|[pic][pic][pic]Copyright © 2012 Study Island - All rights reserved. |

|Generation Date: |03/08/2012 |

|Generated By: |Brooke Smith |


|Prefixes and Suffixes |

|1.  | |

|Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question. | |

|We knew Francis was malcontent when he said he wanted to be left alone. | |

| | |

| | |

|What does the word malcontent mean in the sentence above? | |

| | |

|[pic|A. |scared |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |unhappy |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |excited |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |rushed |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|2.  |

|Identify the meaning of the prefix underlined in the word Interstate highway. |

| |

|[pic|A. |between |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |over |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |under |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |without |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


| |

|     It was an adventure I'll never forget. I expected spring in late March, but it was strictly winter in the Smokies. Where |

|wildflowers should have been bursting with color, the ground was mantled with snow, and in places with ice. Consequently, it took a |

|while to get organized with the right gear for the weather, and it was after midday before we started up the trail to Mount LeConte, |

|one of the favored vista points in the park, especially for sunset watching. |

|     I confess that my friend, Mark Prichard, carried the heavy pack. We followed a stream thickly bordered by laurel and |

|rhododendron. The sky was generally clear, though scattered clouds hung low about the mountaintops and in the valleys. We saw forests|

|dusted white with snow. They reminded me of a picture book scene of Bavaria or the Black Forest. The higher we climbed, the colder it|

|became. As we passed under a rocky outcrop, the tree limbs glistened with icicles. Now and then they broke loose with thundering |

|pops. We made it to the mountaintop and huddled all night in the old stone shelter. The shelter was built for summer use and was |

|downright breezy in winter. Looking back, I realize it was well worth the effort. I was glad we had taken the precaution to dress |

|warmly. |

|     The park lies astride the common border of North Carolina and Tennessee. The border is unbroken for a distance of 70 miles, |

|except for one transmountain road. The Smokies stand as the masterwork of the Appalachian highlands. They are fed by the fertile land|

|and nourished by rain and rushing streams. Plant life is luxuriant and varied, with more kinds of trees than in all of Europe. |

|     The park covers 517,014 acres, embracing some of the oldest mountains on earth. Their foundations were laid on the floor of a |

|shallow sea over 500 million years ago. The loftiness of the mountains was produced during a long period of earth upheavals called |

|the Appalachian Revolution that occurred about 200 million years ago. The Smokies escaped the icy tongue of the glaciers, and as a |

|result, many plant species were able to survive. Today the park is the meeting ground of northern and southern types of forests. |

|     I find the history of the region as fascinating as its natural endowments. For hundreds of years, the Smokies were part of the |

|mountain empire of the Cherokee Indians. At its height the empire extended from Virginia south to Georgia and Alabama. The Indians |

|lived in harmony with nature in small communities along the streams. Once the colonists discovered the region and advanced from South|

|Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, the Indians were doomed. |

|     At first, settlers took up the generous valleys and coves. On the North Carolina side, John Jacob Mingus settled in the |

|Oconaluftee Valley in 1792. He may have been the first white man to live in what is now the national park. Others followed in the |

|1800s, living in isolation, moving into the subvalleys, along creek branches and up the steep hillsides to scrabble for a hard |

|living. They grew almost everything they ate and made almost everything they wore. The national park was a long time in coming to the|

|Great Smoky Mountains. The idea of designating the region as a national park was first presented in 1899. The idea resurfaced in |

|1923. The park was finally established in 1926. |

|adapted from National Park Guide by Michael Frome, Great Smoky Mountains National Park |

|3.  | |

|In the passage, glaciers means | |

| | |

|[pic|A. |and animal |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |icy tongues |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |large masses of ice |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |a kind of plant |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|4.  |

|In the passage, the word unbroken means |

| |

|[pic|A. |shattered |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |missing |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |not broken |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |cracked |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|5.  |

|In the passage, the word subvalleys means |

| |

|[pic|A. |up the steep hillsides of the Smokies |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |inside the caves in the valleys |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |a valley nestled in the Smokies |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |in the lower part of the valleys |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|6.  |

|In the passage, the word discovered means |

| |

|[pic|A. |recovered |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |misplaced |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |found |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |discourage |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|7.  |

