[Pages:16]AN N UAL RE PORT 2014

MISSION Metanoia Community Development Corporation is a movement of people, rooted in faith. We invest in neighborhood assets to build leaders, establish quality housing and generate economic development. We are pushing forward into new relationships with God and one another to create strong communities.

VISION Metanoia envisions a diverse community of people that are inspired and empowered to make the community better for generations to come; where quality housing and livable wage jobs are accessible to all; where there are academically achieving schools; where businesses and faith communities bene t the community; where the quality of life includes green space and recreational opportunities; and where Reynolds Avenue is a hub of economic and social activities. We recognize the people of our community are essential to the accomplishment of this vision.


Michael Brown Erica Fludd Blake Hart Rashawnna Hawkins Belinda Holloway Burnet Jacques Lisa McLean Aisha Singletary Ayesha Washington Suzanne Morse, Honorary Member


Cindy Cartmell Greg Garvan Sam Hayes Cyndy Keyes Marty Klaper Charles Larsen Natalie Lawrence Carole Mauldin Connor McIntyre Matthew Pardieck Wayne & Cheryl Patterson Eric Porter eld Terry & Tammy Thompson


2005 Reynolds Avenue North Charleston, SC 29405

t: (843) 529-3014 f: (843) 529-3639

welcome to


DEAR M ETANOIA FAM I LY We have always viewed holistic community development as a marathon and not a sprint. The issues of community instability that present themselves in the neighborhoods where we live and work took years to evolve and can't be solved instantly. For that reason, it is helpful for us to step back from time to time and take the long view. This year we decided to have some fun with looking forward into the future by imagining how our present efforts might bene t the community twenty years from now ? all the way out in 2034.

Looking forward to the future is more than just a gimmick to keep our Annual Report fresh. It is a guiding directive and key value for us. At Metanoia, we look to invest, not so much in the problems that seem the most pressing today, but in the opportunities that seem to have the most potential for the future. If we have done our job well in 2014, there will be great returns for our community in 2034.

We can't predict the future perfectly, but we can promise that whatever comes, Metanoia will remain committed to our core values of being community driven, asset based and rooted in faith. We envision a future driven by community residents themselves, where opportunities to grow personal and community strengths thrives. Though Metanoia remains non-sectarian, our faith is a key factor in helping motivate many of us through the sometimes dif cult days it might take to arrive at that bright future.

If we do our jobs well over the next 20 years, we may well work ourselves out of a job at Metanoia by 2034. Our ultimate success would be to create a picture of community health that is so vibrant and full of natural opportunities that Metanoia can step to the sidelines with the satisfaction of a job well done. In the meantime, we hope you will take a look at all of the initiatives we have pursued in 2014 and continue supporting our movement as we push forward into the future together.

As always, we remain grateful for your support as Metanoia could not exist without it. Thank you very much for your consideration and we look forward to the next twenty years of working together!

With sincere thanks,

Lisa McLean Metanoia Board Chair

Bill Stan eld Metanoia CEO


IMAGINE: Thriving communities led by empowered citizens. Bustling neighborhoods where residents have access to quality affordable housing, livable wage jobs, healthy food choices, recreational opportunities and great local education. A place where businesses prosper, the local economy is strong, and crime is low. A place where citizens control the resources in their neighborhoods and invest in opportunities they choose. In 2034, movements like Metanoia have worked with neighborhood residents to realize these healthy communities.

Photo courtesy of Germaine Jenkins

Young entrepreneurs like these will form the backbone of a vibrant neighborhood economy.

A balance of mixed-income housing will make neighborhoods like ours attractive to stable, neighborhood-building renters and homebuyers.

Community gardens will augment a variety of healthy food options, including a grocery store.

Residents are asked rst about decisions in their neighborhoods.

There will be dozens of beautiful green spaces and recreational opportunities for kids and adults.

Citizens will use their gifts, skills and abilities to make their neighborhood beautiful.

