Fourteen Days in Tokyo - Ms. Bodero's 5th Grade


Read the passage "Fourteen Days in Tokyo" before answering Numbers 11 through 20.

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Fourteen Days in Tokyo

It was July, and Todd wanted to hang out with his friends. Yet, on Friday, Todd and his family were flying to Tokyo, Japan. They would visit his grandmother, Obaasan. She liked being called by the Japanese word for grandmother. Obaasan promised to show them around Tokyo, but Todd really did not want to leave San Francisco.

First of all, they arrived early and had to sit in the airport for two hours before the flight. Finally they took off and were airborne, but it was still another eleven hours before they would land in Tokyo. Todd's mother was petite, so she didn't suffer from the small amount of space each passenger had. However, his father was soon complaining about leg cramps. This trip was even worse than Todd had expected.

After a taxi ride, they were at Obaasan's apartment in a modern building. She met them with a big hug. Inside her apartment, there were no doors. Screens separated the rooms. Instead of carpets, straw mats were on the floors. The furnishings with cushions for seating and a low dining table were different from the kind of furniture in Todd's home. Obaasan had flowers in every room.

126 Grade 5


Weekly Assessment ? Unit 3, Week 1

Obaasan had prepared a special meal for them. Todd liked the rice and grilled tuna, but he didn't care for the cake of soybeans called tofu. He had never eaten pickled vegetables, but the taste was not bad.

Due to being awake during the protracted flight, Todd was exhausted and slept well. Obaasan served them breakfast and then took them to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, the tallest building in the city. The observatory decks at the top are the best place to view all of Tokyo. It was a clear morning so they could see Mount Fuji, the tallest mountain in Japan and a kind of volcano. Todd had never seen such a view! Maybe this trip would not be boring after all.

Afterwards, they ate at a restaurant in the building. Everyone ordered sushi, a small, tasty food and a delicacy. Some pieces were rice rolled with fish and others were rice rolled with vegetables. The sushi in San Francisco was not nearly as good.

The next day, Obaasan took everyone to Sunshine City, a city within the city with shops, restaurants, and an indoor theme park with games and rides. It had a number of food theme areas like Ice Cream City where shops sell ice cream. While Obaasan and Mom went shopping, Dad and Todd visited the theme park where Todd played video games. Then they went to the aquarium to see sea animals. The stingrays were Todd's favorite.

Everything was turning out to be more interesting than Todd expected, but his best time was at a bunraku, or puppet theater. The puppets were as big as people and seemed to be alive. The people who worked the puppets were right on stage in front of the audience. Because the puppets were so large, everything they said and did seemed exaggerated. Todd loved the colorful costumes and sets.

When it was time to return to America, Todd did not want to leave. It had been the best two weeks of his life! He asked Obaasan if he could come back next summer, and she said, "I would love that."


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Weekly Assessment ? Unit 3, Week 1


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Now answer Numbers 11 through 20. Base your answers on "Fourteen Days in Tokyo."

11 What is the theme of this passage?

a Tokyo is the best city in the world. b It is a long way from San Francisco to Tokyo. c Sometimes we have to try something new to enjoy it. d Many things in Japan are different from what an

American is used to.

12 Read this sentence from the passage. Finally they took off and were airborne, but it was still another eleven hours before they would land in Tokyo.

What does airborne mean in the sentence above?

f off the ground g into orbit in space h thrown about by the wind i dizzy from the high altitude

13 Read this sentence from the passage. Todd's mother was petite, so she didn't suffer from the small amount of space each passenger had.

What does petite mean in the sentence above?

a cheerful b eager c patient d small

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Weekly Assessment ? Unit 3, Week 1



14 Which text evidence best supports the theme of the passage?

f Everyone ordered sushi, a small, tasty food and

a delicacy.

g When it was time to return to America, Todd did not

want to leave.

h First of all, they arrived early and had to sit in the airport

for two hours before the flight.

i Todd liked the rice and grilled tuna, but he didn't care

for the cake of soybeans called tofu.

15 Read this sentence from the passage. Due to being awake during the protracted flight, Todd was exhausted and slept well.

What does protracted mean in the sentence above?

a boring b exciting c long d restful

16 Read this sentence from the passage. Maybe this trip would not be boring after all.

How does this sentence support the theme?

f It tells about the flight to Tokyo. g It explains that it was time to return home. h It shows that Todd enjoys having a good time. i It shows that Todd is changing his mind about the trip.

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Weekly Assessment ? Unit 3, Week 1


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17 What word from the passage means "a type" and is also a word that means "good-hearted or caring"?

a clear b kind c shop d well

18 What changes most about Todd during this passage?

f his actions g his attitude h his affection for Obaasan i how American he seems

19 Read this sentence from the passage. Because the puppets were so large, everything they said and did seemed exaggerated.

What does exaggerated mean in the sentence above?

a magnified b played down c spoken loudly d decreased in size

20 Which of the following is most supportive of the theme of the passage?

f how long the trip to Japan is g Todd's new, enjoyable experiences h Obaasan's efforts to show her affection i the differences between Japan and America


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