Delighting in God’s Word

JANUARY 15, 2019

Hoover Ladies Newsletter

Winter 2019

Delighting in God's Word

Melony Webster

It seems like just yesterday we were putting the finishing touches on 2017, ready for the opportunities and challenges 2018 would bring. Yet here we are. Another year has come and gone. Once again, we find ourselves at the beginning of a new year with new hopes, new dreams, and new resolutions. As a church family, we have resolved to make 2019 a year in which we focus on the word of God. Reading it. Meditating on it. Living it. Our theme verse, Psalm 1:2, describes the one who is truly blessed. ". . . but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night."

When we think of delight, what comes to mind? Whether it's family, friends, career, or simply the sight of a chubby-faced grin that fills our hearts with joy, we all understand what it means to delight in something. In Psalm 1:2, however, the idea of delighting in God's word means more than simply finding pleasure in it. Here, to delight implies "bending toward or being inclined toward" the law of the LORD. When I delight in the word of the LORD, I want to keep it close. I'm drawn to it. I crave it. "Like newborn infants, [we] long for the pure spiritual milk that by it [we] may grow up into salvation" (1 Peter 2:2).

But why? Why should I bend toward God's word? Drawing near to the word of the LORD will direct us, fortify us, and prepare us. A New Year's Day tweet from Beth Moore summed up this idea particularly well: "We may have no idea what's ahead in 2019, but we can know WHO is the Head, seated at the right hand of God."

Part of acknowledging God as our head is allowing him to direct our lives. In the words of Jeremiah, "I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps" (Jeremiah 10:23).

We like to be in charge, but in reality, much of life is beyond our control. No matter how carefully crafted our schedules and plans may be, there will always be surprises--illness, death, job loss, discouragement. When we trust in our own plans, these bumps in the road can completely stop us in our tracks. It's difficult to turn over the reins, to acknowledge that we can't control every detail. But when we're spending time daily meditating on God's word, we come to know him and his spirit helps to draw our will in line with his own.

Psalm 119:105 describes God's word as a "lamp unto my feet and a light to my path." This divine lamp will help to light my way, even when the future seems dark and the way is unclear. When we carry God's word in our hearts, we can move through life boldly, knowing that the LORD himself directs us. Even when we don't know where life's journey will take us, we can be comforted by the knowledge that the LORD is with us every step of the way. "Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9).


Delighting in the law of the LORD will also fortify us. No one can be strong all the time. When we depend on our own strength to carry us through the rough times, we will end up disappointed and defeated. Just one verse beyond our theme verse, we see a beautiful picture of God's strength in the lives of those who delight in his word. "He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does he prospers" (Psalm 1:3).

Have you ever felt like you're withering? As women, we're constantly being pulled in a million different directions. In Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree, we read about a tree who loves a little boy. Throughout that little boy's life, the tree gives and gives to make him happy. Eventually, she has given her leaves, her apples, even her trunk. All that is left of the once strong and healthy tree is a stump in the ground. We are often like this tree, giving and giving until there's nothing left. But when we're firmly planted by the stream of God's word, his living water refreshes our spirits daily, allowing our trees to remain strong, and to produce fruits of righteousness that will benefit not only ourselves, but also those we serve.

Finally, delighting in the word of the LORD prepares us. As Christians, we are daily engaged in a battle. Satan is fighting for our hearts and minds, and he has a mighty arsenal. Without God's word firmly planted in our hearts, our armor is incomplete. The Apostle Paul encourages us to stand against the devil by putting on the whole armor of God, taking up the "sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:17). It is this sword which pierces our hearts and helps us to discern between good and evil (Hebrews 4:12), ultimately helping us to stand firm.

"But I just don't have time. I intend to spend time with the LORD, but something always gets in the way." Does that sound familiar? One of the biggest weapons in Satan's arsenal is "busyness." Satan uses social media and the internet to convince us that everyone else's lives are better than ours, their vacations are more exciting, their marriages are more fulfilling, their homes are more beautiful, even their children are better behaved. The struggle is real. We're constantly pressured to do more, have more, be more. We feel the need to fill our time with activities and obligations to such an extent that it erodes our quiet time with the LORD. Martin Luther once said, "I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer." It's when we're spread so thin that we need time with God the most, time to talk to him in prayer and listen to him through thoughtful meditation on his word.

Let's resolve in 2019 to do away with excuses, making time every day to read and reflect on the word of the LORD. I pray that at the close of 2019, we, like the Psalmist in Psalm 119:97-103, might be able to say, "Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies for it is ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the aged, for I keep your precepts. I hold back my feet from every evil way, in order to keep your word. I do not turn aside from your rules, for you have taught me. How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"



Almighty Father, I thank You graciously for a New Year. I ask You, Lord, to bless my family, as we begin this blessed year with a renewed hope in You.

Lord, I thank You so much for all that You have done for my family and I. Your hand on our lives is so much more than we could ask for. Your blessings are so greatly appreciated.

Bless my resolutions and promises. Give me the strength to carry them through. Fill me with hope, confidence and positivity.

Lord, remind me of my truest values and deepest desires. Help me to live in the goodness that comes from doing what You want me to do.

Help me to put aside anxiety about the future and regret of the past, so that I might live in peace with You now, one day at a time.

In the past year, You have seen my challenges, been saddened by my weaknesses, and rejoiced in my successes. As this New Year commences, let me remember the past year. In so doing, I truly repent of all that has hindered me from abiding in You. Forgive me, for the promises and resolutions I made and never fulfilled.

Forgive me, for the times I neglected prayer and Your word as my focus. Let me recall the things that hindered me from getting closer to You and keeping Your word.

May I come to realize my mistakes and shortcomings and make amends. Help me Lord, to be willing to forgive myself and to forgive others.

Lord, help me to abide by Your words and keep my focus on You. May I be obedient to Your ways and Your will in my life. By this I know You will be with me in all my joys and pain, till the end of time.

May my focus be on love, peace and unity within my family and friends, and foster this peace and unity too with my Christian brethren. May I be guided by Your Holy Spirit as I read Your Word and practice the principles of it in my daily life.

As we could be different from one another, may we always learn to look at our own failings and the depth of our faith before we rebuke another of their faith in You.

May we be slow to anger and condemnation but be swift to respond in love, peace and forgiveness. May unity be our motto and love for one another be our utmost desire in this new year.

Lord, I pray never to be too proud to feel that I am closer to You than any other. Help me understand that You look truly at my heart. You know exactly what I am thinking and doing and I will be judged accordingly in measure of my faith. Help me to always remember that You are closer to those who need You more than the ones who are proud and conceited of Your inheritance.

In this New Year, may all we do bring You Great Glory. As we decrease in fame and vain glory, may You increase in all Praise and Honor and Glory.

Heavenly Father, bless my resolutions for the coming year. May they be in accordance with your will and direction for my life. Bless me with success, health and wisdom. Guide my thoughts and prayers. And help me exercise my faith to bring it all to fruition in 2019.

May my efforts be to sincerely bring many to know You and to believe in the Lord Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life.

May the lost be found, the ones living in darkness come to light through my intercession, outreach, guidance and prayers.

I pray this New Year is blessed with Your presence in all I do as I pray and ask in the blessed name of Jesus, Amen!


fall festival

Ladies day



jewels and friends out to cheer with peyton and emma

Ladies enjoyed a special night at the "her Choice" banquet

another amazing clothing and food pantry for the community




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