BY 2034

Successful agencies and nonpro ts listen closely to residents of the neighborhoods they serve. In doing so, they discover the many human and physical resources ? assets ? that already exist in distressed communities. They invest in these assets in order to create opportunities. They ask citizens to demonstrate their strengths and capacities in order to receive an investment. They work to redirect the ow of money into the neighborhood away from problems and towards areas of potential. Above all, t h e y a s k r e g u l a r citizens to lead as they work together to build a brighter future.


As we continue pushing forward into the future, let's take a look back at some of the stories of 2014:

YOUTH LEADERSHIP ACADEMY This year we upgraded our capacity to build young leaders. Instead of many different programs for youth of each age, youth of our year-round leadership program are now students of the Metanoia Youth Leadership Academy. As we continue to offer leadership curriculum to neighborhood youth identi ed for leadership potential, we have partnered with regional experts to offer in-depth "majors" and "minors" in diverse subjects like STEM training, theater, and even ballroom dancing. Summer Freedom School, where 100 neighborhood students learn a love of reading and citizenship in equal measure, is now a part of the Youth Leadership Academy. With our year-round leadership training, we are creating a `youth leadership pipeline' to forge the next generation of community leaders.

1,800+ HOURS

of parent participation to secure their child's spot in our Leadership Academy

700+ HOURS

of leadership curriculum each student receives in our year-round Leadership Academy


started coming to Metanoia when she was a 3rd grader at our local Chicora Elementary School. In 2013 she was a member of Metanoia's rst graduating class of high school seniors. She has now accomplished another rst: In 2014, she became both the rst Metanoia graduate to serve on the Metanoia Board of Directors and also the youngest.

Photo courtesy of Lucrecia Mitchell Photo courtesy of Germaine Jenkins

FINANCIAL LITERACY 78% We continue offering free

of students showed financial literacy


knowledge growth after attending our

Education and financial literacy class


based on pre- and post-testing


82 classes to

strengthen the nancial skills

g r a d u a t e s of our free Financial Literacy

of community

a n d H o m e b u y e r 's Education class in

residents. 2014


Community Garden Coordinator Germaine Jenkins trained 4 Garden Ambassadors to build more community green spaces around our neighborhood.


As word spreads about our unique approach to community development, more and more organizations are asking us to share our philosophy with them.


Freedom School scholars organized a march and rally to raise community awareness about potential effects of the new railyard facility being built next to Chicora-Cherokee.

We held our annual Town Hall meeting, where community residents tell us what kinds of things they would like to see in their neighborhoods. Citizens like these guide all of our work.



came to our Financial L i t e r a c y / H o m e b u y e r 's Education courses with the dream of starting her own business. She completed the classes and saved money in part by opening an Individual Savings Account, which encourages saving money for education or entrepreneurial purposes. We then partnered with South Carolina Association f o r Community Economic Development to nd her a 3 to 1 match on her savings. Soon after, she took t h a t m o n e y a n d launched her business career by purchasing a Janpro cleaning franchise.

OWNER OCCUPIED REHABILITATION In addition to building new or renovating homes for rst-time homeowners in North Charleston, we have been repairing homes since 2007. The City of North Charleston named us stewards of their Owner Occupied Rehabilitation program in 2012. There are many stable homeowners in our community that are not able to make major repairs to their greatest asset. The Owner Occupied Rehabilitation p r o g r a m f o r x e d - a n d low-income homeowners makes it possible for them to stay in their homes by providing major xes such as HVAC replacements or roof repairs.

51rehabilitations Metanoia has completed

$1.5 Million+

estimated value of repairs


reinvested in our community per year from rental revenues of our quality affordable

Alan and Mattie Wilson, pictured to the right, are among our new neighbors. We have converted a number of

rental units

our home rehabs into

quality affordable rental

23 units Metanoia units. This has allowed

has built new or renovated in our

us to continue bringing community-minded residents like the

community for first time W i l s o n s t o o u r

homeowners or renters neighborhood in the face

of our quality affordable of a tough housing

rental initiative



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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