|In the passage, the word adventure means |

| |

|[pic|A. |to take a trip. |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |a challenging experience. |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |an ordinary venture. |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |to plan a vacation. |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|8.  |

|In the passage, survive means |

| |

|[pic|A. |continue to revive |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |to find |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |surcease |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |continue to live |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|9.  |

|In the passage, the word transmountain means |

| |

|[pic|A. |to cross the border. |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |to transport the Smokies. |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |across the mountains. |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |to cross a river. |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|10.  |

|In the passage, precaution means |

| |

|[pic|A. |personal preference |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |special care taken |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |carelessness |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |active participation |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|11.  |

|Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question. |

|After trying and trying to get Francis on board, Joanne decided that he was being dismissive of the entire trip, and she left him |

|alone. |

| |

| |

|What does the word dismissive mean in the sentence above? |

| |

|[pic|A. |not interested |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |anxious |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |energized |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |hopeful |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|12.  |

|Identify the meaning of the suffix underlined in the word condensation. |

| |

|[pic|A. |capable of |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |process of |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |full of |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |without |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


| |

|      In the Dark Year of the Raven, 13 men of the court plotted to take the throne of King Hugo. The king grew suspicious when he |

|noticed that the men seemed to disappear at the same time after royal meetings. He sent his loyal foot soldier out to watch over |

|their activities. He found them conspiring together to overthrow the king in an uncompleted workshop. Upon the discovery of the plot |

|against the king, the conspirators were arrested. They were all imprisoned for their involvement for their crimes against the court. |

|adapted from "Raven's Plot" by Mr. Gore |

|13.  | |

|Using your knowledge of how affixes change the meaning of a word, what is the meaning of the word conspirators in the passage above?| |

| | |

| | |

|[pic|A. |those who conspire |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |innocent men |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |not conspiring |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |senators |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|14.  |

|Using your knowledge of how affixes change the meaning of a word, what is the meaning of the word suspicious in the passage above? |

| |

|[pic|A. |trusting |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |unquestioning |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |having suspicion |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |without suspicion |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|15.  |

|Using your knowledge of how affixes change the meaning of a word, what is the meaning of the word disappear in the passage above? |

| |

|[pic|A. |come into view |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |appear before |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |vanish from sight |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |appear again |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|16.  |

|Using your knowledge of how affixes change the meaning of a word, what is the meaning of the word uncompleted in the passage above? |

| |

|[pic|A. |unknown |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |hidden |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |finished |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |not finished |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|17.  |

|Using your knowledge of how affixes change the meaning of a word, what is the meaning of the word involvement in the passage above? |

| |

|[pic|A. |removed before |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |not involved |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |against prison |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |the act of being involved |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|18.  |

|The word manuscript contains the root word script with the prefix manu-. What is the definition of manuscript? |

| |

|[pic|A. |a document written by hand |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |a rock carving |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |a homemade piece of furniture |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |a document written about another person |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|19.  |

|It is customary for people in Japan to remove their shoes before entering a room in someone's house. When Dolly came back from Japan,|

|she decided to adopt this custom. She now asks people who visit her to please remove their shoes before entering as a sign of respect|

|and politeness. |

| |

|Using your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, what is the meaning of the word politeness in the passage above? |

| |

|[pic|A. |being late |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |being honest |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |being polite |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |being rude |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|20.  |

|It is customary for people in Japan to remove their shoes before entering a room in someone's house. When Dolly came back from Japan,|

|she decided to adopt this custom. She now asks people who visit her to please remove their shoes before entering as a sign of respect|

|and politeness. |

| |

|Using your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, what is the meaning of the word customary in the passage above? |

| |

|[pic] |A. |foreign |

|[pic] |B. |a way of running |

|[pic] |C. |commonly practiced, used, or observed |

|[pic] |D. |the unknown |

Write your response here:


|[pic]21.  |

|Another word for pedestal is |

| |

|[pic] |A. |floor. |

|[pic] |B. |counter. |

|[pic] |C. |table. |

|[pic] |D. |base. |

Write your response here:


| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Tennessee Caves |

| |

|     Hidden in Tennessee's abundant limestone bedrock is a network of secret worlds—cave ecosystems. Tennessee has more than 7,000 |

