Guinea, Holland, Europe, sea, canal, city, countryside, in the summer mountains.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Identify and produce the sounds /h/.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: Henry the hamster.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

▪ BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Appreciate Art.

- Work in pairs.

- Respect your home.

- Homes from other parts of the world.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

UNIT 7: Holiday time


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant and sing the song of the Unit.

- Say the vocabulary of the course.

- Say language structures about the course.

- Ask and answer questions using the language structures and the vocabulary of the course.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize language structures and the vocabulary of the course.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize the course vocabulary.

- Read the course language structures.

▪ Writing:

- Write language structures and the vocabulary of the course.

- Write questions and answers with the language of the course.

- Write phrases using the language structures and the vocabulary of the course.

- Write a description of your favourite character.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Course vocabulary: clothes, furniture, prepositions, adjectives to describe people, adjectives to describe animals, food, hobbies, transports, questions and answers.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language structures of Well Done 3.

- Receptive language: It’s holiday time, case. Now, Poppy is ready. Airport, Arrivals, Departures, We’re on a kids fun holiday. Fun for me and you. Draw your favourite character. Write a description. Best friend. Fish and chips.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: There’s a dress in the wardrobe.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Travel to other countries by plane.

- Work in pairs.

- Live new experiences away from home.

- Meet new people.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read, write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: There’s a dress in the wardrobe.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Course vocabulary: clothes, furniture, prepositions, adjectives to describe people, adjectives to describe animals, food, hobbies, transports, questions and answers.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Use logic reasoning.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Sciences: travel by plane.

- Arts and Music: a song about the Holidays, Draw.

- Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities.

▪ Listen and read (PB, page 56), Listen and chant (PB, page 56). Listen and sing (PB, page 58).

Play a game (PB page 59).

The objective of the linguistic communication competence is to use language as a communication tool. This competence appears in all the units.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Posters and stickers (to connect visual - text information)

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Summary the contents of the bottom of the page on each lesson.

▪ Get started and practice the function of different information and digital competences using the components of the course.

WELL DONE! ACTIVE TEACH is a software for interactive digital boards which include the following components:

- Digital versions of flashcards, wordcards, Storycards.

- Videoclips.

- The interactive version of the Board game with dices and digital chips.

- Reader version to be listen by the whole class.

- Class Audio CDs.

- Well Done's web page.

The treatment of information in the digital competence is reflected throughout the Active teach and the Active Book in all the lessons of the Unit.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

▪ Interpersonal, social and civic competences are develop by working essential communication skills like:

- Understanding dialogs and comminication exchanges.

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, building and following basic rules to learn and play together as a group or in pairs.Play a game, (PB, page 59).

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tie to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competences are develop through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit.

- Learn the vocabulary related to los different means of transport.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences has as an objective to learn to communicate with others and understand what they are trying to say. In this Unit this competence is reflected in lessons 1-3.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, chants and rhymes:

▪ A song : Here’s your food, PB, page 34.

▪ A chant: Poppy’s chant. PB, page 56.

▪ A song: The holiday time song. PB, page 58.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. In this Unit the competence is exercise in the curse applying the components of the method.

Learning to learn competence

The Learning to learn competence objective is for the student to reflect, about what he has learned and how he learned it. In order to motivate and make the student aware of the different cognitive abilities, and to be conscious of its own learning process. This competence is develop in lesson 4 of the Unit.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work. This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities: Play a game, PB, page 59. This competence is reflected through different ways across the 8 lessons of the Unit.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Describe people and their clothes.

- Talk about other people abilities.

This competence is reflected thought all the Unit in lessons:2 and 3.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications. (PB, pages 56-59), through acting out a story: (PB page 11).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: : Sing songs and chants:

- Un chant: Poppy’s chant. PB, page 56.

- A song: The holiday time song. PB, page 58.

This competence is develop thought all the lessons of the Unit.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Holiday time –pages 56 to 59)

- Reference bar at the bottom of each page.

▪ Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language.(AB, page54-57)

- Flashcards, Wordcards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Holiday time –pages 54 to 57).

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book.

- Reader (in print and digital versions)

- Flashcards and Wordcards .

- Storycards

- Songs and chants. PB, pages 56 and 58.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned.

- Extra activity for the song. PB, page 58.

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge.

- Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice.

- Challenging activities for fast learners.

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

v. Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete the AB exercises AB (Unit 1,pages 7 to 13).

Summative evaluation

Final test, page 23 (Teacher’s Pack).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of each Unit.

Evaluation Criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Reproduce the chant and the song of the Unit.

- Say the vocabulary of the course.

- Say the language structures of the course.

- Ask and answer questions about objects using the Language structures and vocabulary of the course.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the language structures and the vocabulary of the course.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read and recognize the course vocabulary.

- Read the Language structures of the course.

▪ Writing:

- Write Language structures and the vocabulary of the course.

- Write questions and answers with the language of the course.

- Write phrases using Language structures and the vocabulary of the course.

- Write a description of their favourite characters.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Course vocabulary: clothing, furniture, prepositions, adjectives to describe people, adjectives to describe animals, food, hobbies, transports, questions and answers.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Language structures del Well Done 3.

- Receptive language: It’s holiday time, case. Now, Poppy is ready. Airport, Arrivals, Departures, We’re on a kids fun holiday. Fun for me and you. Draw your favourite character. Write a description. Best friend. Fish and chips.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

- Rhyme to practice the phrase: There’s a dress in the wardrobe.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Travel to foreign countries by plane.

