
Using a Dictionary and Thesaurus-295275147320WORDS TO KNOW00WORDS TO KNOWDictionary a book that lists words, their definitions, and PronunciationsThesaurus a book that lists synonyms of words.-295275168910REVIEW IT!0REVIEW IT! Read this sentence. Use the Hint to help you figure out the unfamiliar word. Then try to think of another word you could usein its place3676650112395HINT The word sacrifice means to give up something important to you in order to gain something else.0HINT The word sacrifice means to give up something important to you in order to gain something else.Kimani’s father sacrificed a lot in orderto come to this country.-22860060325TRY IT!0TRY IT!Read this passage. As you read, underline any unfamiliar words. Try to figure out what each new word means, and think of another word to use in its place.1. The octopus is known for its eight legs. But having so many legs is not the only remarkable feature of this amazing animal.2. First, an octopus doesn’t really have any legs! It would be more accurate to say that an octopus has eight arms. Also, most octopuses have a soft body with no bones at all. They have no internal skeleton! Sure, there are other animals with no internal skeleton. But what’s surprising about octopuses is that they don’t have a protective exoskeleton, or outer shell, either. The only hard thing on their body is a beak—just like a bird!3. Most animals, including humans, have one heart. But octopuses technically have three hearts. One heart pumps blood through the octopus’s body. The other two pump blood through its gills.4. Here’s one more octopus surprise: Reproducing kills them! Octopuses die shortly after they lay their eggs. They are remarkable creatures, indeed!.Now use the passage to answer the questions.1. Which of the following might a thesaurus list as a word with a similar meaning to remarkable?A. extraordinary B. colorfulC. commonplaceD. related2. In this passage, the word accurate meansA. wrong.B. interesting.C. silly.D. correct.3. In this passage, the word internal meansA. soft.B. inside.C. bones.D. skeleton.4. A thesaurus lists the following synonyms for reproducing. Which BEST fits the meaning of the word as used in paragraph 4?A. copyingB. breedingC. repeatingD. imitating38100252095In Your Own Words00In Your Own Words5. Rewrite paragraph 1 in your own words._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. ................

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