|beautiful and mysterious caves that support many animals. From the surface, a cave may simply appear to be a dark hole in the ground.|

|However, there are incredible sights hidden in the darkness—flowing streams and waterfalls, quiet clear pools, gardens of rock and |

|twinkling crystals, vertical columns, and curtains of stone. |

|     Tennessee's caves form a topography of sinkholes, sinking streams, underground drainage, and springs. As the rock dissolves, |

|tiny cracks in the rock grow to form underground openings. Over thousands of years, these subterranean openings can become large |

|rooms and interconnecting passages extending for miles and having many levels. As the underground water flows through small cracks |

|and passages within the rock, the water mixes with minerals. When the water reaches a larger passage or room, the water evaporates |

|and dissolved minerals are deposited as beautiful formations like stalactites, stalagmites, flower-shaped rocks, flowstone, and soda |

|straws. As long as the water drips, the formations will grow and change. |

|     Several factors influence a cave's environment—temperature, humidity, free-flowing water near the entrance, airflow, and |

|available light. Different combinations of these factors create different habitats. Hundreds of invertebrates, such as isopods, |

|amphipods, snails, mites, millipedes, and beetles, have adapted to these specific conditions and claim caves as their homes. |

|     While exploring a cave, a person may be lucky enough to see all three types of cave creatures. Bats, wood rats, and some |

|crickets are known as trogloxenes—cave visitors. These creatures spend only part of their lives in caves. Troglophiles, or cave |

|lovers, such as some cave spiders, can spend their lives in caves if they choose, or they can live in dark, damp places in other |

|ecosystems. Finally, there are the cave dwellers, or troglibites, such as blind cavefish, crayfish, cave beetles, and Tennessee cave |

|salamanders. They spend their entire lives in caves. Having mutated to survive in the absence of light, many have turned into eyeless|

|or blind and colorless creatures. |

|adapted from |

|22.  | |

|In the passage, topography most likely has to do with | |

| | |

|[pic] |A. |the poor water quality. |

|[pic] |B. |the features of a place. |

|[pic] |C. |the behavior of animals. |

|[pic] |D. |the dangers of the dark. |

Write your response here:


|23.  |

|Which of the following is most likely true about isopods? |

| |

|[pic] |A. |None of their legs are the same width. |

|[pic] |B. |They have short and skinny front legs. |

|[pic] |C. |They have four different kinds of legs. |

|[pic] |D. |All their legs have similar size and shape. |

Write your response here:


|24.  |

|In the passage, readers learn that Tennessee caves have subterranean openings. What does subterranean mean? |

| |

|[pic] |A. |under crystals |

|[pic] |B. |under rocks |

|[pic] |C. |underground |

|[pic] |D. |underwater |

Write your response here:


|25.  |

|According to the passage, what kind of animals only spend part of their lives in caves? |

| |

|[pic] |A. |isopods |

|[pic] |B. |troglophiles |

|[pic] |C. |trogloxenes |

|[pic] |D. |amphipods |

Write your response here:


|[pic]26.  |

|A person who is emotionless is |

| |

|[pic] |A. |without emotion. |

|[pic] |B. |overcome by emotion. |

|[pic] |C. |afraid to show emotion. |

|[pic] |D. |full of emotion. |

Write your response here:


|27.  |

|"Travel is glamorous only in retrospect." -- Paul Theroux |

| |

|Identify the meaning of the prefix underlined within the following word: retrospect. |

| |

|[pic|A. |toward |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |currently |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |backwards |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |forwards |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|28.  |

|Identify the meaning of the root word underlined in the word dictionary. |

| |

|[pic|A. |to mix |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |to speak |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |to step |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |to ask |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|29.  |

|From the late 1800s to the 1960s, the Australian government forced native children to separate from their families. The government's |

|aim was to cut children off from their culture and have them raised to think and act as "white." Through these means, they hoped to |

|reduce the poverty rate in the native population. This was a misguided attempt to help the natives. The social position of the |

|"removed" native children did not improve. |

| |

|In the passage, the word misguided means |

| |

|[pic|A. |badly directed. |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |carefully led. |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |not full of success. |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |well thought out. |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|30.  |

|Devon is the oldest, and he knows what it's like to be the big brother. As the patriarch of his family, Devon's father would go out |