- Work in pairs.

- Life new experiences away from home.

- Meet new people.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.



BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Mention vocabulary related to Halloween.

- Sing Halloween Night.

- Name Halloween objects.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize vocabulary related to Halloween.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read vocabulary related to Halloween.

▪ Writing:

- Write vocabulary related to Halloween.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Vocabulary: Halloween party, pumpkin, ghost, witch, vampire, spider, trick-or-treat, jack-o lantern, candle, sweets.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Receptive language: Halloween night, scary, do you dare? I can make you wail, sheet, tail, balloon, string, fabric, hole.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Halloween traditions.

- Learn a Halloween song.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts through active participation in routines, presentations, songs, poems and role play.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms.

▪ Vocabulary: Halloween party, pumpkin, ghost, witch, vampire, spider, trick-or-treat, jack-o lantern, candle, sweets.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Memorizar una canción.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines

- Social Sciences: Cultural traditions.

- Arts and Music: A Halloween song.


Linguistic competence

Using language as a communication tool.

Data processing and digital competence

Use the new technologies in the classroom through the Active Teach and the Active Book.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Learn to communicate with others and understand what they are trying to say.

Cultural and artistic competence

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative , creativity and learn the traditions and culture about other countries and the culture of other countries.

Cultural and artistic competence objective is to develop and value.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

The objective of this competence is to develop positive attitudes and respect towards themselves and others.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications. (PB, page 62)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: : Sing songs and chants:

- A song: Halloween Night. PB, page 60.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Activity Book, page 58.

Optional activities of the Teacher's Resources Materials, page63-64.



BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Mention vocabulary related to Christmas.

- Sing Jingle Bells.

- Use Christmas expressions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize the Language structures and the vocabulary of the course.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read vocabulary related to Christmas.

▪ Writing:

- Write Language structures and vocabulary related to Christmas.

- Write a letter to Santa Claus.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Vocabulary: Father Christmas, beard, sleigh, present, everyone, reindeer, mince pie, stocking, full, bell, Santa.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Receptive language: Rudolph, full of presents, jingle all the way, oh, What fun it is to ride.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Understand the cultural traditions of Christmas.

- Learn a Christmas song.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts thought active participation in routines, presentations, songs, poems and role play.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others.

▪ Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Vocabulary: Father Christmas, beard, sleigh, present, everyone, reindeer, mince pie, stocking, full, bell, Santa.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remember new words.

- Play a memory game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Social Sciences: Christmas traditions.

- Arts and Music: Christmas decorations, a Christmas song.


Linguistic competence

Using language as a communication tool.

Data processing and digital competence

Use the new technologies in the classroom through the Active Teach and the Active Book.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Learn to communicate with others and understand what they are saying.

Cultural and artistic competence

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative , creativity and learn the traditions and culture about other countries and the culture of other countries.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

The objective of this competence is to develop positive attitudes and respect towards themselves and others.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications. (PB, page 62)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: : Sing songs and chants.

- A song: Jingle Bells. PB, page 62.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Activity Book, page 59.

Optional activities of the Teacher's Resources Materials, pages 65-66.



BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Say vocabulary related to carnival.

- Sing Do the hokey-cokey.

- Say carnival greetings.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognize vocabulary related to carnivals.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading:

- Be able to read vocabulary related to carnivals.

▪ Writing:

- Write vocabulary related to Carnivals.

- Write a description of a custom.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

- Vocabulary: Carnival, parade, float, costume, mask, decorations, Put your right/left leg/arm, in/out, shake, turn around.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Receptive language: Do the hokey-cokey! That’s what’s it’s all about, beetle, ladybird.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language through active participation in the classroom.

- Understand the cultural traditions of a Carnival.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses from a limited range of options within a less structure context.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activity.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts through active participation in routines, presentations, songs, poems and role play.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context , non verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and understand different types of texts, on paper or digital, adapted to the linguistic competence of the students, in order for them to use global and specific information in the development of a task or for the simple enjoyment of reading.

▪ Guided used of reading strategies (using visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or the situation transferred from their native language) , identifying important information, grasping the meaning of the words and unknown expressions.

▪ Read and write their own texts of daily life situations pertinent to them as, invitations, greeting cards, notes, notices, brochures, among others. Write different types of texts from a model, using common simple expressions and phrases to communicate or share information.

▪ Use technologies of information and communication to read , write and to transmit information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Vocabulary: Carnival, parade, float, costume, mask, decorations. Put your right/left leg/arm, in/out, shake, turn around.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Developing effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instrucctions.

- Remembering new words.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Content of other disciplines:

- Social Science: Carnival traditions.

- Arts and Music: Carnival components. Make a custom.


Linguistic competence

Using language as a communication tool.

Data processing and digital competence

Use the new technologies in the classroom through the Active Teach and the Active Book.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Learn to communicate with others and understand what they are trying to say.

Cultural and artistic competence

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative , creativity and learn the traditions and culture about other countries and the culture of other countries.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and team work.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

The objective of this competence is to develop positive attitudes and respect towards themselves and others.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be a better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self esteem, trusting in itself, and it's possibilities:

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogs and communications. (PB, page 63)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: : Sing songs and chants:

- A song: The hokey-cokey, PB, page 63.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Activity Book, page 60.

Optional activities of the Teacher's Resources Materials, pages 67-68.


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