|of town to work and provide for his family, so Devon decided to help out more around the house. |

| |

|Using your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, what is the meaning of the word patriarch in the passage above? |

| |

|[pic|A. |Mother of the family |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |A family member |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |Father of the family |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |An acquaintance |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|31.  |

|"One of the duties of the State is that of caring for those of its citizens who find themselves the victims of such adverse |

|circumstances as makes them unable to obtain even the necessities for mere existence without the aid of others." -- Franklin D. |

|Roosevelt |

| |

|Identify the meaning of the prefix underlined within the following word: adverse. |

| |

|[pic|A. |away |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |from |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |to |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |again |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|32.  |

|"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men . . . you must first enable the government to control the |

|governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself." -- James Madison |

| |

|Identify the meaning of the prefix underlined within the following word: oblige. |

| |

|[pic|A. |in |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |through |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |many |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |toward |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|33.  |

|"General Wood does not think that I give quite enough credit to the Rough Riders as compared to the regulars in this Guasimas fight, |

|and believes that I greatly underestimate the Spanish force and loss." -- Theodore Roosevelt |

| |

|Identify the meaning of the prefix underlined within the following word: underestimate. |

| |

|[pic] |A. |below |

|[pic] |B. |above |

|[pic] |C. |in |

|[pic] |D. |around |

Write your response here:


|34.  |

|"The whole of this great arsenal of war factories in the Ruhr depends for its water on three enormous dams: the Moehne, the Eder, and|

|the Sorpe. They control the level of the canals and supply a lot of hydroelectric power as well. When those are full, they hold four |

|hundred million tons of water. Just think of the chaos if we could break those walls down." -- Dr. Barnes N. Wallis, CBE, FRS |

| |

|Identify the meaning of the prefix underlined within the following word: hydroelectric. |

| |

|[pic] |A. |air |

|[pic] |B. |water |

|[pic] |C. |land |

|[pic] |D. |smoke |

Write your response here:


|35.  |

|Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question. |

|Macy tried to circumvent the problem by calling her professor ahead of time. |

| |

| |

|What does the word circumvent mean in the sentence above? |

| |

|[pic] |A. |to learn again |

|[pic] |B. |to remember |

|[pic] |C. |to draw a circle |

|[pic] |D. |to get around |

Write your response here:


|36.  |

|Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question. |

|Felipe was surprised that the driver's name was audible over the train's noise. |

| |

| |

|What does the word audible mean in the sentence above? |

| |

|[pic] |A. |able to be heard |

|[pic] |B. |to be heard again |

|[pic] |C. |unable to be heard |

|[pic] |D. |to be heard twice |

Write your response here:


|37.  |

|Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question. |

|The driver asked the students to keep the noise to a minimum whisper because she had a migraine. |

| |

| |

|What does the word minimum mean in the sentence above? |

| |

|[pic] |A. |small |

|[pic] |B. |sickly |

|[pic] |C. |listening |

|[pic] |D. |generous |

Write your response here:


|38.  |

|When the snow froze over into ice, it caused quite the catastrophe for the parking lot. The ice was so heavy, it caused the branches |

|to break from the trees and onto the parked cars. In addition to the broken windshields, the floor to the lot was covered in debris |

|and other particles. This was abnormal weather for this time of the year. |

| |

|Using your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, what is the meaning of the word abnormal in the passage above? |

| |

|[pic] |A. |Normally |

|[pic] |B. |Cold |

|[pic] |C. |Hard |

|[pic] |D. |Not normal |

Write your response here:


|[pic]39.  |

|John Adams was the second president of the United States, which means that George Washington was his predecessor? |

| |

| |

|Which of the following is the meaning of predecessor? |

| |

|[pic|A. |one who goes before another in time |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |to move or go forward |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |one who comes after another in time |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |to move or go backward |

|] | | |

Write your response here:


|40.  |

|Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question. |

|At the local homeless shelter, George and Angelica administer to the poor; they like to help people find jobs. |

| |

| |

|In the sentence above, the word administer means to |

| |

|[pic|A. |organize. |

|] | | |

|[pic|B. |preach. |

|] | | |

|[pic|C. |give. |

|] | | |

|[pic|D. |yell. |

|] | | |

Write your response here:



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